

nick, thank you


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great job nick!

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To be fair, defamation of property with a swastika of all fucking things is a terrible way to get people on your side. whoever does shit like that really needs to get a sales job.

The eternal boomer

Thanks Nick. Graffiti is degenerate anyway.

>whoever does shit like that really needs to get a sales job.
Hmmm yeah I wonder who does this.

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True boomber

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Pretty sure they already have a sales job

The absolute state of whites in America. Pathetic.

>actually taking the time to manufacture this to post on social media for good goy points
This is the most pathetic attention seeking shit ever

>The absolute state of whites in America
He's neither.

Why are swastikas so fucking hard to draw?

>Crack open a monster
Yep, that'll shoe 'em

Just reverse the order of the pictures and send evidence of this antisemitic act to the ADL.

>He’s interested in getting (you)s on social media rather than covering it up
>H-here’s a pic of me and my can of paint, I’m a shabbos goy

Didn't know they make monsters that big

Based Nick.

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This mental illness of theirs needs to end

I have made a twitter safe version

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*cracks monster*

yea, psh, totally took care of those nazis. we have some based black men around gotta stay vigilant


gotta remember to donate to israel

>using nigger culture to express pro-white sentiment
What did he mean by this?

>nose shadow is the same
honestly better that way

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I think that graffiti is awful just because of how the fucking awful way the writing goes through it

So, he feigned a neo nazi/Buddhist supremacist?

Someone needs to go through his Twitter and see if there's any hand written notes by Nick. Match up the letters to the ones on the wall, especially the y's. If it's a match, you found your neo nazi.


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oh wow, he has the same shirt as that guy. what a coincidence

lol k

Guy doesn't know that Johnny Cash was a huge racist lolol

>backwards swastika

good job on teaching these niggers a lesson

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He's standing in front of a mirror idiot

It doesn't surprise me that a retarded, self loathing faggot hates punctuation. Just like a nigger, always doing half jobs.

Somebody in the comments mentioned that it was the left handed version of the swastika and I remember him holding the bucket of paint with his left hand. Also, the fact that it's obviously been done with a ruler and "racest"? Come on. Besides graffiti is nigger tier and has no place in national socialism. Boomer shabbos goy was more than happy to oblige all of the nigger bbq's and squatemalan taco parties in the comments as well.

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that's why the words are all facing the right way

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Made the ebil nazi put the paper in his printer upside-down when creating his spray paint stencil

unedited version

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fuck anyone who says your a racest because
you are be a and you race
proud to be white person the white out
love scream it and proud world wide

haha nice, was about to do the same but you beat me to it.

take away the lips

You can always tell when a Jew did the Swastika, they always do it facing the wrong way.

>*crack* *sip* yep that's what one of them scary nazi boys would be sayin'

That's not a swatika it's going the wrong direction..

place the 2x small pics on the left

Why is the swastika always wrong, don't these fake hate-crime hoaxers have any craftsmanship or artistic integrity?

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I think Jews are superstitious and think they're doing something of a sin to put it the right way.
That's how its always obvious who drew it, every Nazi Larp or not knows which way to do it.

He painted the swastika himself you retard

We've truly become the jews

The fucking base coat under the graffiti gives this false flag away even more than the sad attempt to portray nazis as retard by drawing the swastika backwards and niggerspeak.

He gets points from me for using a strait edge and tracing over his pencil outline .


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I never thought of that before, but I bet you're right. They're probably superstitious about writing the symbol.

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It's a fake hate crime newfag, lurk moar.

Attached: hey rabbi.webm (480x360, 2.97M)

That's what it takes, our generation will need to look into the abyss, it's hands will need to become filthy, morality a thing that is shed for the sake of advantage.

With luck, our generation will be the last that needs to do that. Or maybe just the last generation that had a chance at living in a sane world.

Wow that was such a powerful VirtueSignal(tm)!

I bet nick is literally rolling in twitter pussy right now

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I honestly believe that they are so stupid that they don't realize that it's possible to draw it backwards.

lmao. This is perfect

If you draw it backwards, its hindu/buddhist. No one with any seriousness about Natsoc would draw it wrong, if they drew it at all. We don't tag up private property like niggers. 90% of the time that kind of shit is a hoax meant to get shekels for a patreon or do insurance fraud.

He used the same paint for a base coat? What a fucking retard.

>You can always tell when a Jew did the Swastika, they always do it facing the wrong way
I think they do it on purpose. They fear the swastika. It is like Voldemort to them, the symbol that must not be drawn. So they draw the mirror image instead.

>Sharpie mark on his hand
He drew the damn swastika himself for virtue signalling points

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This would make for an entertaining image

yeah, he is a leftie, makes sense, you can see the drag marks on the wall where the thumb rested on the fresh ink.

The biggest "Hey Rabbi" of all time remains the work of Michael Kadar. He did hundreds of them, paid by the Jewish Community Centers themselves for the purpose of sucking up your tax money when they claim they need money for "security". One guy did 10% of the entire country's so-called "hate-crimes". The FBI is so corrupt, they didn't even put out an arrest warrant for his father who was obviously involved. He's still relaxing in the Zionist entity, thumbing his nose at the United States, his country of birth.

As a side note, can anyone find a picture of him without his face being covered up? There is a serious blackout of his pictures online.

Among Jewish circles, it became known that a Jewish Community Center could put in an order for a death threat to go their way. Once they got the death-threat, they complained to the local government that they need money for "security". Well, that money, which was in the millions could be spent any way they want, because it wasn't tracked once it got into the bank account of the JCC's. Basically this was a huge scam on an international scale. This little turd even got airplanes forced out of the sky with his threats. Notice the way he would call up a different JCC each time? That way he was giving each and every one of them an excuse to ask for tax money (which is really YOUR wages).

What a horrible bunch of scammers, and Hitler was right when he said that if they ever got their own country in Palestine, they'd only use it as a refuge to escape punishment that they would otherwise be subjected to if they stayed in the country that they committed offenses.

Any crime they want to do, and "Israel" will accept them in.

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whites hate themselves and each other

Ohh Nick. Learn how swastika look before you try false flag virtue signaling for likes. I bet if we let nick write same letters it would be similar. It is all tiresome.

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