Russia has Mobile Nuclear Platforms

And they probably have the technology to find your submarines. They can pinpoint your nuclear arsenal while you will have no means of retaliating with the same precision.

>hurr durr mutual destruction
Russians are strong and can afford to lose a few cities. Also they have the only functioning anti missile shield system in the world.
You will lose everything on the other hand.

Your depraved Satanic empire will soon be doomed. I hope Putin captures Trump alive and sends him to Guantanamo where he can lose a few pounds.

Attached: 1280px-SS-25_Sickle_in_Siberia.jpg (1280x914, 486K)

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Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch, this post is naive as hell.

Good one homie

>Russians are strong and can afford to lose a few cities.
Too many megaton missiles aimed at Moscow, the city will be destroyed, 8% of the population of Russia dies an agonizing death, 40% of the nation welath is lost over 60% of Russia's military command and control is there, even the underground tunnels aren't safe from the bunker busters any more.

Putin constantly threatening the world with nuclear annihilation is insane. Not to mention Russia's long history of tragic missile failures means it will suffer more friendly fire than anything else.

Attached: mine disarming - level Russia.png (450x479, 401K)

>Russia doesn't have the capability to utterly annihilate the US and Europe at once

Attached: 1494234823524.png (645x773, 253K)

25% of all russians live in moscow

also checked

the nukes are already in place in the cities. the missiles and missile defense are a revenue stream.

Attached: nsb4.jpg (350x270, 19K)

>Russia has Mobile Nuclear Platforms

Yes, I take it you didn't know that. Russia has these platforms because they are a First Strike strategy country. The presumption on their part has always been that they would strike first. And mobile launchers are a First Strike platform.

>And they probably have the technology to find your submarines.

No they do not.

>They can pinpoint your nuclear arsenal

Land/Silo based ICBM? Yes, they can. Actually you can pinpoint them yourself if you like. It really isn't a secret. Bombers (not in air) are the same. Sub bases are also not a secret.

Bombers in the air, Subs at sea, are all functionally invulnerable.

>while you will have no means of retaliating with the same precision.

Actually we do, far more so actually.

>yuo call russia weak?

Attached: russianface.gif (314x303, 42K)

>Also they have the only functioning anti missile shield system in the world.

Forgot to address this. This is also a strictly First Strike system. Nobody is targeting cities on a First Strike. Those targets are things that launch nukes and things that tell nukes to launch. Cities, such as Moscow, are what you strike as a retaliatory target.