Etsy is getting into the hate #White male business

Imagine my surprise. "have the confidence of a mediocre white male"

Have the confidence of a mediocre Asian women?"

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isn't etsy the equivalent of online flea market? so it's not really etsy, more just a random individual SJW asshole... if I'm wrong feel free to call me a stupid faggot

And? Jow Forums are all beta cucks who don't even give a shit. That's what you fags get for bringing the normie reddit fags here

Imagine having such low self esteem that you buy this even though the last 20 years have literally built intersectional self esteem into every grade of public school

you're not wrong, i think op is implying that because they allow it to be sold, its on them

Of course we're mediocre. You can only be exceptional in the world these days if you're an Arab Muslim lesbian trans cripple.

I don't understand what their problem is with white males.

Etsy is into selling catlady arts and crafts, don't go all SJW here now. Also, a mediocre white male is still superior to 97% of the people in this world so why wouldn't he be confident?

That stitch was created by this person, a white female predictably:

I wish I had the confidence of a bow legged blonde white whore with 2 pitbulls, cyan dreadlocks and queen of spades and cannabis sleeve tattoos at age 20 who hates dad.

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as a white male I fucking wish I had the confidence these non-white faggots keep saying I have because I fucking DONT.


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There so many white women like this its mind blowing. Here in the south most of them are wiggers wannbe ghetto. Sometimes i feel like fucking off to ecuador or some south american country.

I notice they say every time a white man does something they say 'its just mediocre'

Sell a badge that says "have the smugness of an uppity mullato woman" and post results

>have the confidence of an incompetent nigger

Confidence comes from repeat success. What are you doing to improve yourself so you can start having some wins and become more confident?

That thing has the quality of something a child would make.

Yet every landwhale obese woman is beautiful...

Have the confidence of a 75 IQ Somali man.

you are joking right?

ever heard of dunning-kruger? you wish you had that much confidence

>stupid faggot

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>its on them

Yes that is what I'm saying.

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The real lesson here is that as a mediocre white man you should have confidence. That's even what this craftslady is saying. She acknowledges feeling inferior to you, which she is. In reality by being a mediocre white man you're still in the top 2-3% of the world's population and everyone except you know it. So why wouldn't you be confident? The only reason you're not is because all the people beneath you tell you you shouldn't and you took them seriously because they are so fucking many. But this is a logical fallacy.

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>Imagine my surprise.

It's Etsy you tard.

>isn't etsy the equivalent of online flea market? so it's not really etsy, more just a random individual SJW asshole...

You are entirely correct. Not only that, but Etsy skews toward producers who are women, toward people with no real job looking for side income. Is it a surprise they're whacko feminist lefty women? Hell no.

Fuck if I set up a shop there I'd target that demographic deliberately.

>Have the confidence of a mediocre white male
These niggers apparently never heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

I'm done with WW. I don't want white daughters. "Our people" was a male conception and Western civilization was us and only us, so we should just date or colonize whoever we want.
Call me a shill, I honestly am because I started dating a Colombian girl last January and my life is.. a lot better than it was a year ago.

Thank you, I have given you credit Norwegian brother.

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>Fuck if I set up a shop there I'd target that demographic deliberately.
Protip: new age demographic is even better for etsy. No one likes feminists, not even other women.

>Protip: new age demographic is even better for etsy. No one likes feminists, not even other women.
Feminist eat everything including other women. They are snakes.

>Fuck if I set up a shop there I'd target that demographic deliberately.

That is pure 'how to get rich'.

Contact [email protected] and ask them if they care to comment...

Non american latinas are mostly nice.

I'm legitimately gonna get a shirt made that says like "HAVE THE VIRTUE OF A FAT SIGNALING WHITE FEMALE" and wear it to the gym, coffee places and elsewhere.

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Never stop lighting the day, lampbright.

>asian, black, latiiiiiinx
man, woman

if non-jewish ethnic minorities learned to discern jewish 'white' from proper white, they'd *adore* us.

It's nice to be special.


This is good!

>Never stop lighting the day, lampbright.

Thanks brother!

The future is bright!


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>Never stop lighting the day, lampbright.

I gave you a tweet.

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Stop blocking me on twitter. I have human rights.

? who are you? I block hundreds of people

Oh my god. Imagine if you got political power

>Oh my god. Imagine if you got political power

Yeah, just imagine.

Let me guess, if I unblock you, you'll make that happen?

The courts have ruled that blocking people on twitter is a denial of their human right to free speech.

So why would I help a human rights abusing tyrant get power?

You won't help anybody. But yourself!

>So why would I help a human rights abusing tyrant get power?
Sounds exactly what we need actually. #Lampshade2020

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>So why would I help a human rights abusing tyrant get power?

So I can abuse human rights. Some people in Israel need to be abused.

I'm sure as President I can convince a General who knows Israel did 9/11 to glass them.

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He's going to lampshade you first after he seizes power, you know too much.

These Whyte People think it is "Edgy" being Whyte but Anti-Whyte. it is a pose meant to upset the hated square Whytes who let down their otherwise "cool" self image as being "Cool" is the most important thing in the World.

Civilization is built on sacrifices.

>He's going to lampshade you first after he seizes power, you know too much.

You're both smart enough to know that Israel did 9/11 and the world would be a better place without them.

There is enough exotic technology sitting on the shelves that is top secret to create a utopia on Earth and other planets. To be held in this perpetual war and suffering is lunacy.

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That settles it then. I will support the tyrant so that he can kill as many people as needed to unlock the advanced technology we need to create utopias throughout the cosmos.

>That settles it then. I will support the tyrant so that he can kill as many people as needed to unlock the advanced technology we need to create utopias throughout the cosmos.

Thank you. Tell me your twitter so I can follow and unblock you.

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white women are the enemy

Can you please run on a presidential ticket with David sponheim

Hey Jow Forums what would you sell on Etsy?

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Lmao Sponheim, I used to troll that channel hard on blogtv. Sent a $100 campaign donation to make up for it later. Checked on him a year or so back and he was still pumping out videos getting 10 views each. Think he's doing a cooking thing now and I didn't see Sarah.

>Hey Jow Forums what would you sell on Etsy?

Reminder that 'mediocre' male means 80th percentile to women.

A male version of Etsy shit would be hilarious. Make it real shitty too, cut open a bear can and stencil spraypaint something retarded on the inside, or something. Might go viral like that guy who made a gofundme for getting a bowl of soup.

>Can you please run on a presidential ticket with David sponheim

NO, he's bidding for POTUS 2020.
I'm changing my tactics. I'm going to give amnesty for who did 9/11 if the admit to it. If not they can die like any terrorist should.

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Does this stuff ever seriously depress you guys. I don’t want any of this.

Yeah he does a show mon to sat, like 8 hrs a day rofl. Ivlog and Vaughn. Live. Sarah is on the cooking show sometimes

Few weeks ago he was in Disney Land California with Sarah and he was doing a show from a Starbucks. I called like 7 local Starbucks in that area and found the one he was at. I told the worker that David's son is having a baby and please tell him asap! You can imagine how David freaked out, no show the next day, bought a VPN, etc lol.

What were the blogtv days like, I only found him on jtv a few years ago.

Noone cares about the strength and willpower of a low tier asian boy

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>A male version of Etsy shit would be hilarious.

LOL, that's a really good idea.

Turning your trash into treasure.

>cut open a bear can and stencil spraypaint something retarded on the inside

Home is where the metal shop is!

Please consider being his running mate, or propose to him on his show to join your bid as VPOTUS, I believe together you would make an unstoppable team

>if non-jewish ethnic minorities learned to discern jewish 'white' from proper white, they'd *adore* us.

That is some gold right there.

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It was the best, all the coding was real shitty, but not so shitty that streaming didn't work. You could find some way around anything they did to try to stop us, technically or otherwise.

And the best part is the site was full of the dumbest people of America. A new mindblow every day. I talked one woman into taking a shit on her living room floor, right in front of her camera. A lot of severely fat people too, the ones that can barely move.