Why should free healthcare apply only to those living in green zones? Doesn't seem like equality to me...

Why should free healthcare apply only to those living in green zones? Doesn't seem like equality to me. Fucking leftist poorfags only want free shit.

Attached: HDI_sub_national.png (4974x2519, 508K)

could we build the new state in WA. It looks like the place to go

As in Western Australia?
A majority of it is unlivable

> Narva
> High HDI
Who the hell made this thing?

Even along the coast, why is it not majorly developed like the other side.

We are going to make that land livable eventually anyway. Maybe bringing canals and the sea into it.

That will be one bitch of a project.

Ok impossible

Attached: bitch project.png (602x545, 155K)

IIRC Q made a prediction about this.

> Volga district = North Caucasian district

Holy shit

mfw when pajeet but live on the high zone. Feels really nice lads

Attached: 1496277216997.gif (1027x731, 111K)

Is your area the last bastion of Aryans in a sea of shit?

probably easier than taking mars. We need a great project. All our jobs are pointless these days.

>Idea was that 20-40 nuclear power plants & associated desalination/pumping plants would be built, water pumped over the Great Dividing Range, the interior settled. With 20-40 million extra people coming along.

Might be doable over time. Are there any ongoing to push the boundaries of the desert back?

Gentrified Villa zone on Punjab capital boundaries surrounded by old ass high class top government corrupt to the bone royal retired offcials, military generals and upper class and caste businessmen. Life can be sweet in the pooland lads

I really do not see that happening any time soon.

Nope, too busy filling our cities to the breaking point.

Don't forget damning up like mad so not a drop of fresh water falls into the ocean.

Do you live along the Malabar coast?

>(((Free))) healthcare
Leftist seem to feel like they must promise (((Free))) shit to get elected. Of course nothing is free and it will all be paid for by higher taxes.

Wow. There’s one for the SJW retards to break thei8r teeth on. “No one should have free healthcare until every nigger in Africa has it!”

not a dravidian. Hell no. They are weird

i can see a correlation here

Attached: iq_by_country.png (1357x800, 25K)

Same here bro

'we are all epual, we should have equal outcome' is the most massmurderous idea humanity has acted upon. stop being a faggot.

I am epual?

Guess who cheats

Look at Africa - a giant red scab on the ass of the world.

Attached: 1505355901862.jpg (990x640, 361K)


>As in Western Australia?
>A majority of it is unlivable

WA here. Yes, unlivable, full, spiders, sharks, dingos, coons, asbestos,

this map is bullshit, at least in case of Russia

Attached: 1000px-Russian_federal_subjects_by_HDI_2015_(detailed).svg.png (1000x533, 163K)

Go to bed Putin