Antifa get destroyed by Based Macemobile

Found a video of the pepper spray incident in Portland that was talked about earlier. Breathe it in, you commie fucktards!

Attached: 1280px-black_bloc.jpg (1000x750, 232K)

100% justified macing. Looks like antifa were preventing the truck from leaving the parking garage, why?

Nice. I these faggots in pain.

We need dead commies and cops asap. A sniper at one of these events could do a dallas ten fold. Made sure you scatter bump stocks all around you when you open fire

Is it just me what. But this antifa is exactly what they are protesting about. They are unintillectual morons. Lets bitch about fascists by behaving like fascists.

The word fascist is used so commonly. I highly doubt half of them knows what it means.

I just wanna aquash them all like the moronic bugs they are.

anyone catch this.

Attached: mdend.png (811x482, 552K)

Just noticed that one of the Antifa was about to smash the window with a baton only to get an eyeful of sweet, sweet orange glo. It would sure be a shame if one of them had tripped and fell under the wheels.

driver was white. obviously a nazi

American and Gadsen flags should be the only ones flown, any more and it looks too chaotic


Unironically kill yourself.

>Not even a thousand view
>Comment blocked

Wow, I mean it doesn't surprise me in the least, but still. It pretty much mean they posted the video and removed the ability to comment immediately after.

But they good boys though

You're spot on. Antifa is made up entirely of delusional morons, faggots and losers.

>yo dude, let's bash the fash
>harass and bash pretty much everyone but fascists

As an anti-authoritarian, these so called anti-authoritarians aren't making me think they're the good guys.

terrorist (noun)
a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

im actually super pissed the police arent fucking using beanbag rounds or .22lr and just opening up on the fucking antifa faggots




Odds Antifa brought Nazi flags to burn themselves?
Highly doubt these are captured.
Clever move on their part, though.

Attached: flag.png (640x360, 415K)

That's what I thought. No flag poles, just laying on the ground, like the proudboys dropped two obvious Nazi flags... funny these cucks couldn't even tear it, they had to burn holes to rip thin fucking cloth!

>that trust fund baby antifa kike that had $1000 worth of larping gear

LMAO, these fucking kikes complaining about other people being privileged

Attached: Z83456MBDqAM.jpg (1098x846, 103K)

When did everything go to shit? I'm a normal guy with a normal job and life. We are visiting the in-laws this weekend, but instead of hanging out, I was finding reasons to watch the protest on my phone. It's the middle of the night, and instead of sleeping, I'm on fucking Jow Forums trying to catch up one what I missed today.
I can't watch Saving Private Ryan anymore or any war movie without thinking what a waste of life and mistake WWII was.
It'll be back to the office Monday where I'll hear how Trump is the biggest monster in history from a bunch of my coworkers.
Star Wars was fucking destroyed by leftist scum.
I've got to sleep, but again, when did it go to shit?

>we need dead commies
>and cops

>When did everything go to shit?

~40-30 years ago when marxisrts took over the academia to brainwash new generations into hating your country and capitalism