>Operation Storm was the last major battle of the Croatian War of Independence
>It was a decisive victory for the Croatian Army (HV), which attacked across a 630-kilometre (390 mi) front against the Republic of Serbian Krajina (RSK)
>On 5 August in 1995 the Croatian Army took the city of Knin during Operation Storm, which brought an end to the Republic of Serbian Krajina, a self-proclaimed Serb entity in Croatia
Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>the biggest success and history of croatia is chasing off some serbniggers out of mountains
i mean i can understand it when you were 1000 years under Hungary and had no significance whatsoever
>may may flag
* moves to Germany *
would never do that, I was born here
Ahhhh, a good day, my flag flies high over my house, family barbecue, patriotic songs and good Croatian beer. Feelsgoodman.
Had a blast last year in Slunj. Have fun croatbros.
based and tractored
A za što su se točno borili?
>NATO tells Serbs to remove most of it's military presence
>Croatians sell their cousins in Herzeg in exchange for a chance to pogrom some civilians
>Call it a battle
>Declare it most glorious day of Croatian History
>Literal nobody countries that don't matter and that no one cares about
didn't read sry
s e e t h i n g
evo ti jedna tematska :
nice music choice
More than 80.000 Serbs fight 2500 Croats for 3 months...
130.000 Croats destroys 40.000 Serbs in less than 24 hours...
Kako je Milošević govorio o Oluji:
>"Molim vas, šest hiljada Hrvata je branilo Vukovar pola godine. Napadala je cela Prva armija, vazduhoplovstvo, čudo, sva sila koju je imala JNA, a oni nisu odbranili Knin, kojem se može prići samo iz tri pravca, nisu se mogli braniti ni 12 sati."
>"Utekli su k'o zečevi, a sada hoće da ih Jugoslavija brani. Više su izginuli u bežaniji sa stanovništvom nego što bi izginuli držeći linije…"
Daj ne budi retardiran i ne vjeruj u vlastite laži i propagandu, jebote.
Milošević demagog i lažov, kakvog li iznenađenja. RSK je mrtvorođena tvorevina iza koje nisu stali ni svi Srbi u Hrvatskoj, a kamoli svi Srbi.
U trenutku kada je RH priznata od Zapada a pogotovo u AVNOJ granicama u UN, rat je bio gotov.
To što je HV u Bljesku i Oluji napao UNPA zone bez posljedica govori sve
>t. vojna familija
Zajebi ove strance i memove, zajebi ovo je bilo prije 23 godine, Hrvatska ima drugih problema.
mrš na index i reddit komunjaro
Good fortune will come to you if you write 'wroom, wroom, eternal Serb' in this thread.
wroom,wroom,eternal Serb!
wroom, wroom, eternal Serb
>Expel some civilians
>Call it a battle
I don't get why you spam this video in particular
Wounded guys cries for help, gets laughed at by enemy soldiers, amazing
Bosnian Serb VRSK heroes of Srebrenica deserve to be ridiculed for their "bravery".
Like the Croat mass murderers from WW2 are?
OJ VEJ kirilca je kao Swastika nama Bukopapcima
oy bre sedamstotrilijona nevinih civila poklano u oluji bre
Just like other Serb Nazis from Judenfrei Serbia;
Banjica (Beograd)
Topovske šupe (Beograd)
Veliki Bečkerek (Zrenjanin)
Crveni krst (Niš)
Dulag 183 (Šabac)
Svilara (Pančevo)
Jes to su onih vas 500 noniliona volontera krabrih unistili trilion Srbadijskih tenksova
Sad daj gibs, mali Stipe je kuvo kaficu vojnicima, on je RATNI HEROJ
>>serbs start killing croats
>>croats retaliate
>>serbs start killing croats
>>croats retaliate
Why are Serbs so fucking dense they can't understand that they can't get away with murder without repercussions?
oy bre nato vas je spasio bre ,mi smo se borili protiv 8000 civila bre
Because gay people can get away with almost anything.
Gravedigger probably ain't gay, Ballerina was just prison gay...
Poor innocent Croats just wanted to have fun in their concentration camps (one of them being just for children, lol)
You know you've gone off the rails when even the SS won't stoop as low as you
ovo mi je najdraže kad spomenu kampove,nevini srpski narod koj je klao i silovao gdje god su stigli,gamad
Several years ago, with Serbia under total euroatlantic political (DS) and foreign media domination, Croatia under Soros and Globalist stooges, I began to worry.
Today, not a tiny bit.
There will be a war, or even several of them, in the future.
Croats have reached end stage of their pathological evolution.
They are incapable of accepting actual quotes, videos, evidence. They scream around their bojovnici (1991 early term)->branitelji (quick rebranding), they meme about their “defence” against “aggressors”, they scream about their “prognanici” from RSK and BiH while gloating about pobegulje, traktoristi, izbjeglice, and even the most leftist, globalist media like Jutarnji and Index are anti-Serb to extreme.
Just exposing the reality to apolitical and ignorant Serbs everywhere, and eliminating cancer that mixed mutts and Yugoslavs, fifth column in Serbia are, and the stage will be set.
Can’t wait.
It will be glorious.
>you had a puppet regime and killed jews too
>therefore it's ok for us to put children in to camps
Thank God you still got all that JNA weapons.
WD40 can fix anything. :)
>jutarnji and index are anti-serb to extereme
dečko koje novine ti čitaš
Serbs killed 402 children in Croatia just 23 years ago. :(
Yeah, too bad you sold all of your East German weapons, you know, the ones you actually used during the war
thats doesnt go with this narrative,no need to mention that
No wait I read it wrong, I thought you said we killed 402 children in Croatia in just 23 years
Specijalni čmarci by Aleksandar Glinski. :D
>only 402
That's really not that much
When Vučić was visiting, Index ran weeks long campaign of Serbia hate, called for expelling, diplomatic relations breakdown.
Now they have a poll on banning entry to Vučić.
Not a week passes without Index running anti-Serbia and anti-Serb articles.
Jutarnji ran an article which demonised Serbia for upholding the Constitution, 10th clause, on Cyrillic script.
Not to mention all the lies, nonsense, propaganda and mithology regarding Yugoslavia breakdown, WW2 and Storm.
Look, I fully understand you. I see the point and the motivation.
Serbia didn’t exist, and had no puppet regime.
Territory of military commander in Serbia was a Wehrmacht and Gestapo administered land.
Redpill us on Serbian alternative history and total denial of mind. :D
It's a disgrace to human kind and nature that you exist.
You croats better stop with anti serb hate
Serbs are seen as kebab removers, do you want to be the removers of kebab removers? Go remove so kebab from europe, since rn you guys are pretty worthless for white race
Your country wouldn't even exist if it weren't for Serbs
>nevini srpski narod koj je klao i silovao gdje god su stigli
Bullshit, maybe in the 90s but not during the Yugoslavian kingdom
Serbian history = sucking sultan's dick
Croats are so delirious that they believe they can be both separatists and the defenders, in the same war.
They unironically believe that Serbs started the war, even though their leader Tuđman explicitly explained them on several occassions from 1991 to 1995 (victory speech in Zagreb) that war was necessary, desired by Croat leadership and needed for Croatian independence.
You post a video of Tuđman saying it, they break into incoherrent rambling, frenzy and mouthfoaming.
Leftist Croats are an even worse pathology. They blame Serbs for fall of Yugoslavia, even though HDZ openly proclaimed that nothing except independence and sovereignity of Croatia is desired, and 95% of Croats voting for separation and destruction of SFRJ.
Croats allied with Bosnian Muslims in order to attack Serbs
Recently they even declared themselves brothers to Albanians (not even kidding, their president made that statement)
Aha evo jedan od NGOvaca je svratio na temu. Mora biti teško gledati na TVu vojni mimohod
Serbs betrayed Europe and Christianity in battle of Nicopolis in 1396 and served as Turkish auxiliary troops for 500 years.
Only kebab they removed was to their mouth.
I fucking love that picture so much
Let's try to be objective here. Serbs were removing kebab and roaches when nato put an end to it. What the fuck were you doing? Go remove some roaches to prove that you're worthy to be genetically related to Serbs. This Croat vs Serb isn't doing any white person any good.
Croats are so indoctrinated with nonsense about Serb warcrimes and bloodlust that they meme Chetniks having killed more people than Ustashe, being more bloody.
Then you give them a history book written by Franjo Tuđman made in 1989 which specifically numbers WW2 Chetnik victims in Croatia and reaches the grand total of.... 1750 people.
Stuttering, disbelief, horror in eyes ensues.
Even better, when tackling “Croat” antifascism, you simply refer to 1941-1943 partisan correspondence.
Commisars and Yugocommunists = Croats, Jews. Fighters = Serbs.
Croats are actually taught they were anti-fascists in WW2 and Europe had strongest resistance movement in Croatia.
Serbs were decimated by the war prior to Nicopolis
Prior to the war Tsar Dusan even tried to contact the Vatican in order to gain aid in fighting the coming Ottomans
Didn't lived for long...
>Serbs betrayed Europe and Christianity in battle of Nicopolis in 1396 and served as Turkish auxiliary troops for 500 years.
Wow really I hate Serbia now
To be fair the whole western europe betrayed christianity at constantinople that's why europe has the roaches and kebab to remove in the first place
>Croats allied with Bosnian Muslims in order to attack Serbs
Actually they were beging us to save them before they backstabbed us
>Liberate Croats from 9 centuries of Austrian rule
>Get shot by them
Perfect summary of Serbo-Croat relations
You were always decimated.
First by Bulgarians in 923, by Turks in 1389 and then by dysentery in WWII
Just quit, you don't know how to fight (or to work).
Serbia lost almost all of it's fighting age men in 1389 battle of Kosovo
Moravian Serbia was a conquered puppet state
Actually we have a better record fighting Turks than they do
how do i get a big flag like that?
No Serbian men?
So who made you?
The Turks.
Formed an Empire in 10 years in 14th century
Retook all Yugoslav lands in WW1 (todays Slovenian border is where the Serb army stopped)
In WW2 we were an occupied territory while you were an annexed, we were continuing the fight while you were kissing their boots
In the 90s we fought against the most powerful military alliance on Earth
>You were always decimated.
>War of 1330
>Serbian uprisings
>Serbo-Turkish war
>Balkan wars
>WW1 before Germans and Bulgarians stepped in
>Serbs kill the Sultan
>Austro-Croats wait for the Sultan to die of natural causes
I said almost all, and people back then had loads of children by the time they were 30
Those were just soldiers, there were also many civilians left to repopulate
Why do you even bother?
Look how they don’t reply to my posts.
They are a demonic nation of liars, sadists and opportunistic dogs with no honour.
They combine the worst of Jewish arguing tactics, Latin deceitfulness and Western superiority complex.
Bravest because they feel no shame.
This thread is just another proof of serbian S E E T H I N G and complex of inferiority,we cant have a single Croatian thread without turkish rapebabies coming in and spreading their delusions
Jesus you have a folder on us?
literally rent free
>implying I'm not here just to piss people off
Ubi se seething crncugo
We all know for old Serbian customs of Strnadzenje and Snahocestvo. :D
Also Turks really liked to rape. It was like their favourite thing in Serbia.
Sad that Serbian kids in Janjicari became gay.
Who do you think pisses them off the most?
You know that Hitlers quote on arguing with the Jews?
You can put Croats there and it would be an even better fit, especially when it comes to history and politics.
They are a blindly subservient breed that repeats everything they perceive to be beneficial to their POV without even bothering to check it by themselves.
Jučer na selo, danas na moru
Pušite mi kurac četnici
You have stories
We have data
The people who mixed with Turks were all expelled after the successful uprisings
That is why today there is a minority of people in Turkey who trace their lineage to Serbia
Todays Serbia has little to no shared lineage with Turks, especially in the Northern parts
Best thing is that you don't even know that Serbia is an independent state from 2006. :D
>Croat in stable, surrounded by straw
Natural habitat
would love to see your picture
ITT: Seething S*rbs infected with sugma
He’s mad we took this kalishnikov off one of his cousins 25 years ago
You have shit. Nobody wrote a book or went to school in ottoman Empire. :)
To Turks Serbian men were only good as building material in Cele kula.
At the same time Serbian women were stars of European snuff porn.