>Male-only, bro-tier activism, but not white-only (they let niggers in)
>White-only, male-only, but shit-tier activism (“doxxing meatgrinder” cucks)
>White-only, god-tier activism, but not male-only
Where the fuck is my mannerbund, Jow Forums?

Side note: How the fuck do niggers get away with saying “I refuse to apologize for creating the modern world” to get their 2nd degree in PB?

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Other urls found in this thread:



>How the fuck do niggers get away with saying “I refuse to apologize for creating the modern world” to get their 2nd degree in PB?
Because according to civnat cucks, anyone regardless of skin color is at a equal level of part of group as long as they believe the same idea that of the white man.

The local PB branch in my town is 80% non-whites and consists of butthurt incel asian guys and shit-skin latinos who overcompensate their faggotness by claiming as (((patriots))). Funny enough, the leader of the alt-right group in my town is named "Gomez" and claims hes an Andalusian Spaniard. All the pure whites are either brainwashed antifas or Ocasio-shills.

No results

You bunch of faggots.

Also the guys in OP's pic are R.A.M.

>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 LARP
"Mission faiuld, woll git um necks time."

If it is reprehensible for a white man to make that claim as a white man, how absurd it must be for a black man to do the same as a “Western man”? I may not be directly responsible for the West, but their 21st century liberal sensibilities sure as hell isn’t, and I as a white man have a truer claim to the fruits of my ancestors labor than any non-white who chooses to become a “Western man” today.

RAM is pretty good with all three, plus I'm pretty sure IE is male only


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>Even knows what game you are talking about
Think you are the one who needs to switch boards.

Check their latest demonstration in NYC. There’s at least one woman in that group. Also, from their FAQ:
>Can women join?
>Absolutely! We have a number of active female members in our organization.

Proud Boys won't make the jump because of optics, and because I'm sure some of their nonwhite members are pretty great (Tiny comes to mind). The more dedicated whites are already branching off and joining other groups/starting their own, it'll be the natural progression of "western chauvinism"

Then I guess RAM is the only one, because they're all white male and do activism too

IE member here. Women are pretty rare and the ones who are a part of the organization always take a backseat and do stuff like cook for us during activism.

After our NYC demo we went back to the place, got drunk then did MMA the next morning.

I've figured the few women I've seen with IE are dating members and not necessarily members themselves

some are members themselves but most find bfs who are already members, accept identitarianism, then become members

That's actually to get your first degree, 2nd is getting punched by five guys until to you can name five cereals (but I guess it's a immediate 2nd degree if you get into a fight at a rally), 3rd is getting a tattoo, 4th is beating up a commie, 5th is shoving a dildo up your ass.

Source: Am Proud Boy.

Patriot Front is the best group.


I would never get involved with any group publicly, but RAM is by far the best group out there - one to emulate.

I was impressed by them not bowing down to the 'lol are you 88!!' peer pressure ppl were throwing them in new orleans. they have a good answer 'we're not affiliated with any of that'. shows discipline and intelligence on their leaders and member's part.

Are they even in the US? All I found of them is some UFC shit in Ukraine.

based out of cali I believe.

They're on the West Coast, I hope they show up to Berkeley tomorrow

A few token minorities is an excellent tool for O P T I C S

I respect them fellas, not down with every part of their movement, but for the most past its solid.

The PB group I'm in is around 35 people, think there's like one spic. It's basically whites only without actually having to say it. The guys I hang out with are mostly race realists, a few even acknowledge the JQ but for optics it's kinda taboo to talk about in the light.

I honestly really like being a Proud Boy. I only joined because I married a spic (long before I took my first red pill) and didn't think IE would let me in but I'm honestly fine with it now. I lower my power leave and focus on beating faggots instead of all the degenerates. They've got my lazy ass outside and exercising, training, fighting and going to grab drinks and socialize IRL with people that aren't blue pilled normies. Honestly I haven't had this much fun in a very long time.

The only reason I would want to leave at this point is Gavin. He's such a fucking annoying faggot. Between the videos of him sticking a dildo up his ass and eating a bowl of cereal that he pissed in I have no idea how anyone takes the PB seriously.

>Arbitrary series of degrees structured to gamify masculinity
Your dues are going toward CRTV ads on YouTube. Pls stop.

PB may be civnats but they're probably the best out of the three. They actually beat up Antifa and put on big rallies while the others just put up posters.

Political organizations need to be fun, and they seem to have nailed that down. But their politics are reactionary, not revolutionary, so politically they are a waste of time for white men.

Liberalist Party

gay as fuck sausage fest

I disagree, we work to red pill and swell our numbers. Those recently red pilled will hopefully finish their prescription and know the truth, thus voting for to ensure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

I agree. PB definitely looks a hell of a lot more fun than IE, but’s it mainly because of their historical clashes with antifa, which is something IE has strictly disavowed. Not that they’d be welcome in a pro-Trump rally anyway.

You belong to an anti-racist organization. You have adopted the enemies frame. Just call yourself a subversive, because that is what you’re doing. Unless you have plans to take over PB, what you claim to be doing is not a long-term strategy for white political power.

yeah this. i think that's why the shills on here pretending (and failing) to be one of us are always shitting on them, because they actually get shit done


yaaaah that's not how this is gonna pan out kid.

I know IE does but PB doesn't pay dues. Actually the last meeting I went to for our charter we discussed possibly starting to help fund some of our shit like martial arts training gear and what not but that's not going to that faggot Gavin, that's staying in our charter.

Men only clubs were once the norm, dumbass.

I think they're going back to their roots of being an entertainment group, their job isn't to do public activism but to redpill those on the edge and entertain the already redpilled.
You can't blame Enoch for not wanting to go back out there either, he was lucky to not get a shitlib judge on his case. Sven not so much, he comes across as just never wanting to go down the activism path to begin with..

Nigger the fuck are you talking about? The guys in my charter are race realist and know the JQ. They might not be full 1488 but that's fine, its's not like the PBs influence how I vote. Think of someone joining the PBs as a liberal becoming a libertarian. From there they just need to take some more red pills before they start seeing race and wanting to close the borders. Few more and then they know it's too late, we've been fucked for decades with this barely humans. The PBs are a neccessary stepping stone this country needs.

R.A.M. NYC here.

When we gonna have a friendly brawl and then get drunk and eat hot dogs and make fun of niggers?

Also you're one NYC top boy is a bitch.

it's still gay as fuck

Not really faggot, that's R.A.M.

So many proudbitches run when shtf. Pathetic.

I couldn't agree more. I was going to the portland saturday market and saw nothing but faggots on both sides. They were all dress up for war hoping they could run at each other with plastic swords and enough bubble wrap to keep them from ffeeling and sort of pain.

We're on the east coast now too. Baltimore and new york.

We just don't advertise ourselves anymore cuz it makes it difficult to get shit done.

Got anything in SoCal?

Tiny has fought quite a few times, if there's any nonwhite in PB that's alright it's him

Do you know if people will be at Berkeley tomorrow?

How much do you groups interact with each other? As in IE/PF/RAM/Pool Parties/SBC's.

Also how do you make sure members arent feds or waiting to doxx you?

>The local PB branch in my town is 80% non-whites and consists of butthurt incel asian guys and shit-skin latinos who overcompensate their faggotness by claiming as (((patriots))). Funny enough, the leader of the alt-right group in my town is named "Gomez" and claims hes an Andalusian Spaniard. All the pure whites are either brainwashed antifas or Ocasio-shills.

Jesus Christ we are fucked

>Redpilling the normies to get the electoral victories we want, one Proud Boy at a time
Do you not understand how feckless that sounds?

wellll, ill be waiting when yall break into NJ. So many fucking "NO ENGLASH" spics here I want to puke.

Nobody really chillswith R.A.M. cuz 'muh optics' and we make people realize they're pussies, although we remind people often they choose to be physically unfit and cowardly. We(most) think all other groups other than IE are pathetic.

Wouldn't you like to know :^)

"muh based nigger" disgusting
B-berkeley? Where's that?

The answer to that question will assuage newcomer’s fears but also provide the information insurgents need to do exactly that.

>2nd is getting punched by five guys until to you can name five cereals

Why not name five influential western political men of european descent?

You're not really dangerous optics wise

Because PB are children pretending to be men

There's a fucking hardcore group of swinging dicks forming in Baltimore right now that isn't R.A.M. and a lot of them are in college but from Jersey so who knows, might spread over your way. Black suns comin

While feds should hopefully be filtered out it shouldn't matter TOO much because there's always a strict "no illegal activity" policy, anyone advocating for anything illegal gets the boot.

Proudbitches and the like sure seem to think so. I don't think we do, we just don't bs about race and we like our "da goyim know!!!!" signs. Not trying to sound tough but most other groups seem to be scared of us.

Because Gavin Mcinnes is a low functioning autistic faggot and said to do that and not enough PBs have awakened to take it away from him. I'd love a change of leadership but he's well (((connected))) and can get shit organized for us pretty quick so I doubt that'll happen anytime soon.

all the infighting makes me sad, civnats / american nationalists, white nationalists etc are already outnumbered as fuck

though civnats etc need to get over optics cucking and realize you're gonna have to fight alongside " teh evil nazees " if we want to not lose to zog

>giving up TTPs free on the fucking internet

even if you weren't a fed you're too retarded to join asking a question like that

Why do you faggots wear skull masks? Why can't you wear a plain black balaclava like a normal person instead of some 14 year old?

Dude, R.A.M. has been saying this for a long time, they just won't listen. As long as faggots like Gavin the Squaw fucker and the other autismo shitbags out there hold sway over people the infighting will never stop.

Honestly, I've started to hate proudboys and i will fuck them up if they get too mouthy. They're becoming a problem and they're making the entire WN concept look extremely bad.

With arms like those, who can blame you for not getting laid and becoming sexually frustrated to the point of becoming a far right larper.

Nigger, how new are you?

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I can't find anything on RAM when I Google them, wtf does the same even stand for?

You wouldn't last 25 sec's in a fight with Jon 1 or Jon 2. You have no idea.

Fighting is all we do. We fight each other. We fight commies. We go to nigger gyms in the hood to fight.

Next time you see us in Cali or NYC come say hi.

Rise Against Movement

t. zog shill.

These fuckers are controlled opposition bucko

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Enjoy sticking your tongue up Patrick Casey's ass while Damigo snitches out everyone in IE to keep himself out of prison again.

Belonging to any of those groups is you being stupid enough to think it isnt infiltrated.

Shut up lonely loser. I could kill both of them with 1 punch. Try to find a girlfriend you pathetic shitstain and stop larping your 25 yr old poor pathetic ass will leave any mark on this world.

>aryan-only, incel-only, male-only, god tier activism

all pro white groups are controlled op FBI

the internet is where we are strongest

Rise Above Movement

We're against drugs, shitskins, commies, and the modern world in general e.g. being a fat lazy fuck who watches tv or games all day.

Also, we fight all day.

Rise Above, bro.

They are larping children with no real careers other than their meme brotherhood

>I could kill them with 1 punch
You type like an edgy 12 year old, have you ever seen a fist fight before?

Lmao, yeah, mike enoch really has a traditional european look to him


I've been told that, at least in my area, PBs and IE get along great. I was told if the race shit is a huge deal for me to just go there, and it's vice versa

Aw that's great, fight whites that agree with 90% of the same shit as you but since they're not full out 1488 they're a enemy. You realize that would only make PB look amazing right? Actual nazis attacking PBs would just make us look better.

I'm actually full 1488. I get where you're coming from but it's a stupid place of pride. PBs are useful idiots. I don't plan on staying with them forever, I'll put on big boy pant and move up eventually but for now I'm just having fun. If shit starts going sideways fuck yeah me and I'm sure plenty of other white PBs will be jumping ship but attacking your our race is some dumb nigger shit.


Show tits, roastie

I grew up in a urban school

What about attomwaffen division?

t. not american

We have never confronted or attempted violence with any of your Proudbitches. You, however, frequently confront us sometimes right when we're about to swarm some pantyfa niggers. You are literally a controlled outlet for rage. Mcinnes is you leader for Christ sake. I can't count the number of times your leadership has recognized us and approached us with the sole intention of asking us to leave because "muh optics". Your group is corrupt to the core.

The time for discussion is over. Also, why are all of you fat and why do you tolerate it. Also, why not join us or IE?

"R-Roastie! Roastie kike whore! WHORE! WHORE!"

youre lonely buddy.

Weapons Grade Autism

Awww the big scary open nazi btfo out the bantz.

Doesn't this all seem a bit weimar republic to you lads?

That is an incredible photo
Renaissance painting

>2nd degree
Ahah. OK I knew there was something weird and not so good going on with this thing.

Careful guys. Have fun while it lasts.

It's an FBI honeypot. All radical right wing organisations are either founded as honeypots or turned into them by getting flooded with undercover agents.
If you ever decide to do anything violent / illegal, stay away from any groups and act solo.

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I fell in love with a mix breed before I had my eyes opened up, kinda hard to be let into a identitarian group when my white is only half a person and my children are only le 75% (depending if you count Italian as white).

Thank you. We consider our discipline second to none. A lot of us are former military so it helps. We aren't about the 88 as a group, unlike what Proudbitch here thinks which has helped us stay out of the news.

Sure you did buddy, sure you did.

Civcucks and 1.0 wignats are the only two groups who are doing the infighting, brother. The former for muh anti-racism, the latter because of muh anti-optics. You may be having fun, but you’re wasting your time in PB.

sure youre not ashamed of your country memeflag?

You aren't a good enough liar to lie like you've been trying. Go read through your posts then delete them. Thanks.

Bet you wouldn’t say that to a tranny in West Virginia. Tits or gtfo.

show flag or leave pussy

Learn to filter. Unless you're shills too.