How is porn still legal? I consider myself a libertarian for the most part but the more I learn about Jews, the more I understand the merits of fascism.
>Hi, i'm 14 :) my names amara maple. i'm 5'3-5'4......and 106 pounds. it dosnt rilly but i rilly rilly want to be a model/comedian/actress. i want to do movies like girl inturupted(i have experience w/mental hospitals & looney ppl) or the 7 year itch or jennifurs body.....i've wanted to be famouse evr sence very young, but who dosnt? i rilly think i have what it takes i love the spot light and im always in it. i just need to kno how to get started. herez sum pics of me....
And then there's the photobucket album. It's just her with some friends, but one pic is this.
She's at least pretty, man. It's just that her mouth in this pic is in a kinda weird shape. still hot and cute, though.
Jackson Young
Education inevitably leads all libertarians to fascism
Hudson Clark
Well, isn't she? or at the very least having an upper-middle class income? And why do you care about her so much? There's thousands upon thousands women like her all over the world, from America to Japan, and none of them will ever fuck you
Dylan Martinez
what type of reply is this? are you a woman? if you have qt feet would you consider being my gf? plz :(((
Blake Wilson
>well isn’t she?
you tell me, you’re the one who said it, dipshit. google is free
Asher Turner
> have all her vr videos The perspective really shows you what a drugged up strung out whore it is