Climate denying sheeple

>Climate change is making the world warmer because of the build-up of heat-trapping gases from the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil and other human activities. And experts say the jet stream — which dictates weather in the Northern Hemisphere — is again behaving strangely.

Even Fox accepts climate change and yet there are sheeple of the fossil fuel industry here who still deny it. Explain yourself.

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Nobody gives a fuck about your climate change agenda and nobody is going to be paying a climate tax. In fact, Trump is gonna get rid of income tax and you can't stop him.

>Trump is gonna get rid of income tax

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>Give us money for this inescapable problem, white people
>We need to lead this initiative, am I right, fellow whites?? *hand rubbing intensifies*
>Don't worry about the populations of Africa, India, and China, bigot! It's your nations that are the issue!
>Now pay these taxes and tariffs, while also giving tremendous amounts of money in aid to those shithole developing countries so they can further increase their population

>co2 content goes from 350 pars per million to 400 parts per million

>.035% to .04%

>goes up by one half of one hundredth of one percent

Only total global communism will be able to save us!!!!!

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The only way you can solve the climate problem is cutting it off at the source and unloading every nasty disease the CDC has locked up on China, India, and Africa.

C02 is plant food.

The jet stream is going wonky because we are entering a grand solar minimum.

Solar wind modulates the jet stream.

Fewer sunspots means less solar wind. The climate is changing, but it's changing on every planet in our system.

Just as many cold records are being made as warm records.

Global temperatures are lower now than in 1936 during the dustbowl.

No tax will stop what the sun is going to do to the world over the next couple of decades.

Cosmic radiation is at an all time high and only going to worsen from now on.

>fossil fuel
Like, fossil fuels are soooo 2017, man. Like why are you soooo outdated like a fossil, man?

Do you know what a blue ocean event also does to the jet stream? Makes it wobbily and unstable. It has nothing to do with the sun you retard, the worlds biggest refrigerator, the North Pole, the big white cap on top of our planet that reflects solar energy, is fucking disappearing for the first time in millions of years because China, India, Africa, and South America are greedy fucks.

yea, it's still there. it melted some because it was fucking August, but it will be back, just like every year since forever.

Most of that is fresh water hanging around. I want you to put a glass of fresh water and a glass of salt water in a freezer sometime. Check up on them in an hour.

Theres also more couds over the sea, which drops ocean temp, and raises air temperature.
>high swings in oceanic ice are good!
Find me a place where permafrost is not receding.

Nobody is denying global warming, why do you fags keep saying that. What I'm saying is warmth is good for life. Plants and animals. CO2 is great for plants and in the Eocene epoch, the warmest period, life thrived and the most new species evolved. Record crops, all kinds of great things. Now, on the other hand cold causes mass extinctions.

Wha this ocean acidification?
Not even co2 related.

Climate cuck threads make me sad the burping farting spammer got banned

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Japan hit 106 degrees on Monday, its hottest temperature ever.

I find this hard to believe. We get that and more here in Chico CA quite often and it's been that way since I was a kid.

lol... evolve mutherfucker

I do not believe that man-caused climate change exists. I also will never believe democrats or socialists of any kind ever again.

So, suck it!