Well hello, Jow Forums! You look thirsty! It is Saturday, you know! How about you come over here and talk about the world politics and crazy shit occuring while enjoying a drink! Please, enjoy yourself. Pop open a whiskey bottle, pour over some ice, relax!
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With that being said, what will it be tonight, lads?

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Gimme a Malibu Pineapple


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I would like to drink a caipirinha please.

You like music? How about som new Elvis music?
Don't say I never gave you anything.

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Admirable request~

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Zima. Haven't had one in years!

Boomer alert!

You dumbass, it came out in the 90s.
Stupid millennial.
Go back to your diversity class and ask the teacher to explain generational labels to you.

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It's ok, we don't judge here

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STFU and get real friends u pathetic retrograde

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5:40 is classy

I have acid reflux I can’t drink alcohol otherwise I am going to get massive heartburn that feels like a heart attack. Awful experience :/

That is how I was last week. It's bad because I'm a straight whiskey drinker. What do you drink?

What's your finest redpill

just got back entertaining my folks for the evening. kinda beat. just having a cheap merlot and a cigarette.

>Whisky over ice
Jesus you fucks really are uncivilised arent you?

AZT drug causes aids. HIV alone is said not to kill its victim unless said victim is said to consume the AZT drug.

Six million Jews were never killed in WW2 and a holocaust never happened during WW2.

The earth is flat and there is a dome above the clouds. Antarctica is holding something secret that the rest of society doesn't know of.

Plane engines run on air and not on fuel.

If you're not drinking scotch, it is a perfectly fine thing to do.

Jhoooonny - do you know how hard it is nowadays to find a normal white girlfriend material?
Give me two more shots plz.

In the bayou maybe...

Thank you

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just butt chug it bro. No heartburn and 3x the alcohol poisoning.

Singapore Sling, please.

That's a big one. Gotta get me somethin' to wash that down.

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A gentleman does not buttchug, sir. This is the Gentleman's Club.

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im thirsty op, wheres my drink?!

Just a whiskey please

whiskey, neat

i'll have a mezcal negroni, Up.

this gentlemans club fucking sucks, op.

I apologize, what would you like?

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What do you have with regards to bubbly and the green fairy. I am feeling a death in the afternoon.

Singapore Sling, please.

Please enjoy

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Nigga not every whisk(e)y needs to be straight. Drinking for a tasting? No ice. Drinking socially? Ice if you want.

I'll have a vodka tonic OP

>mezcal negroni, Up.

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Is that before or after you add the dash of soda and the umbrella?

Black velvet chased with natty ice. Get some

please, enjoy and be safe.

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Cheers m8.

How bout them refugees huh?

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As requested

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mmmm, thanks op. Did you know this was Jim Morison's favorite drink?

what are you, gay?

Whiskey Ginger

A disgusting abomination organized by the Jews who wish to destroy society as we know it...sad.

Chilled to perfection

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How is Hibiki? I always wanted to try it.

I didn't know that! Thank you for the fun fact, user :)

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One of my roommates had a bottle sitting on our booze shelf and I never tried it. He's since moved out. Sucks.

Personally I have a bottle, and I have many Japanese whiskeys. I will be honest and say my bottle is still in its box, and because it costed me a pretty penny, I will only truly find out when a special occasion comes, as for Suntory Whiskey in general, the company truly knows how to make a gentleman's drink.

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No I buttchugged a six pack before I came in, just want something smooth now


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$24 a glass, worth every penny.

Pour me some forty Creek please.

Jim morrison died of alcoholism.
What else is on your shopping list, hitler brand bullets?

what's up with this breast feeding in public that woman are absolutely desperate to do? And parents changing their kids diapers two feet away from people? my friends do this all the time. is it the assburgers?

Enjoying my Moon man. anyone have drunk pepe memes?

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Thank you

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Laphroaig. Neat.

As for your bartender tonight, I am personally enjoying Toki Whiskey. Chilled.

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I saw it at a bar in St. Pete and wanted to look into it more, it must be expensive huh?

I don't have an issue with thee breastfeeding thing, but what kinda of fuckin animal doesn't go to the bathroom to change their kid's diaper? Wtf do they think those pull out trays with the koala bear on them are for?

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Barkeep where is my "A Death in the Afternoon"

It is after all the drink of papa Hemingway himself

Sucks to hear man.

I imagine you saying this like Mort from family Guy.

Excellent request

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What do you predict the price of silver and gold to finish out the year at?

fucking kek. They are attention whores, user. They are just waiting for someone to also scream "gross" so they can go full autistic.

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I'm sorry, my mistake can I get another with some mint? I'll still drink this one. How's the bar today?

I always assumed drunk girls

Got any rum good sir?

Of course, sir.

The bar, at first, was quite slow due to other serious and interesting threads to steal the spotlight, but beyond that, central US time midnight always brings these threads to a full audience as most anons cling to their bottles around this time.

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For me to make you a recommendation, may I ask. Spiced or not spiced?

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A Death in the Afternoon?

Navy spiced sir, Pusser's if you got it.

Unique request. Thank you.

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Thank you, enjoy.

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an old fashioned please

I'll take an old fashioned. While you're at it, got any happening predictions?

Twins, I suppose?!

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Thanks friend. Thoughts on those right wing Jews? Still not sure what to make of them.

if you're an American join Identity Evropa and you can drink with your chapter irl

Exist to forge a new generation of Israel dick sucking neo-cons

Predictions? As far as predictions go, I believe that we should expect the Federal Government to announce new regulations to local militias whom cause violence towards one another due to recent violent clashes gaining spiraling negativity.
Prediction of course~

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Nothing more than sleeper cells wanting to wait to gain respect from the higher ups to strike when the iron becomes hot.

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black and tan

Please stock guinness and bass unlike every numale bar in existence.

Please learn how to pour one so I don't have to show you like every numale bartender in existence.

Makes sense, can't ever lose sight of them shifty bastards. Take care friend, keep the change and I'll be back next Saturday.

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I don't even work here, but thanks.

It will be a cold day in hell when this bar doesn't know how to make the infamous black and tan, my friend. I personally love this drink very much.

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We are now friends, and I would unironically tip you 20 dollars.

Of course ;)

Go buy yourself another round then friend, fuck if I care.

Thank you


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thx bby

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You are a nice gentleman to offer that man to another drink. His second one will be on the house because of you.

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nice bar music

Just an FYI, your bartender is now almost drunk. Just saying~

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Drinks from bars and restaurants is a fucking rip off. Talk about getting cucked