

Attached: grab.jpg (668x573, 85K)

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>implying she has real evidence

rape isn't something the police punish, when a person is raped for real, the family takes action and kills the man. when a woman claims rape and it's not immediate, that is a lie and she should be murdered instead.

Attached: 1532926818448.png (1168x1600, 1.63M)

Women make rape accusations to roleplay their rape fantasies.

It's the most exciting method of roleplay because it has real-life consequences.

Attached: rape obsession.jpg (554x9958, 1.47M)

>things that totally happened

out of all the shit that has ever not happened, this has not happened the most.


Yeah because if not for trump; rapists would have never thought to grab the pussy.

Fake and gay.

Attached: 1457637141520.jpg (252x283, 15K)

>believing women
>in 2018

Attached: 1533448681953.gif (379x387, 71K)

He looks like a rapist. He looks like a total incel.


Based and redpilled.

hey im a woman and men belive me all the time

I don't believe you're a woman.


Trump never said that. If had said the full quote that would be pretty funny. But he would then probably have had to go on and take her furniture shopping.

This was debunked, didn’t happen

>Court hears
>Court Accepts

Whoever the whore is was really unimaginative with her fake testimony.

It's not hard to find anyway.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-05 quoted trump before raping girl - Google Search.png (1251x930, 314K)

>source is Reddit

Fantastic, love it.

>She said that she had a Blue Lagoon cocktail that contained six shots of vodka, then three more vodkas and a Jager bomb, it is said.
>The female student said: “I felt drunk but not out-of-control drunk. I knew what I was doing.”
>The woman said she rebuffed his kisses and touches as they were lying on her bed watching a cartoon on Netflix, but then he took off her jeans, saying it would make her feel more comfortable.
>The alleged victim said: “He said, ‘Do you want me to make this quick?’ I nodded. It lasted less than five minutes.”
you can see here she is a scheming whore
therefore it is inherently fake and gay

>that pic
>pic related

Attached: 1497852581418.png (389x255, 9K)

What the fuck is that pic?


In this weeks episode of 'Things That Never Happened'...

So you're saying he didn't say grab her by the pussy?
