>Otto Warburg discovered the metabolism of cancer cells in the 1920's and early 1930's >He received the Nobel prize for Medicine in 1931 >The U.S. Cancer Act, which makes it illegal for doctors to offer alternative treatment regarding cancer inducing chemotherapy, was passed in 1939 >the cancer industry, which is wholly in the hands of jews and their shills, makes billions and billions of dollars every year >trolls on the internet misrepresent Warburg's discovery by spreading more or less irrelevant bullshit about alkaline versus acidic blood levels >in reality, it is about the shutting down of mitochondria, which makes it unable for cancer cells to commit apoptosis, when the cancer cells are dividing too rapidly
If this thread gets enough replies, I'll share an easy solution that is available for all huwhite males on Earth.
Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.
Ok, appearantly the kikes and their shills aren't interested in curing cancer, but I'll give this one to you, my based huwhite burger bro.
What you want is to reactive the mitochondria. Why? Because cancer cells, that divide too rapidly, commit suicide (apoptosis) when their mitochondria are activated again.
How to reactivate mitochondria?
Indian spices, particularly a combination of black pepper and long pepper (skip the curcumin). If you didn't know, the cancer rates in India are near zero.
Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.
Well fellow bad goys, our universities have officially been taken over by culteral marxism. I was censored by my professor today for telling the truth. He was shilling kike propganda like a good goy, so respectfully raised my hand and redpilled him about the holohoax. THen he started calling me an anti-Semite, and all tghe good goys in the classroom joined in so I had no choice but to back down. I'm pretty sure I actually heard him say shut it down into a hidden mic. I thought colleges were about learning new ideas but I guess I was wrong.
Kayden Wood
Can we get some bump in here?
Isaiah Taylor
So you suck out a liter of your body fat, spin the mitochondria out and inject just the mitochondria into the cancerous area?
Eli Carter
WTF cancer is extremely low in India and Japan. It could be the curry after all.
>if you give me enough temporary attention on this paraguayan macrame research hotline i'll share the cure for cancer
Lincoln Wright
>the cancer rates in India are near zero. Every tumorous mutant freak that looks like he was born in a nuclear testing field comes from India, the hell are you talking about?
Luke Howard
He didn't ask for bitcoin or dick pics so I am good with it.
Blake Young
Aren't different cancers treated differently, how is there a cure-all?
Christian Hall
>>in reality, it is about the shutting down of mitochondria, which makes it unable for cancer cells to commit apoptosis, when the cancer cells are dividing too rapidly >mitochondria Mother fucker remember the last time we went to war with mitochondria? youtube.com/watch?v=PM2cBVf9XJs
>Cancer is a metabolic disease - that means that you are poisoned and develop a response to that poisoning by developing tumours.
Hunter Myers
I have cancer btw
Kevin Baker
That’s just inbreeding
Grayson Peterson
>Only concrete, objective, factual information matters. >Only concrete, objective, factual information matters. >Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.
Ian White
Cancer can't live in an oxygen rich environment.
Ryan Ross
You can cure cancer by just drinking vegetable juice. For reals. It's all a scam
Levi Phillips
I would guess is eat a high fat diet without too much protein and carbs. That way you force yourself into keto.
Jacob Powell
Come on, OP, let's hear it
Levi Gomez
>The U.S. Cancer Act >The U.S. >U.S. So why don’t other countries study it and figure it out?
Chase Harris
All cancers are fundamentally the same. That's why we refer to them as cancer(s).
Josiah Gray
Lemons, baking soda, probiotics, hydrogen peroxide etc. Many ways to cure cancer but enjoy vomiting blood because you trust kikes. I mean why else would they force you to get chemo it's not contagious.
Caleb Reed
So why different chemos for different cancers? How tf will Indian spices pass the blood brain barrier for brain cancer patients. Of course not all cancers are the same, hence different treatment methods.
Aaron Robinson
My father works for a large drug company that specializes in immunotherpy. They take the white blood cells, t-cells specifically, out of the patient and program the cells to attack cancer cells with a specific antigen. They then inject the t-cells back in the body. Otto is a retard.
Ian Sanders
Probiotics for those who are immunodeficient (cancer patients) will only make things worse
Isaac Gutierrez
Tell him to cure me
Ryan Taylor
What kind of cancer do you have, user?
Alexander Garcia
that posted quote is gibberish and doesn't mean anything
Michael Fisher
>fermentation of sugar So cancer is really just your body turning into a beer?
Owen Thomas
lol if you want to equip your body for fighting cancer get moderate and vigorous exercise done 7 hours a week, follow a plant based diet and ditch the carb and sugar laden foods. ez pz. that's the secret, not that you faggots deserve to know it.
Adam Myers
Basically the way to not get cancer is to go Paleo.
Colon cancer happens to people who eat too much bread and corn.
Blood cancers tend to be due to eating too much refined sugar and other things like soda.
Other organ cancers are usually due to eating too much processed food.
Just eat naturally. Weston A. Price's books are a good resource for finding out what our ancestors ate.
Luke Gutierrez
Lucas Long
They force you to get chemo to hopefully kill you while telling you they are trying to reduce a tumor.
David Jackson
Testicular, misdiagnosed as somehting not so grave, but still attempting to determine, possibly blood related/plasmacytoma, i'm clueless rn
Elijah Miller
Fucking at the end of my rope in this socialist shithole
Mason Brooks
Birth defects due to pollution, not cancer.
Cameron Jones
they don't call it spirits for no reason
Aiden Ward
Im sorry bud. Immunotherapy, for now only works on soft tissue cancers ie blood ca and leukemias. Have you started treatment yet?
David Jenkins
I strongly urge you to read "Cancer as a Metabolic Disease" by Thomas Seyfried. tl;dr >your body runs on glucose >but it can also run on ketones >most cancers cannot >ketogenic (very low carb) diet and fasting cures cancer
Connor Wilson
>Get told chemo is a Jewish scam >yet millions have been saved by it
Ideally you want to eat right so you never even get the diagnosis but it’s retarded to say something the whole modern medicine world uses is a scam. If everyone died after chemo I’d think most people would catch on pretty fast, no?
Connor Walker
What has your experience been like, user?
Elijah Walker
This is honestly the most retarded shitpost thread I've ever read, and I shitpost for a living.
there is some credence to the starving of the cancer. From stuff i have read, after a 24 hour fast the ca cells more readily uptake chemo.
Adam Phillips
It means that if you go keto for extended periods of time you will not only 'starve' cancer cells, as they are only capable of anaerobic (without oxygen) metabolism, which is metabolizing glycogen, but also cells likely to become cancerous, and further make the rest of your cells less prone to becoming cancerous.
I'm not sure I agree with the word 'cause' in the quote, but as a practical matter it's roughly the same. Remove carbohydrates from your diet, and by degrees, remove your risk of cancer.
Jaxson Bell
Cancer is your body's cells not respirating oxygen anymore and fermenting sugar instead. That is why it is commonly said that sugar feeds cancer and why the cure for cancer is usually a vegetable juice diet or a Paleo diet.
The more sugars you consume, the more your body leans towards developing cancer.
Ian Williams
Womp womp >t. me too
Bentley Sullivan
I had an orchiectomy =, but I'm questioning the histology, I think it's secondary, started from blood or somewhere else, but everyone thinks I'm crazy. Kind of hard when I see a different MD (foreign trained) every time I go. This system is so fucking slow, I'll be dead before I get answers
Ian Turner
yup Walk through your supermarket and try to buy food with no Poison (sugar) in it. Its all really expensive... mhhh The Poison is dirt cheap... hmmm
Ian Martin
indeed. More people need to be educated on just how damaging sugar is to your health. Virtually every single fucking disease can be traced back to sugar and the inflammation it causes.
Henry Sanchez
Hell, surrounded by immigrants in Toronto hospitals, waiting for answers
Jayden Nelson
>Gets candida overgrowth >It's cancer son >Continues to eat sugar >Doesn't take probiotics >Dies Thanks user.
Sebastian Ramirez
>Shit in street >???? >Cure cancer
Wyatt Foster
>Cancer is your body's cells not respirating oxygen anymore and fermenting sugar instead
that's ascientific gibberish though, nothing like that occurs in the body
Gavin Richardson
Bro they will feed you poison and radiation at best you get remission >3 years later it comes back you have no immune system >dead
Christian Jenkins
The Paranormies podcast did a show on this called "The Metabolic Syndrome" which exposed cancer as being a result of consuming too much sugar throughout your life aka goyimfeed like cereals, pastries candybars, soda, corn chips, etc as well as breads, onions, and processed foods.
Wyatt Moore
Yeah, hence my search for answers. Fuck this place
Dylan White
you're stroking larper dick, you know that right
Charles Green
Also getting paid to dispose of toxic waste >florid
>Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.
Of which you have provided none whatsoever.
Brandon Miller
Welcome fake med student shill How is the degree in Phar macia(magic)?
Ian Nguyen
That's what your Jewish science journals and doctors don't tell you is actually happening to your cells and why when you go to the hospital you are never served a ketogenic diet or even a raw vegan diet. Enjoy your white bread, goyim.
Angel Green
It's quite possibly the biggest redpill I've swallowed to date. Sugar is in virtually every single processed food.
Kevin Edwards
>If you didn't know, the cancer rates in India are near zero Oh fuck TOILETS CAUSE CANCER
Apparently raw is not great for cancer patients bc of immune problems
Henry Perez
praying for you user that genuinely sucks
Jaxon Collins
ah, its a big mystery and cellular metabolism has been completely hidden from people like myself (who in fact studied it under a microscope and in organic chemistry classrooms for my college degree)
can you tell me what it means when cells "ferment sugar" for energy, and what the metabolic processes are? explain using organic chemistry terms and methodology.
Lucas Rodriguez
It cause coloscopial cancer at least. That's a cancerous shitting position for 60+ year. Did you really expect no consequences?
Jackson Brooks
Thanks bud, I'll leave this on auto and skim through it tomorrow
Zachary Allen
Why do you think the US subsidizes the farming of onions, corn, wheat and sugar more than anything?
They know that there's a lot of money in selling that shit to produce more shit to slowly make the goyim sick.
They even feed that shit to cows like they do the goy children when they eat their Froot Loops (corn and sugar) ever morning.
Nathaniel Ramirez
Yes, but most cancer rely on carbohydrate to function.
Some can use protein, and I believe some can use fat/any source of energy.
Carbohydrate is the best route to focus regardless because there are three other things you can do associated with that: fast, keto, and exercise while fasted/keto. In combination, it increases cell recycling and reduces oxidative stress. Some other processes too.
Combine that with the chance your cancer can only use carbohydrate, and also supplement D3 (at least 10000IU) but preferably get it from the sun. The process to create D3 from Cholesterol creates T-Cells and other immune response.
Gabriel Allen
>that guy contradicted my emotions! better accuse him of being in the legion of doom no u ect
Lucas Gomez
I am sorry to hear that, bro. God Bless you
Dylan Perry
Appreciate it man
Cameron Wood
conversion to calcitrol and 25(OH)D can occur outside the normal cycle and that conversion provides the T-Cell benefits***
Also not everyone gets a ton of D3 from UVB conversion so it is good to supplement if you're unsure.
Ayden Thompson
Will check this out in the morning, thanks
Brandon Wright
There are a ton of videos you can watch and studies to read
Ivor Cummins (iirc) for D3
Jason Fung for fasting
Keto is all over the place
They also know a lot about which cancers do respond to carb restriction
Adrian Hughes
Well you also need vitamin K2 as much as you need D3 and that is only found in grass fed dairy and other animal products like bone broth.
Weston A Price's books did a great job figuring our why our ancestors had good body development and we don't and it was basically due to industry producing the goyimfeed that causes cancer by changing the way our cells metabolize oxygen to glucose.
Jason Garcia
muh evidence look at Wikipedia goy
Levi Hernandez
ok toothpaste, you got me interested how to cure cancer?
Jackson Garcia
In canada they figure out your problem just before you die. I would head anywhere but here for treatment
Ryan Gray
Sadly you're right user. Godspeed
Jayden Collins
limit your intake of calcium?
Wyatt Howard
>medicine in canada pretty sure i just slipped into a crack again and i'm going to do nothing about it
Will you explain it better then? The whole sugar feeds cancer always has sounded kind of retarded to me, but I’ve never seen a better explanation. It also makes sense to me that cancer rates are higher because people live longer due to vaccines, antibiotics, better hygiene, etc. people who previously would have died in a childhood accident, during childbirth or at war or whatever live long enough to get cancer.
Are you fucking kidding me? Our ancestors had better development? The average Roman was a 5'3" manlet. Have you seen the size of those CrossFit bastards or the niggers pumping iron in the prison yard?
Go to LA. Filipinos in LA are 6'2" and ripped, Flips on the island are 5'6" and skinnyfat. Why? American fucking diet.