Muh Socialism

Make america starve again.

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Our capitalism doesn't look like Russia's or China's. Why would U.S. socialism look like Venezuelan's?

>our socialism would be different

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Because Russia and China's capitalism were shifts away from exploitative Marxist systems?

nice propaganda, that pic was probably set up in some CIA office

Not an argument. Don't you believe in American exceptionalism. How about this Our socialism would be the same as Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Canada, Ireland, etc. etc.

>Why would U.S. socialism look like Venezuelan's?

it has around the same percentage of mutts

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Capitalism is the very essence of exploitation. Example Beef: Exploit land for cattle. Exploit animal for meat. Exploit workers for slaughter and sale. Exploit taxpayers for subsidies.

it will work this time

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>Don't you believe in American exceptionalism.
Only when we're white were we exceptional.

It failed because of mutts. Then why will capitalism succeed here? If mutts are to blame. Capitalism is what brought in the niggers and chinks. It's what is bringing in the mexicans now.

That's communism, not democratic socialism. This is a politics board, you should know that.

When was the U.S. white? The founding fathers had slaves.

If socialism will solve America’s obesity epidemic then maybe it’s not a bad thing afterall

>Muh exceptionalism
Got some extraordinarily bad news for you my child

Har har har.

Bolsheviks were pretending to be social democrats, until they started civil war and dropped masks

Okay so that's going to happen in finland, denmark, sweden, norway any day now I guess?

>playing the racist angle
That’s all well and good down here in the Nazi echo chamber, but how do you propose to argue this on a national stage?

When Trump actually has to debate someone in 2020 and he says Venezuela and his opponent comes back with Norway, saying “blah blah blah mutts and shitskins” isn’t really an argument he can take. If he says we can’t afford it, and someone points out how we more than can, what argument do you have other than racism? Or is this the election you predict Trump will pull out his phrenology calipers and go full 1488 and the entire country will be on board with that?

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Nice quads my dude

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Russia and China aren't capitalist. Both dictatorships combined with capitalism. Maybe could be considered Fascist which is national socialist.

Please tell me you're not this stupid.

>a country needs to get rid of all its shitskins in order to have socialism

now you're getting it

>Russia and China aren’t capitalist, they’re actually fascist- which makes them socialists!
This many levels of retardation in a single post shouldn’t be possible

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They have privatized the means of production. That is capitalism. It has nothing to with a nation being authoritarian or not.

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Because leftists/liberals keep importing 3rd-worlders.

Weird then how the worlds greatest capitalist nation destabilized the middle east and perpetuates a drugwar which sends shitskins flying to every corner of the earth. Its almost like they knew they'd need a scapegoat to make sure that there is never any equity between labor and capital.

>He thinks it’s the liberals who want cheap immigrant labor
Oh my sweet smooth brained boy

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Horseshit. Capitalists bring in brown labor because it is cheaper. They always have. Niggers to pick cotton, chinks to build the railroads and ow mexicans to work the fields. Why would a socialist need a mexican to drain the system further?

>Capitalism is what brought in the niggers and chinks. It's what is bringing in the mexicans now.

That's just capitalism unchecked by nationalism. Major corporations, especially on the West Coast, are run by social liberals who actively campaign against white identity and nationalism in general, even explicitly supporting anti-white rhetoric (New York Times).

Meanwhile, the majority of SocDems and communists are in the streets chanting for more open borders, the abolition of ICE, and attacking people who support closed-borders.

You two are virtually the same, except for your economic policies. If the CEO of Starbucks wasn't rich, he'd be an Antifa member.

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Neo-cons are liberals.

I know right
It's not like Apple used Chinese sweatshop workers at 1 dollar an hour to turn themselves into a 1 trillion dollar company

Facts free of context are not really worth posting. There's a huge list of shit wrong with capitalist nations as well.

Liberal/Democrat policies and media literally shilled against Trump's trade protectionism.

The Dems have abandoned native white workers in favor of spics, because they always vote for gibs. That's why you lost the Rust Belt to Trump in 2016.

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Yeah I hated when those sweatshops immigrated to the U.S.

Also giant corporations don't give a fuck.

"That's just"...There will never be nationalism in the U.S. as long as corporations can profit off of minorities. May as well give up on that now and recognize that capitalism will never be checked.

Reread that retarded sentence you just said out loud.
Damn. It’s almost like capitalism is exploitative and dehumanizing no matter how much ukelee music they use in their commercials or something

Protectionism is very leftist. It's the one thing Trump has done right.

Well, denying the objective reality of race may be necessary to appeal to plebs, but that doesn't mean Norway's racial make-up isn't a factor of it's success.

We're talking about reality here, not popular opinion.

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Neo-conservatism is a liberal ideology. You kvetching about it doesn't change that.

Japan is 98% Japanese and has more free trade policies than the US. They just choose not to let niggers in.

Neocons and Neoliberals are both part of the Kosher globalist sandwich. The neocon elite did everything in their power to make Jeb or Cruz win instead of Trump.

debates dont matter, arguments dont matter, have you ever even read any research on convincing people ? people believe whatever they believe and dont change their minds.

>Capitalism is bad therefore Marxism is better
Shiggy diggy retard shill

1. They are already more socialized than the U.S.

2. Give it time. They are facing population decline.They'll have to allow more immigration eventually.

Modern Western leftists oppose protectionism because it helps whites too much.

Most leftists are "Third-Worldists" who literally support mass-immigration into white countries to turn them Marxist. They are similar to Trotskyists/globalists, but often support Maoist authoritarianism.

Is your huge nose exploiting the air?

Not an argument. Also lazy.

Are you retarded? Slaves weren't citizens. Slave owners were super citizens with more pull in government than non-slave owners

That’s my point. The only place anybody will pay any attention to your hokey “race science” is here where 90% of people are literal nazis. You can’t come up with an economic rebuttal to the Nordic model, because it’s successful.

And speaking of popular opinion, that’s literally what elections are. And if nobody outside of Jow Forums is listening to your race science hokum, how can you explain to them it’s actually a good thing that Jeff Bezos makes $2,000,000 a second but they can’t afford to go to the ER?

>2. Give it time. They are facing population decline.They'll have to allow more immigration eventually.

Wrong, kiddo:

Also, thanks for exposing that you actually don't mind immigration.

Merkel is a modern western leftist and Germany has all kinds of protectionism.

Free trade has been the mantra of the right wing since reagan who normalized trade with china.

>the UK and France are Scandinavian
>the governments of the UK and France are socialist

You went to public school, yea?

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>a person's physical brain anatomy doesn't effect their intelligence

Why do you think this?

Also, maybe you should try and debate biologist Dr. Jean-Francois Gariepy sometime.

Nope... there are reasons for the population decline like high prices for living. If the population declines eventually prices will drop and more babies will be made again creating another JAPANESE ONLY baby boom. Go spread your lies somewhere else soros-fanboy.

You really think less people is bad right? It's just a natural cycle , but you're probably too dumb to see it.

So the U.S. can't have democratic socialism because blacks, 12% of the population are too dumb? That seems like a real leap of logic to me.

so... no beef in socialism?

Merkel's Party is center-right; and they are thinking about replacing her as the leader because she's so shitty.

Also, she's responsible for letting millions of rapists/murderers into the country. She was literally also a former Stasi bureaucrat.

>Kosher globalist sandwich
Fuck me, this is a good turn of phrase.

>member of a center-right party
>supports right-wing economics
Merkel's protectionism is just the flip side of demanding the rest of the EU buy Germany's shit.
>Free trade
is a neoliberal mantra, which has driven both right wings in US politics since about the 1970s. This is why I keep saying that people who buy into Hayek, Mises, Friedman, and so on need to be gassed.

It's a shitty excuse, isn't it?

Developed nations always have less children. I have yet to see any studies linking it to the high cost of living. Have a link to any?

Mexicans also.

Latin America is full of, and often dominate by, leftist/socdem parties and it's a total shithole.

>When was the U.S. white? The founding fathers had slaves.
I'm confused. I thought whites hold all the power?

The "Kosher Sandwhich" comes from The Right Stuff (dot) biz guys.

It's a term for how the center-left and center-right always end up serving Jews.

"we're going to forcebly redistribute the wealth, but only if you vote for it"

Democratic socialism is the biggest meme, a socialist doesn't respect the right of others so he won't respect your vote or opinion.

Bolsheviks were lying psychopathic Jews from Brooklyn who pretended to be Russians.

They're shit holes because drug cartels run everything. Because we perpetuate a pointless drug war in the U.S. If the richest most powerful faction in your country is drug cartels then your economic system really doesn't matter, your country will be a shit hole.

>if me make crack and heroine legal, Mexico will become a utopia, also it won't effect people in the US whatsoever

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Looks like commies hate liberals too.

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I’m not here to argue about your hokey made up race science, this is about economics. And if all you have to argue against socialism when you say Venezuela and I say Norway is pic related, you don’t really have an argument for the middle and working class. Try running on that. You’ll just be publically admitting to being the Nazis everyone already said you were

Also, you need to get a new spokesman for your bell curve bullshit- dude’s not looking so good

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I mostly agree with this except for the part of "GDP fell more than any other country since 2008" which is vague and silly.

But the NHS is certainly not fit purpose. Not anymore. It was fine when we didn't suffer a foreign swarm bleeding it down to a husk.

Those countries are infested with drug runners because they were already shit-holes.

I can't tell anymore. Are you just pretending to be retarded?

Yes capitalism truly respects the rights of others, unless they need healthcare, an education or a living wage. It's truly a dignified life for those declaring medical bankruptcy.

>majority rule is only okay if it keeps the 1% the special snowflakes they are
>projecting this hard

They're usually fine until the US tries to kill leftists and put their thumb on the scale.

People have been too busy memeing to want to understand this. Sad!

Africans literally have less-advanced brains that Europeans, and kvetching doesn't change the laws of physics, sorry.

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Strawman argument try again.

Mexico being full of criminals is largely a by-product of their genetic stock, and not the fault of the US for not wanting brain-destroying drugs to flow freely.

Do you honestly think legalizing all drugs in Detroit would improve it?

Not an argument.

How many of them might have come in due to the Empire's habit of stirring up shit in foreign lands? How many of them were let in by your "betters"?

Or peace and quiet. Don't forget "attention capitalism" by the likes of television and Faceboot.

>They're usually fine until the US tries to kill leftists and put their thumb on the scale.

So other leftists voluntarily choosing to impeach the retarded fat communist bitch President in Brazil was the US's fault?

>Exploit land for cattle. Exploit animal for meat

Do you mean farming, you witless clod?

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Right. Brain-destroying drugs should ONLY be for use by Wall Street.
Maybe if we start locking up finance employees for nose candy the way we lock up the poors for tree... maybe?

Ranching, not farming.

Do honestly think the U.S. doesn't run South America through the CIA?

Best things about if things really go bad in the US and the government goes socialist, are the following:
1. The US is too big to easily monitor
2. There's enough land for a good chunk of people in outlying suburbs to sneak out into the undeveloped areas and grow heritage grains and other crops without anyone knowing.

I'm a conservative. I don't worship people just for being "capitalist". I would gladly execute you right next to the CEOs of Twitter and Facebook for being anti-white.

>Our socialism would be the same as in non socialist countries

Social Democrats still tend to bankrupt nations though, they just take longer.

I don't think locking up and housing drug addicts is a good use of tax dollars. Why do you?

This kind of argument works if the only book you’ve ever read was by Charles Murray. And again: you still don’t have an argument for how to win the midterms or hang on to the presidency.

Just take the L

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No. The vast majority of 3rd-world fuck-ups are their own doing.

Chile literally has a better economy (for its size and resources) thanks to US involvement and capitalism, compared to other countries. If anything, it helps them.

Were we socialist democrats in during the great depression? Or was it unchecked capitalism that destroyed a generation of americans?

You didn't present an argument.
>Capitalism is exploitative
And? Name a system that isn't. Prove the least exploitative system.

>How many of them might have come in due to the Empire's habit of stirring up shit in foreign lands? How many of them were let in by your "betters"?

Don't even start that retarded " ya'll empire!" chittering, you complete and utter fucking mong.

>I don’t know history before the 1980s
Well there’s your problem

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Right, they should do slave labor for the state. Most criminals never drop the habit after a certain age. I know pieces of shit that go in and out of jail every few years, and they're like 60 years old. It would be more beneficial to force labor out of them.

Why are you telling me which points I need to make? Also thanks for admitting capitalism is exploitative.

Little bit of starving would do america a lots of good.

We already do, only its privatized. However in the interest of personal liberty I don't think the state has any business telling people what they can put in their bodies for recreation.

>3rd-rate Jared Diamond is the final authority on everything
>physical anatomy of humans dindu nuffin

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