The syrian war writes it's final chapters and only waits the victory of assad. After the war he will be considered as a national hero and history books will mention his name and actions for generations. After cleaning suwayda SAA is heading to idlib and turkey will have some hard times dealing with hts. After this, kurds will only be able to surrender. The war is almost over after long years of patience, assad will remain a pain in the ass for turks, muricans and kikes, making syria great again. Praise assad !
Assadist anos reunite !
God bless Assad
I don't like Assad all that much. If only Isis never came to be and turned this into a two front war Syria would be a free country right now
God bless Assad
A free country like Iraq ,Lybia and Afganistan? Are you fucking retarded?
Assad is the first guy I know to be able to stay in power after being targeted for total anihalation by Jews
At least there will be one gov and the economy would recover after 8 years of war, syria would restore its sovreignity
>assad will remain a pain in the ass for turks, muricans and kikes
If he is smart he will lay low but like all sand niggers, he is not. If we wanted to take him out, we would have already. It wouldn't be hard at all.
Yes Afghanistan, Lydia, and Iraq are free. Only some Taliban that keep popping up in Afghanistan but that's to be expected
So being occupied by the American Golem in preparation for kike colonization is "free"?
Youve been trying for 8 years row, calm your titties son
Ok kike, fuck off, dont you have some foreskins to suck on?
>If we wanted to take him out, we would have already. It wouldn't be hard at all.
w-we don't even want to win, guys! we LIKE drawing "red lines" and looking like pussies
Still better than getting occupied by american scum
You cant deal with a bunch of niggers in your own backyard yet you think you can take him out hahaha
Hahaha exactly, all talk no action
can't wait until the russians glass you tbhroachfam. it will happen
What kike colonization. Muslim kikes(Turks) colonized Anatolia. Jewish kikes colonized Palestine. Nile to Euphrates expansion is a meme
I dont care about him and his war, all sandniggers to me.
Lmao at least they wont annihilate our army
Shit I guess it's pure cohencidence that America bombs another one of Israel's neighbors every decade.
This, they're basically Ancap paradises
Filled with 80-iq violent inbred shitskins. Iraq is the only one that could have ever been considered marginally civilized until Bush and Friends bombed the shit out of it.
I hope these are baits
Actually iraq was getting pretty civilized and has strict laws with low corruption. Of course muricans got butthurt when iraq refused to give oil and started targeting kikes. Iraq will have hard times in the upcoming years
the forsed Asshat meme needs to die
he took 7 years to beat some retarded ragheads with the full strength Russian airforce, US coalition bombing ISIS like crazy, every Shia militia in the world at his disposal
the k*rds, turkmen and US supported rebels in the north are still there unscathed
I was surprised isreal let them take back darra without a huge thing to fuck it up. Here's to idlib and Kurd being killed off
I wonder if Erdogan is after all a total cuck and will allow Assad to enter.
Also this is an obvious Russian proxy thread.
There are certainly intelligent Israeli people who hate Assad and want him to fall but the Netanyahu government which is close to Putin and extremely cynical feel that Assad is good for their interests. They recognize that a tinpot dictator like Assad who doesn't command the respect of the majority of Syrians will never pose a conventional threat to Israel. Even if he's so weak that Iranian proxies run wild around his territory the Netanyahu government feel like they can just strike at these proxies as the need arises.
G-d bless Assad
>Yes Afghanistan, Lydia, and Iraq are free.
Wrong millennia and continent buddy
Dad Assad had such a huge head. Reminds me of Jack Ma