Prove you're not a boomer

what's this called?

Attached: 846437364.jpg (500x321, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Viral marketing

I used reverse image search to find out, that should be proof enough.

joule vape

The monolith?

That's the container that mechanical pencil leads come in

>Prove you're not a boomer
No one care about the Kremlin's boomer memes anymore. Or the millennial memes.

cigar clipper







a jewish vibrator

thats a jewel vaporizer
pretty dank shit senpai i hit it all the time while winning fortnite

A usb?


Some kind of plastic thing.

Viral marketing.

Nigger beater.

A circumciser 3000

No. It's a European cigarettes lighter.

Oh, that's what we call "a naked attempt to bring back cartomizers after Blu and NJOY met lackluster success, only now marketed to teenagers". They're pretty shit, desu. Get a stealth mod.

A fag stick

Flash diskquette

Zip disquette?

I saw a young man standing outside a building with a plume of smoke. I asked him if I could bum a smoke. He showed me something like that but it was more round. It looked like a pen light style flashlight LOL. He didn't have an extra one. Apparently you can repack them. Anyway, I can't remember the name. Sorry.

It's not one of these.

Attached: fingerbox-ay-o.jpg (512x582, 56K)

>implying %60 of Jow Forums isn’t juul addicted zoomers

Attached: Screenshot-6.png (1920x1080, 691K)

a flash drive?

an aids test?

An "Eusebio"

That's the Washington Monument


idk what it is.

Guess i'm a boomer.


Attached: boomer.png (380x349, 70K)

Attached: Screenshot-7.png (1920x1080, 2.11M)

It's a finger box

I used to see this shits and their around my university all the fucking time
Horribly addictive shit. Idk if any of you are vapefags but it's basically the equivalent of getting 50mg nicotine juice

Universal serial bus thumb stick also known as a flash drive. Which refers to it's use of a solid state hard drive.

60% of any given group doesnt need to exist.

USB stick with my presentation on it

that's a tv remote retard


Attached: Screenshot-8.png (1920x1080, 1.45M)

USB drive

absolute waste
mine would have been better

it's stubby opener

are you guys serious ahaha
when i make a serious thread i get 3 replies but when i post garbage it gets replies wow

Flash drive?

Based Dane

Joule vape

i'm a boomer but even i know.

Attached: vapepe.png (500x300, 160K)

maybe you post garbage you fart knocker.

nigger stick

Pax Labs brings in Deezer’s Tyler Goldman as new CEO ...
Aug 22, 2016 · Pax Labs, the folks responsible for the Ploom and the Juul and the Pax loose-leaf vaporizer, have today announced some leadership changes. Former Deezer CEO Tyler Goldman will be taking over as CEO, and Pax co-founder James Monsees will …
>Pax Labs brings in Deezer’s Tyler Goldman as new CEO ...
Aug 22, 2016 · Pax Labs, the folks responsible for the Ploom and the Juul and the Pax loose-leaf vaporizer, have today announced some leadership changes. Former Deezer CEO Tyler Goldman will be taking over as CEO, and Pax co-founder James Monsees will …
Pax Labs brings in Deezer’s Tyler Goldman as new CEO ...
Aug 22, 2016 · Pax Labs, the folks responsible for the Ploom and the Juul and the Pax loose-leaf vaporizer, have today announced some leadership changes. Former Deezer CEO Tyler Goldman will be taking over as CEO, and Pax co-founder James Monsees will …
Pax Labs brings in Deezer’s Tyler Goldman as new CEO ...
Aug 22, 2016 · Pax Labs, the folks responsible for the Ploom and the Juul and the Pax loose-leaf vaporizer, have today announced some leadership changes. Former Deezer CEO Tyler Goldman will be taking over as CEO, and Pax co-founder James Monsees will …

boomer tier insult

Suck a my zoomer dick niggers
Kek is on my side

Suck my zoomer dick niggers
Kek is on my side

No one uses clutch pencils anymore

A slide rule

piece of a swingline stapler

>Prove you're not a boomer
>what's this called?
Juul Vape Pen
>tfw I'm 75yo

Attached: JUUL-Vapor-Starter-Kit.jpg (891x496, 55K)

A toaster?

USB drive

Attached: FE5F5D1C-7088-4642-8A68-792028A83F04.png (640x480, 783K)


Deezer my nutz

A belt?

A stripper clip

I have no idea. It might run on electricity.

Attached: Newseed2.jpg (288x376, 34K)


only because there are hardly any smart people left in the world

In which case you're not a boomer. Not sure what that would make you. Greatest Gen?

robot dick

I have no idea what that is

I use a blu instead

The Nicotine Salt Jew

You did not ask what the presentation is about.

Silent Generation
I still speak up occasionally anyway.

Attached: generations.png (573x387, 19K)


dick stick

Literally cancer.

Attached: b581b99615db9a61a22a540ae044deef.jpg (1280x1280, 449K)

A tiny USB?

i dont give a fuck kys retard

Quick question: is hearthstone a boomer game?

Attached: Fuck AI.jpg (1920x1080, 71K)

Have you sucked off a JEWl today, goyem?

Attached: catsmokeem.jpg (500x384, 61K)


It's not that bad, you don't get the full 50 mg, it never all enters your bloodstream because...reasons. I don't remember the explanation I heard, but there was science and stuff.

no u

I'm only 45 and I have no idea what this is.
Anyone who does probably never dialed into a BBS on a 300 baud modem where the operator had to manually put the phone reciever in the cradle when you called.

Robot benis


Electronic Cigarette, my wife's son La'Darius uses his all the time.

I love using my set.

Mouth fedora.

A space straw.

A slide thread


vaping is for faggots

that's a new one on me, keep up the good work old timer