Etsy is getting into the hate #White male business

Imagine my surprise. "have the confidence of a mediocre white male"

Have the confidence of a mediocre Asian women?"

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at 11.28.34 PM.png (695x1044, 767K)

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isn't etsy the equivalent of online flea market? so it's not really etsy, more just a random individual SJW asshole... if I'm wrong feel free to call me a stupid faggot

And? Jow Forums are all beta cucks who don't even give a shit. That's what you fags get for bringing the normie reddit fags here

Imagine having such low self esteem that you buy this even though the last 20 years have literally built intersectional self esteem into every grade of public school

you're not wrong, i think op is implying that because they allow it to be sold, its on them

Of course we're mediocre. You can only be exceptional in the world these days if you're an Arab Muslim lesbian trans cripple.

I don't understand what their problem is with white males.

Etsy is into selling catlady arts and crafts, don't go all SJW here now. Also, a mediocre white male is still superior to 97% of the people in this world so why wouldn't he be confident?

That stitch was created by this person, a white female predictably:

I wish I had the confidence of a bow legged blonde white whore with 2 pitbulls, cyan dreadlocks and queen of spades and cannabis sleeve tattoos at age 20 who hates dad.

Attached: objectively the most beautiful.jpg (530x800, 60K)

as a white male I fucking wish I had the confidence these non-white faggots keep saying I have because I fucking DONT.