African refugee has lived 20 years in Germany by doing crime

Allasane Sal (46) arrived in Germany on November 1998. He said he is from Burkina Faso. But nobody knows even now if this is true. His name may or may not be true. Medical checks however show that his age is about in the right context.

He wanted an Asylum from Germany in 1998. He was denied in a week. He filed an complaint.

In December he was forced to leave the country. But he lost his passport so Burkina Faso couldn't take him in. Hamburg county in Germany didn't know what to do.

In January 1999 he had already committed so many crimes that despite having a deportation decision in effect, he was instead thrown to German prison.

He has been in and out of prisons ever since. Whenever he is released and is being forced with deportation, he starts doing crimes so he can go to prison and deportation cannot be performed.

Burkina Fasoese officials came to Germany to interview this man. They came to conclusion he is not from Burkina Faso.

Right now this man is in prison until January 2019 for violent crimes.

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Other urls found in this thread:

let's go on a journey

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Welcome to the jungle

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So Melbourne is basically London 4.0?

you don't have to say anything, just wink if you want us to go dresden X1000 on you

Where would he be deported to?

The continent with all the niggers, obviously.


It is worse then that.
We not only have Apex running around but Anti fa defending them...

Like London though we have no go zones in Dandenong suburb


Attached: Chang.jpg (899x528, 119K)


good, germany owes him

This is why you need the death penalty, just shoot the nigger and be done with it.

Yeah, this is what will bring the West down.

We need to throw away democracy (until a while) and do the necessary things to secure the survival of our continent. Otherwise it's a pretty straight downhill ride from here.


Attached: australia.jpg (1252x892, 154K)

Our country is fucked

>Bizarro Canada

Attached: Shielas.jpg (2000x1333, 1.73M)

>Western Russia

We let women have government jobs, this is our divine punishment


Attached: StrayaCunt.jpg (470x300, 116K)

>I know
Was thinking about something to do with the UK like new UK or something but meh


basically yes

Attached: ftawng.jpg (612x405, 47K)

>Abos are just black Irish
I pity Australia.

Attached: 'StrayaCunt.png (241x999, 396K)

Attached: ye.webm (1280x720, 1.7M)

He's the dark knight Germany wants and deserves

I'm actually laughing right now because I can't list a single halfbreed without irish ancestry, from ernie dingo to those abbo model sluts to shaun meehan the singer to bill nedjie or them wulupingus. it's ALWAYS an irishman.

Attached: %22irish%22.jpg (1280x852, 178K)

I have both bloodines as well.
I will show myself out

Aussies would fit perfect in Appalachia.
I give to you the steel flip-flop award.

Attached: HighSociety.jpg (593x579, 49K)

From what I hear most of Melbourne will fit in well in San Francisco fricken anti fa hippies

so just shoot the fucker

im serious you fuckers. this is not ok. why the fuck are you not writing your government reps emails with this video? what in the fuck separates your country from afghanistan if you have neighborhoods of muslims that make their own fucking laws?

>why the fuck are you not writing your government reps emails with this video? what in the fuck separates your country from afghanistan
>St. Louis, Baltimore, Chicongo, Apelanta, Oakland, and Cincinnati don't exist
Wherever you have niggers, you have 'no-go' zones. Boganland is no more or less fucked than the rest of us.

Attached: BOOGAH!.jpg (700x577, 383K)

custody is much too comfy bring back the labor camps

>what in the fuck separates your country from afghanistan

Afghanistan doesn't have eminent domain law.

Sounds like putting people in desperate situations leads to crime, and the way to stop crime is by letting people work and giving them a perspective, rather than marginalizing them.

>Hamburg county in Germany didn't know what to do
top kek, allways Hamburg, why is that not a surprise ?

>the way to stop crime is by letting people work
Arbeit macht frei

Attached: Germoney.jpg (900x618, 79K)

Letting them, not making them.
Fascists use leftist rhetoric because it is popular, but they don't follow through on the actions.

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>'lost' his passport
>hamburg county didnt know what to do
he was trespassing our border without due reason, just kill him already.
fucking social justice shit in our legislation

bash the fash

as if the niglet himself isnt a black nazi just like every black person. look at black peoples attitude in america. ethnocentric as fuck and voting left wing for more gibmedats.

Unlike you, I don't generalize. I know several refugees personally, and some are very pleasent, and some are not. Don't seem worse than the natives on average.

Happy face nigger never seen me smile.

>not worse than the natives
ohh thats why all of africa is a hellhole although we are telling them how to do things properly.

>"Unlike you, I don't generalize"
he said, with a smug sense of superiority; "Niggers are the REAL Germans, after all!"

Attached: TrueBeliever.png (756x756, 150K)

>we are telling them how to do things properly
Maybe the things we are telling them aren't in their interest but in ours? Ever heard of imperialism?
Why wouldn't I be smug when I'm superior to you?

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>Why wouldn't I be
I smell a Turkroach.
RIP Germoney.

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they are not disallowed to look at how we do things and immitating it. their race is simply inferior.

We had that once and then (((you))) ruined it

More than any other action, the West’s decision to offer famine relief and endless charity to Africa may go down in history as the most catastrophic decision of our civilization. We paid for our own replacement.