User said Lauren Southern is a tranny. Is it true bros? Did I donate to his sweet Patroon?

user said Lauren Southern is a tranny. Is it true bros? Did I donate to his sweet Patroon?

Attached: lauren southern glasses.gif (426x230, 1.23M)

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she does have a deep voice..

now post her high priced escort sister

no fuckin way is that fat butt of hers anything but female. And don't say they're implants. Most of the tranny accusations around here are from faggots, and kikes that want you to think you find other males attractive.

She's legally a man in Canada

>escort sister
Source or stfu

posing in slut skirts on a lambo is all the proof you need

All women who basically realise their only redeeming trait is their appearance do that.

>jess literally glared at me at Lauren's Melbourne talk

It's a joke. She legally changed her gender to male in Canada, to show how retarded their SJW created laws are.

Who cares. Stop giving this cunt attention/money you damn fool!

Op- what movie is that from?

Attached: C6967A63-8C72-42D7-94A7-082EFB39B5C0.jpg (1024x782, 103K)

"They Live"

Attached: 1519242772915.jpg (195x250, 8K)

>Lauren Southern is a tranny.
going to be honest. how velvety would that feminine penis feel in your mouth

Attached: 1517882331041.gif (260x260, 2.01M)

not everyone have access to a lambo to pose in front of

Probably one of her friends or a friends boyfriend or her own boyfriend, I don't care. Jess doesn't impress me.

Lauren does but not because of what she looks like. I just want to call her a strasserite and see what happens.

Attached: scene_preview.png (533x688, 446K)

You got it!

Sweet fuckbox Jess FTW!

Attached: jessNwD~01.png (1440x2560, 2.13M)

>giving money to thots who make a living off of rehashing Jow Forums shit and will never have sex with you
wtf is wrong with people? could have gave it to anyone else or even molymeme or bought a fucking cheeseburger.

leave her alone

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I only give Lauren money if I think I can make a statement out of it, kind of like
>notice me whore, fucking fight me in honourable debate
... I don't mean it Lauren. Actually I do. Kind of. Maybe. Not really.

Attached: Lauren_Southern.jpg (513x738, 144K)


Thank you.

>Here’s a new pepe I recently collected.

Attached: 4A1D3BC4-B471-4859-B7D4-DF29AD077424.jpg (1024x1024, 191K)

You realize you can rent exotic cars.

But.... the wheat fields?....