Well Jow Forums? Why don't you have white guilt?

Well Jow Forums? Why don't you have white guilt?

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> when i see white people not wanting to be killed by blacks i want to scream at them for being so entitled

Literally what the fuck am I reading

>I'm white, goyim!

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>I'm dating an (((Asian)) man
Everyone spotted the bongette, Nigel.

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Because our team kicks every other teams' asses. That's why.

Grow up.

Anyone white boi feeling that guilty is so fucking stupid, he should either neck himself or get neutered so his DNA doesn't contaminate the gene pool.

because i'm not a faggot

>ancestors were peasants under the Czar
>commies deported and executed half my grandparents family
Yeh ofc I'm gonna feel bad for some nigs the other side of the world or some merchants who got what was coming to them

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So, exactly why did you censor the nickname, cuck?

>anyone white boi
How about you stop typing like a nigger?
Oh wait, a burgerclap, of course.

Because I'm part Jewish, and I don't believe that the actions of past individuals carry on to be inherited by their successors as they did not voluntarily choose to succeed those that were horrendous assholes. I hate the modern german, not because of his grandfather's actions, but for what he is doing to current europe.

Nope it's that most retarded and inbred of all whites. A fucking Belgian.

The brainwashing didn’t work for me

Too obvious troll. Clever though. The fact that it's realistic enough makes me rage.

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I used to. Now that I see that it is not just a background thing that people acknowledge and move past but a tool to kill us off through war, racemixing and suicide I don't care anymore. That's the thing about the whole white guilt thing. Its not just "you should feel bad" but its also "you should feel bad and just die". That's where it changes. I don't care if literally every bad thing that nonwhites say about us was true, which it isn't, I will still fight them to the death for our survival. That's what really started my whole change on the guilt trip. There is nothing you could say to me in this entire world that will ever guilt me enough to just lay down and die. If you attack me or my people I will fight you no matter what the reason for that attack. It all comes down to survival.

The evil white man killed the poor little jews,and everyone of us should feel bad about them.Eventhough my ancestors were killed because of their religion by T*rks and retarded Ottoman Albanians,I should feel bad about blacks,browns,and jews.

Because there's nothing to be guilty over. I really don't give a fuck my ancestors hurt someone's feelings once several hundred years ago.

The ravings of a gay/woman.

Autism is strong with this one. Why doesn't he off himself ?

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I'm not going to take the blame for what somebody else did.

Here's your scenario:

So some bloke gets arrested for petty shoplifting, but because I knew of him in primary school I have to feel guilty for his actions

Here's the link and the I'd. Op is a faggot cuck for censoring the name. reddit.com/r/racism/comments/921t4b/white_guilt/

If I am not allowed to feel pride for what my ancestors accomplished, then why should I feel guilt for any wrongs they might have done?

Why is the name redacted? Fucking kike triple nigger, you belong in the oven.


This is both sad and pathetic.
I pray the day is coming where this is the overwhelming sentiment. We die if it doesn't happen.

The fire is indeed rising. The 2020's are gonna be very interesting.

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When you study history about the Jews you'll soon find there is no reason to feel guilt.
Its very clearly what they are doing these days
Its absolutely impossible odds for it to be a coincidence for all the richest companies and all avenues of education, media and finance to be run by one group of people. Even the fact their is hardly any of them on the planet.
Countries in the past knew the ' way of the jew' .

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Why feel bad at all though? Feeling guilt for what other people do is pathetic. I wouldn't feel guilt for something bad that my father has done, much less what someone did centuries ago. We aren't a colony of ants serving a single purpose.

They don't want you acting in favor of group interests, while they work in favor of their own group interests (by seizing all power and control and elevating each other to those positions of power).

Jews literally enslaved white children and sold them to Muslims for sex slavery. I never hear Jews express any guilt about this.

So close