Why do russians enjoy living under missery?
is it part of their culture?
Why do russians enjoy living under missery?
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Why do you? Is it a part of your culture also?
you know whats the difference?
mexicans know we live bad and have a complex of inferiority, thats not the case of those mongoloids, for some reason they think they are better than americans
Why do you hate Russians so much? Do you really believe Trump wants to stop your kind from crossing the border because he is a 'Russian agent'?
If Mexico is so great why come to the US?
fuck off Pedro. the greatest technological competition in the history of humankind was a contest between based USA and equally based Soviets. You exists as third world country because your forefathers were so spineless and fickle that they failed to align with either one of those great societies.
Also has your joke of a nation contributed anything to the world other than gore videos and shitty food? I'd really like to hear about Mexico's scientific achievements or literary masterpieces or glorious victories.
russia's best contribution is S-P-A-C-E