USA Senate just increased aid to Israel

You fucking zionist slavecucks working to enrich your jewish masters in Israhell.

Attached: ee4f3179-98a9-47aa-9c16-4c7856cc26b9 Israel aid.jpg (650x365, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I have no problem with this. All it does is make the left hate Israel even more intensely.

>have no problem with this. All it does is make the left hate Israel even more intensely.

Hi, JIDF hasbara shill.

Holocaust was fake and gay.

The US gives money to Israel
Israel buys US military stuff.

Win win

Q predicted this.

>The US gives money to IsraelIsrael buys US military stuff.Win win

They have their own military shit. You forgot to change a flag, jidf troll.

If you think everyone who disagrees with you is a shill, you might enjoy (((Q))).

Attached: 1531527370178.jpg (434x476, 27K)

Sorry fakeflagfag, Spain is not yet a muslim state

it will never be a muslim state.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at 11.04.18 AM.png (1556x732, 211K)

There a huge number of Israeli and Russian trolls and bots on pol and you are obviously part of them, shills.

Attached: Putin's mother Shelomova-Shalomovitch is Jewish.jpg (1600x1000, 122K)

IDF is anti-kebab.

Step 1, post total bullshit
Step 2. Ignore any facts anybody posts by calling them shills.

Time for Step 3. Kill yourself, nobody likes your trolling here faggot.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at 11.15.19 AM.png (1924x1312, 719K)

more money means they can afford to take on iran alone now

Butthurt russian troll scum.

IDF is anti-kebab.
IDF is also anti-white

Attached: 1523339980182 Jewish Trump children.jpg (480x360, 76K)

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Attached: 1525729207145 Donald Trump's Jewish cabal.jpg (1104x9958, 2.96M)

Did you even read his post before having a glucose attack?

Dude, it's obvious that people shilling for Israel in this thread are paid Russian and Israeli trolls. Putin's right hand man buddy oligarch behind Internet Research Agency and Wagner Group is a kike, Yevgeny Prigozhin .

But it doesn't. They're not permitted to hate, or even address, Israel.

How many cubicles do you have in your trolls factory?

Trump himself is jewish

>what is BDS

Leftists have hated Israel for years because jews are white to them and keep shitskins under control in their country. Please try to be less retarded.

And is a zionist stooge as well. Handing even more money to what leftists consider a literal apartheid state only erodes popular support for that shithole.

>only erodes popular support for that shithole.

That's actually a good thing.

Based ! israel is our greatest ally, we must defend the jewish people from mudslime savages, g*d bless israel.

>Based ! israel is our greatest ally, we must defend the jewish people from mudslime savages, g*d bless israel.

Yes, Jews are our Elders in faith!

Of course

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Q this dick, nigger.

> we must defend the jewish people from mudslime

Mustards are Jews brainlet shill

Attached: yasser-arafat-008.jpg (1608x905, 81K)

>russian bots
This has to be bait or youre the worst newfag shill ever

Israel = welfare state
welfare state = loser

I-i-i-i-its just 4d chess!!1!!111!!1oneone

Anyone denying russian trolls/bots is a russian troll/bot.

>Israel = welfare statewelfare state = loser

Their amerimutt slaves are working to enrich them for nothing so they are winners.