Post WW3s

Germany goes 4th reich after migrant collapse and reconciles with Poland. Russia invades Ukraine which Germany supports. EU fractures between German and Belgian spheres, UK in civil war

Attached: ww3.png (900x769, 233K)

>russia invades ukraine

then why did you color in belarus?

ww3 is just race war you dumb nigger. Whites eradicate the lesser races.

>Western europe allies with turkey,
I don't think so.
> Greece allies with germany
I don't think so.

> a fucking leaf.

Attached: Triple Entent.jpg (400x541, 54K)

>sweden stays neutral and comes out on top just like the first 2 world wars
bring it

world eats the remnants of liberal democracy for lunch and splits into fascist and communist states. russia realizes protecting ungrateful serbian/yugo niggers is a cause of it's own demise and let's the rest of europe get consumed by the fascist block o'alah napoleon und hitler. pax despota for a millennia

on top of migrant dick maybe you fucking cucks

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>sweden stays neutral
Sweden joins the jihad on the side of isis and gets all the rapefugees and jihadis afterwards


germany can't even defend it's own borders let alone invade other countries

The real battle will be in the US.

And Ukraine invaded the Crimea. Stupid leaf

>No Constantinople
Delete this thread

>Post WW3s
>lasts two hours
>wait 25 years


Here's a better one, leafy
Spain Italy Portugal and Greece all go and form their own shit
Poland Hungary Czechia Romania etc go and form their own thing
France & the Dutch leave
Scandinavia stays on the tit
Belgium goys itself to death

End of EU

Russia invades Ukraine and annexes Belarus, takes a short break to wait

China assumes control of the SCS and then goes through a major government change either through civil war or extreme reform

The US has a second Civil War and Russia and China make power moves keeping the country fractured

End of Main Story for now

South America modernizes and Venuzuela goes through a horrible civil war and changes back to a republic

Brazil dominates the continent coming into its own (huehuehue)

Africa consolidates its borders with a couple countries being conquered
South Africa
The Congo

Middle East runs out of Oil and goes back to trying to farm in a desert
Islam becomes overly reclusive again and the Saud Dynasty collapses
Iran stays the same with minor changes and introducing non Islamic rights like free speech
Israel somehow fends off all its neighbours

India gives China a run for its money and shitskins become most powerful nation on the planet infecting it with broken English and 7 11 workers

Rice Farmers stay the same with Thailand and Singapore continuing to on their path of domination

Hong Kong, Macau, and Tibet all become independent during destabilised China

Indonesia becomes new center of Islam

Aussies continue to shit post and New Zealand does some stuff

Iceland remains the whitest place on earth and eventually kicks out the Jews and becomes MAGABASED and ULTRAREDPILLED

That should do until the resource war.

you mean falls apart in a civil war

Are you gonna refuse entry into Sweden for our fleeing royal family again?
Are you gonna transport Nazi goods, troops and weapons up along your railways to northern Norway?
Fuck you nigger, burn in hell.

canadians are a cancer, stop replying to their threads

Interesting scenario, but the more probably one would be this:
>US continues printing endless money and going after whoever Israel says
>US keeps getting flooded with niggers and spics
>EU keeps getting flooded with muslims and niggers as well
>Muslim population reaches a huge percentage in Europe by 2050
>Many terrorist attacks and Governments start to collapse due to left economic and political control
>EU breaks up and there are civil wars everywhere throughout Western and North Europe
>Russia takes Ukraine and Belarus
>The US collapses due to oil crisis and extreme levels of debt
>Second Civil War in the US, which will lead to a complete surrender of the US into the hands of corporations and banks
>Western Europe has communist governments emerging everywhere
>Russia and China remain strong and most whites from WE and the Balkans start fleeing to Russia/China
>Eastern Europe joins the Russian/Chinese alliance
>Communist Europe and America join forces
>Israel has made sure the US disabled every possible threat to them except Iran
>Iran joins the Russian/Chinese alliance
>If WW3 erupts, we will destroy the planet and everyone will lose
>If we stick to a Cold War scenario, both sides will go their own way in space
>This will happen by 2150

>Russia invades Ukraine which Germany supports
>pic related, no nukes, cut from its main gas source
Wow, nice one. Keep dreaming about Crimea, khokhol faggot.

Attached: dfgd.jpg (1244x856, 130K)

>Germany goes 4th Reich
Their military sucks, enlighten me how they could conquer so many nations?

Ukraine is intensifying its own depopulation
Another gaziliion of young fit refugees arrive to yurop
They openly declare Wahhabism as modern german religion of all strong men
Some whites convert to Wahhabism
They start attacking synagogues
Kikes from yurop and US scream about antisemitism and flee to Ukraine, which by that time will have ~10kk of starving mutts. Khazaria is being born, behold!
Yuropean "whites" and pol-tier degenerates demand protection from muslims, khazaria and russia
Another fuhrer rises from ashes promising to make yurop great again
New holistic religion (new age shit) appears, uniting the poor and unprotected
NWO has finally won. Welcome to hell.

>NATO and China/Russia nuke each other
>war ends very quickly
>saturation of the atmosphere and shifting of techtonic plates leads to numerous disasters across the world
>1st and 2nd world collapse into chaos and anarchy
>africa remains unscathed
>all capital dumped there to save it from chaos
>africa experiences its own wars but comes out of it better
>capital leads to quick technological progress
>center of the world is africa until humans finally start colonizing the Moon, Mars and Beyond

how about no

>No third Balkan League
Fuck off

>germany goes 4th reich
>italy sticks with the fucking french
dude lmao

>the absolute state of leaf education

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>rape gangs
>paki london mayor
>acid attacks

this pic makes ne sense

>Belgian sphere

Thanks for wasting catalogue space with your fucking retarded thread

My scenario:
>NATO and Russia go to war and Canada gets fucking nuked into glass within the first five minutes

Attached: 342234.jpg (320x180, 9K)


[post redacted due to hate speech: avoid court, bin that thought]

Germany is fucked