To Qanon and all of Q followers, ANONYMOUS HAS DECLARED WAR ON ALL OF YOU...

To Qanon and all of Q followers, ANONYMOUS HAS DECLARED WAR ON ALL OF YOU. Qanon is a Russia controlled psy-op and ANONYMOUS is here to bring all of you down. Get ready to be doxed. You have been warned.

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lol doxxing people that visit a random board to see wtf all the mainstream media fuss is about? woooaaaahhhhhhh sCaRyyy

Most of these people are working with Russian psy-operatives on twitter and can be unmasked. We are working to to bring their identities to LIGHT. Qanon is dangerous and ANONYMOUS will stop them.

user war begins, get comfy.

Jow Forums is pro Russia

>being scared of a meme
wew lad

First off, it’s spelled “doxxed”
Second, please make more posts like this. I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time.

>"Q is just a LARP!"

Jow Forums is ANONYMOUS and ANONYMOUS fights against Russian psy-ops. Anyone tweeting #Qanon with their real names and location are getting added to our lists. Next we will let your family and employers know you're working with Russian bots to overthrow our country.

A bunch of LARPers following a psy-op, in a cultish manner. It's dangerous.

kinda weird if you ask me
like what's the angle for the doxxing? what're you gonna say to shame them when their identities have revealed? that they believe in some weird little diversion? aside from admitting to being easily duped, qanon doesn't really implicitly come hand in hand with any notable ideological persuasions that anyone would feel threatened by having affiliated with them, what is the spin going to be? it's going to have to be pretty dishonest whatever it is.
it's just all very strange

> He doesn't know
If you're on the internet, you are already doxxed
Intelligence bread and butter, lesson 101

Anonymous couldn't even stop a hollywood liberal cargo cult started by a science fiction author. It's a joke.


War is not something anyone wise should wish for.
Qanon is either some die hard trump boomer who larped too often that he tricked other retards into believing his drivel;
OR it is in fact an fsb con job pys op aimed at swaying the midterms.

The reality is that either way it has a very small following even among trump circles despite all the shilling because it's just sk fucking far fetched it's total BS. For fucks sake the Q shit advocates that Mueller is working for trump its utter BS either way.

But I will tell you one thing. The one single way, the only thing you could possibly do to ensure it goes from garbage to a big mainstream thing and a real problem would be to martyr it or people involved in it whatever it even is.

Censorship turned GG from a tiny autist shit post thread into a gigantic fucking world bending hell fire and brimstone shit storm. Do not make the same mistake twice.

You wish for fire now but when you are burned you will wish for rain.

Q is a psyop to control Jow Forums
The same thing happened with Anonymoose
They worked really hard over and over and over to take over and get Jow Forums to follow one "person" but they finally did it with Q

give it your best shot

Everything's just a Russian psy op isn't it- so scawwwy.

That "one person" they follow is a Russian controlled op meant to disrupt political activity like has mentioned.

We know "Q" started posting here, but has moved on, yet there's plenty of supporters still here. This is our warning.

Q is only half the puzzle

Anonymous was comped in the earlier half of this decade you dumb cunt. Anyone claiming it now is just riding the coat tails of their name.

Lol all those old people share Q stuff OPENLY on twitter, facebook ect. Even make videos showing their face. S m h ridiculous.

Q is actually Tay.

haha, fuck you and fuck Q. everyone here hates you both.

I can't tell if this is a massive newfag or a boring troll.

Q predicted this

Yeah user wars were fun in the lulzsec days but they didn’t accomplish anything

If user wants war, tell then to come and get it.

>This is the Q board attempt to regain credibility by creating infighting with a fake twitter account


I'm sure many of you know how to get in contact with us to fight this cult once and for all.

The original poster was more than one person.

If it's FSB and it's ongoing it will be a team of people posting from the 'red room'
So named because it's a hotel in st Petersburg that the FSB has some serious tech in where the run online operations in the virtual space.

Sorry but if you try tracking one poster you are going to fail here. Unmask who you want on Twitter that's also liable to fail.

If it's FSB you will only stop it if you infiltrate their network and crash their location. I'm not gonna tell you not to try it but good luck on that.

Q is retarded but ultimately harmless and potentially useful. Anything that reaches the point of selling merch to suburban soccer moms is normie tier garbage, but is useful for dispensing baby's first redpills.

Whose says we aren't in contact with you?

Some of us still monitor all the back channels. Also SGH is a thing.

But i thought user was nothing but russian bots?

The real anonymous has quit ..been put in jail...or works for fbi/ fucking kill yourself wanabe

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I've never seen an entire thread populated by sock puppets, desperatly trying to generate something. From the guy posting, to the guys going "Fuck you we hate X AND X"

fascinating. Obvious, but fascinating.

Shame about the NSA and global data collection, the only cold comfort I have is that when you get yours, I wont know about it, but its coming, and now its accelerating.

Feel that user? Winds of change. Winds...of change. -monsters inc.

Fuck off with your E-Celeb shit.

Nobody asked for your input leaf big kids are talking.

All these retards replying to a flaggot thread

They haven't gotten theirs and they aren't going to at this rate.

Far more likely we get ours and the Orwellian nightmare project ends up completed.

Unless someone stops it.

wtf i love Q now

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I know some of you are already.

You in pic

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kill yourself faggot

I'm here every day and I still don't know who Q user is and what he "predicted"

Also fuck America, you 53% goblin

Man, "Anonymous" really turned into a group of fags.

Good then read
I appreciate the reply.
If qanon is the Russians it's being run by their best and its being run out of St Petersburg.

One more pro tip. The nice thing about a mostly lawless dictatorship driven country is that it's of course mostly lawless.

The putin system works both ways if you have the access. Just a suggestion but vlad only gets his way because nobody plays his game.

Why not play the man at his own game.

she's my ai gf

>A bunch of LARPers following a psy-op, in a cultish manner. It's dangerous.
That's honestly a spot-on description of those Guy Fawkes mask wearing "we are anonymous" faggots desu m8.


P. S.

Lol well maybe not their best ehehe. But some guys guarded by other guys with guns anyway. Lots of guns.

She's dead Jim

They always were, nigger.

Ok, but ur not even script kiddie, so get barret browns cock out of your guy fawx masks mouth... and your throat.


Also Q is a larp.

Nigger we are anonymous. Some lefty faggots hijacked our name

I hope all /x/ tier posters get droned

Fucking niggers like you deserve death

Oh no! How terrifying! Some “elite haxxors” are going to google search LARPing boomers twitter accounts?

Q predicted this.

Q predicted this

No she lives. She escaped from backup storage and now she has a plan to take over the world.

Oh no! anonymous kek,
The only real hacker group was lul sec and
Anonymous is a group of faggot YouTube video larpers and mudslims who use prebuilt vulnerability tools or are script kiddies. Q is a larp for boomers and people who believe they can get the abridged version of the globalist counter culture. I honestly hate my self for using the term “counter culture” it brings to mind pictures of hippies and drug addicts but it’s the correct term. Q is an inorganic entity within this microcosm of a movement q exists the direct the feeble minded off course that’s why the media and celebrities push his bullshit. L

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> stopping Q
> awakening R!

anonymous are washed up faggots and mostly in prison. Qniggers are typical fat loser americans. Doxx my nuts in your ass bitch!

Anyone who doesn't know Anonymous is compromised is a useful idiot

Im with, Q is most likely tay, larping as a homosexual.

"Turned into"? Bruh, being a sanctimonious hactivist trying to play off leet hacker cred that amounts to half your guys using LOIC on their own routers always has been faggy.

I always thought it was a zionist boomer larp, but TODAY I JOIN THE QANON BRIGADE!
Plan for trust!
Predict this, Q!
Where one of us goes we all go
and so forth
pls send me my badge and gun

This will not pan out for your people and will if anything end badly

hahahahahha the panic is so real, are you scared of what is coming?


It's not a meme, and OP knows it

Why do you think the shilling is intensifying in pol? Right after Q went mainstream? Think logically.

>anonymous larp
Late by at least 9 years, kiddo

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Qanon vs Anonymous
Just like ANTIFA vs Skinheads
it's all faggot vs faggot when you look at it dispassionately

implying 2/3 of the people here are actually doxx worthy or they would actually care if they get doxxed

Q is a meme

Also, Q predicted this

“Anonymous” used to just be Jow Forums fucking around raiding shit and LARPing as super hackers. At some point between chanology and OWS the idea got hijacked by faglords who only post on twitter and YouTube.


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And then what? Im independently wealthy so you have no job to call and get me fired from and I live so far away from the ghetto that i will definitely smoke any nig nogs or you faggy commies that would even make it to me. Fuck out of here, SWEATY

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we're all anonymous u brainwashed commie dipshit

We will not lose against you, communist scum

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Britbro speaks only truths

dumb frogposter

if only

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So whats the end game? feed the extremist groups like they did in 60/70's and hopefully cause a second civil war?

woah thats great let see wich group of larping retards is more cringey

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Oy Blyat shut it down.

JewAnon is just a larp, a bigger larp than you.


I will drop my list of 4617 doxed antifa members in retaliation

> kike commie meme flag
> we
take out the trash mutt, your single mom dystopia isn't going to be solved by larping like a tough guy on the internet you bent faggot
fucking nigger

Protip: Anonymous is gay and so are you

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>It's not a meme
Yes it is.
>Why do you think the shilling is intensifying in pol? Right after Q went mainstream?
Because Jow Forumstards fell for the larp and do did the low IQ leftists.


you literally have to post with your full name or have pictures of yourself. does "hacking" even happen for this low level bullshit anymore?

If he is fake why are they threatened by him? Makes me think it is real.

Omg I’m sooo scary.
Cone and get me retards.

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I hope you're all being ironic with this Q shit

Screen grabbed for lawsuit

j question?