
>before/after crisis oic circulating social medias

quick rundown on whats happening there?

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Socialism at its finest


Why isnt china starving if socialism is so evil?

All the women who work the street in Colombia come from vanezuela. It's brutal.. i won't how shitty it is there that this is a good escape.

I guess the Venezuelan form of socialism is good for the wasteline.

not real socialism

They are. Stop looking at Hong Kong which is the least communist place in China

Dude it's so bad over there the people are eating dogs and cats. Not just cows and shit.

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china has free market zones.

Literally half the population was killed off and now everyone outside of Shenghai lives on GMO Monsanto rice.

It never is


no its not

Before and after socialism

At least the cashier dude lost the beer belly.

I'm trying to see an upside here and stay positive...

they are but not as much due to liberalizing into state capitalism.

This is a fair question. I would suggest that China isn't really socialist. It has successful business where some folks are allowed to succeed. It has great access to resources. It has a manufacturing base the can supply the world with cheap shit. It's just in a better position than Venezuela. But it's a good question and I'd like to hear the opinions of folks smarter than I.

They were until Mao opened their doors to the US in 1972 to avoid complete collapse.

Literally nobody will answer you.
Vietnam is straight communist and they're eating French Fries in McDonald's on Dien Bein Phu Blvd.

Venezuela is getting crushed under authoritarianism.

Attached: Dien-Bien-Phu-boulevard-mcdonalds.png (470x394, 123K)

Not sure if sarcastic or sincere because of Leaf flag.

China went from being the breadbasket of Asia to a net importer of food. Just wait for their paper economy to collapse and you'll see china starving like they were in the mao days

Is socialism the best national diet?

he looks good

How does any non-african country in this day and age suffer from mass starvation and food shortages?

Venezuelans literally live in an equatorial paradise with lush forests and plains. They could build enough fields to feed their entire population ten times over.
Are they really this stupid and incompetent?


>The Great Leap Forward (Chinese: 大跃进; pinyin: Dà Yuèjìn) of the People's Republic of China (PRC) was an economic and social campaign by the Communist Party of China (CPC) from 1958 to 1962. The campaign was led by Chairman Mao Zedong and aimed to rapidly transform the country from an agrarian economy into a socialist society through rapid industrialization and collectivization. However, it is commonly considered to have caused the Great Chinese Famine.


Literally everyone has answered said commie larper, faggot.

>>eating Mcdonalds
>> ''full communist''


commie flags are be biggest fucking retards and their knowledge of history only goes 5 minutes into the past.

Attached: nixon-and-mao-open-china-to-capitalist-trade-1970s.jpg (600x350, 71K)

It's Communist.
It just made its President static and the Communist Party runs shit.
A mix of Capitalism and Communism is Socialism.

GOD don't play

Proverb 28:9, “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.”

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Thank you imperialism!

Communist party wanted to use Socialism
Aren't liberals always trying to tell us these two things aren't connected

Because it stopped being socialist and encouraged its people to seek wealth. Its own government even warns students going abroad not to listen to Western socialists.

lol China is almost an cap. They lie and call it some crazy new form of communism, but it's free market values with supply and demand.

Price controls.

>Inflation starts happening
>Government says you can't sell stuff for more than X to stop inflation
>Now you aren't making enough money to spend to order more products, because their price went up and you can't raise yours
>Stuff in your area/country is unnaturally cheap
>People buy shitloads of stuff and then sell it illegally for a profit
>Your store has to buy toilet paper stocks for $3, only allowed to charge $2.50 for toilet paper and has no toilet paper to sell anymore, guy with a truck outside your store is selling toilet paper for $5 a roll, and people are buying those rolls, driving to Columbia, and selling them for $7. No one in your country has any toilet paper to use.

China is state capitalism not socialism.

So Vietnam says it's Communist and you don't believe them?
You should see who owns that McDonald's you moronic child.
Democrats in America are commies, but actual declared communist countries aren't. Are you one of these faggots who question why Bernie Sanders is rich?

State capitalist. Hardly 'socialist' or at least what it was intended to be. Where the government "who represents the people" protects coporations more and allows workers to be treated like ants in a colony.

Does ban sound good to you?

China isn't real socialism, Venezuela is.

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>State Capitalism =/= Socialism

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the reason for the famine is hilarious. mao ordered that all sparrows be killed, and the Chinese did a pretty good job of it. left without a predator, insects destroyed all of the crops

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That's not even the same guy lmfao what did he do, sell the paint off his shelves? Fuckin fake news

Trump created tariffs for farmers = pure socialism (piciking winners and losers).

Trump plans to spend $21 billion to bail out the farmers hurt by his tariffs = soviet-style communism (free money to fake economy).

Grow up.

Venezuelan here user.

So basically in the 80s and early 90s Venezuela was doing fucking fantastic except it hit a little bit of a recession and the big oil execs and American companies were blamed because they were unaffected while many native venezuelans suffered. The government at the time was headed by an older gent and there had been corruption scandals.

so around the mid 90s Chavez heads a coup and is arrested, gaining him national attention and he campaigns as a populist with alot of socialist/peoples' rhetoric.

he is elected in 99 and creates a new constitution which solidifies his power

throughout the 2000s he slowly nationalizes many industries to pay for the majority of his welfare programs (housing, food, education) and this makes him hugely popular.

around 2012 -13 he dies and maduro takes power.

Subsequently the price of oil drops and Maduro and the Chavistas can't afford the gibs.

Instead of honoring peoples' elections, Maduro doubles down on the police state and makes his buddies and his generals rich.

thats about it user. I really wish the Bolivarian people could unite and oust this fucker and put in a free market loving libertarian.

"State Capitalism"


>It's not REAL ________
is such a shit nonresponse used by too many people about too many things.

>tfw my post isn't really an actual post though

Yes why can’t we all live like the Chinese.

>Buzz Bees in id



You're a high level retard.
You're basically saying that two self-declared Communist countries (China & Vietnam) whose both ruling parties are the Communist Party, AREN'T Communist because in your tiny mind, communism doesn't work so you have to invent a spot how it does - "State Capitalist."


Mao Zedong
Ho chi Minh

Go read some books.

Are you retarded?
Venezuela's situation is pretty much the fault of Chavez alone. He gambled his entire country's success and future on the viability of the petroleum industry, rather than diversifying and creating backup plans in the event that global oil prices fell.

When the prices did fall, so did the economy. What he did was pretty much the equivalent if your father gambled away your college funds and life savings at Vegas so that he could get a new and shiny sports car.

This is why the CIA loves to meddle in the affairs of you spics. You subhumans are too stupid to plan for long term events and possibilities. Chile is a first world nation because the CIA was the most intrusive and ambitious with influencing that nation.

It is

>>So Vietnam says it's Communist and you don't believe them?

Yes,you naive faggot.

>>You should see who owns that McDonald's you moronic child.

Many McDonalds are ''independently owned and operated" in America as well dumbass profits still go to the corporation .Otherwise they wouldn't bother opening there faggot.

>>Democrats in America are commies, but actual declared communist countries aren't. Are you one of these faggots who question why Bernie Sanders is rich?

Many are closted however the growing DSA faction is openly. Communism has never existed ever and the step that would supposedly lead to it 'socialism' has failed leading countries to liberalize like china and vietnam or face total collapse like the USSR or as we see now Venezuela.

Only faggot here is you and its nothing but faggotry to ignore hypocrisy from many self proclaimed socialist bitching about personal wealth yet not leading by example.

As a footnote in China's history, this is like slavery is in American history?

Millions had to suffer for eventual prosperity. You would think a slave-loving racist bunch of fuckfaces like Jow Forums would understand that.

If early USA had a "Great Leap Forward" that led to this current day, you losers would be its biggest cheerleaders. Fucking Jow Forums always forgetting they're the bad guys. Kek.

>Venezuela's situation is pretty much the fault of Chavez alone.

Yeah I never defended/promoted Chavez's economic platform, merely giving the rundown.

Spare me your retarded simpleton explanation that I already don't know.

>This is why the CIA loves to meddle in the affairs of you spics.

Literally kill yourself you retarded kike.

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>Why isnt china starving if socialism is so evil?
They are not widely socialist. State owned enterprises only account for 3 percent of the businesses. The party does have control of key strategic industries, but allows almost unlimited entrepreneurship. They do have absolute control of speech, assembly, and other civil liberties. So they are only fractionally socialist. Fully communist on politics/social front.

Next he can lose 20 lbs by eating his own leg.

Maybe Asians are smart enough too implement it correctly? I mean can't trust a nigger or spic to do anything right

Communism be definition was a classless 'stateless' society that would eventually be achieved via socialism. Never worked out that way. So again 'communist' in name only but in principal.

It's a good diet.

>Yeah I never defended/promoted Chavez's economic platform, merely giving the rundown.
>Spare me your retarded simpleton explanation that I already don't know.
You are making excuses for his retardation and your people's overall stupidity.

>Literally kill yourself you retarded kike.
I hate neocons and kikes, but their effects on South America is literally the only good thing they have done for the world, foreign policy-wise.

Chile would be starving and retarded like your dumbass country if it wasn't for the CIA removing Allende and putting Pinochet in power. Just admit that CIA colonialism and subversion has been beneficial for latin america.

Pic related

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There was a time when the US got sanctioned, just like the US is doing to North Korea right now.

During the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) imposed an embargo against the United States in retaliation for the U.S. decision to re-supply the Israeli military and to gain leverage in the post-war peace negotiations. Arab OPEC members also extended the embargo to other countries that supported Israel including the Netherlands, Portugal, and South Africa. The embargo both banned petroleum exports to the targeted nations and introduced cuts in oil production. Several years of negotiations between oil-producing nations and oil companies had already destabilized a decades-old pricing system, which exacerbated the embargo’s effects.

The US responded by price controls, which led to shortages. It happened here.

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Thanks for proving you're as dumb as you fucking sound.
The McDonald's in Vietnam is owned by the top SON of the Communist Party (privately owned. HAHA). As a dumbfuck Trumpcuck I'd expected you to grasp it early.
You're a poorfag for a reason, because you never learned anything.
This is America where "socialism" describes Stalinism, minimum wage, paid sick days, ObamaCare, unions... It's a useless word thrown around by losers like you who will never learn.
Enjoy poverty.

>> aS a FoOtNoTe iN cHiNa'S hIsToRy..

Except the US didnt kill 80 million niggers. Not even arabs killed that much during their longer expanse of the arab slave trade and they had higher mortality rate of nigs due to low survival rate of penile and testicular castration.

You're talking about a country where 500 mil still hunt cane rats to survive.

>State owned enterprises only account for 3 percent of the businesses


Those businesses are "privately owned" by high-ranking members of the Communist Party or their family members. Fucking hell, do some research.
You guys think Trump plays 56D chess? Wew.

>You are making excuses for his retardation and your people's overall stupidity.

I'm not, I was simply giving the rundown. I have always been vehemently anti-socialist. Are you that fucking dense?
Chavez nationalized industry and used the oil money to pay for the welfare programs. this made him extremely popular. This is a fact. how the fuck is that so hard to understand?

>Chile would be starving and retarded like your dumbass country if it wasn't for the CIA removing Allende and putting Pinochet in power. Just admit that CIA colonialism and subversion has been beneficial for latin america.

>Just admit that CIA colonialism and subversion has been beneficial for latin america.

>Just admit

Nigger I was never disagreeing with this. I would actually love a CIA intervention right about now. Sphere of influence is a thing and South America never had a chance to get their shit tight because of american business influence. i'm not saying this is a bad thing, but it is the reason for the way things are. not your shitty "muh subhuman" argument. You just say that shit to feel better about yourself while riding the coattails of your ancestors.

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>America was built on cottonballs
>northern Yankees were basically cavemen in comparison to the highly industrialized technoslavelords of the south!

>Millions had to suffer for eventual prosperity
they really didn't though. mao was just a retard that had the sparrows killed

Fucking retard alert. To be rich is to be glorious. China is communist in name only. It is in reality a one party dictatorship.

>Trump created tariffs for farmers = pure socialism (piciking winners and losers).

Tariffs are socialism now? Lol. It’s called protecting your workers and industry. A government doesn’t have an obligation to another country but it has an obligation to its people.

And bailouts are by definition not socialism.

I'd say the exact same to you if you think Nepotism equals communism. Faggot.

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He looks better now.

A rose, is a rose, is a rose.

>The McDonald's in Vietnam is owned by the top SON of the Communist Party
Nepotism is not the same thing as state control.

wait so what stops that from happening here?

Trump Jr. might as well own all of the US McDonalds if we ever implemented communism.

China has a 50% poverty rate you retard


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They call it "The Maduro Diet"
every-fucking-body lost a lot of weight

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Can concur am Monsanto. Speaking of which the GMO food is in response to whats happening and not causing it. You food niggers are as bad as sjws with all the fear mongering. Things are changing we need to adapt.

man, leafs are the niggers of Jow Forums
so dumb and stupid

They've long since liberalized into state capitalism, but they still have literally millions of people at severe starvation risk, especially inland. They have a very severe product distribution problem that the west generally doesn't have. They're a lot like the Soviet Union in that respect.

is this the new North American diet???

I bet ur hungry


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I thought being a non-gmo idiot was one of the foundational pillars of SJW-hood. Always hilarious to see those types pretend that they're the rational pro-science people.

Think what socialism could do for the overweight problem plaguing america.


it is a socialist country that is also anti-jew and nationalist

and it is winning against USA all efforts to stop it!!!

FUCK OFF subverted goys!
you idiots just getting Jewed more and more by every minute!!!
Do you think they didn't programmed you to say that? (to say, socialism and have a rush of dopamine to think you are just clever and now stuff!)


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>This is why the CIA loves to meddle in the affairs of you spics. You subhumans are too stupid to plan for long term events and possibilities. Chile is a first world nation because the CIA was the most intrusive and ambitious with influencing that nation.
Which is funny considering shitlibs always blame American interventions for South American countries being poor.

>current China
jesus fucking christ you people

>Speaking of which the GMO food is in response to whats happening and not causing it.

response to what?

the huge explosion in population of nonwhites who dont give a shit about what weird or gross shit is involved with their food?

>Great Leap Forward

You know the commies beat you in Vietnam right


The fuckin irony