What did Qanon mean by this?
What did Qanon mean by this?
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Trump is a zionist stooge. Republican democrat different sides same shekel
How come other le redpilled e-celebs don't do this? Seems like a decent idea and they get more than enough Patreon shekels
where are all these qanon women lurking on this board and why won't they fuck us?
qoomers actually think the nsa violating our rights on daily basis is a good thing, sad!
I think he wants people to give up.
can you people stop fucking posting this bullshit?!?!!?!?
>cmon user get in the redpill mobile take ya to school
Q is Mossad, Israel is the real enemy!
it needs to be addresed, Jow Forums has gone normie!
we got soccer moms with red pill decals on their minivans
They thought it would be generation Z but it was actually Q.
its being spammed by JIDF
There has been a awakening
have you felt it, patriot?
that he glows in the dark. americans dont give a fuck about fighting with iran. that niggers dumb. personally im sick of benny boy grand standing and begging for money. the sooner he dies the better
It means (((Q))) is a zionist, obviously.
> Do iranian jews exist?
> Are they agitating against israel?
>we got soccer moms with red pill decals on their minivans
What a time to be alive....
(((Q)))user is a neoconservative PSY-OP, a pied piper operation that is meant to sidetrack the Trump base back into whatever is beneficial for Israel (and jews in general).
Search the 4plebs Jow Forums archive for "modified limited hangout".
Americans are a strange folk
based animu boster
JIDF reveals itself
The ironic thing about QAnon is that it has become more mainstream than any other redpill thread on pol.
Stormfags can only dream of being this influential.
All my keks.
Lower Left Boner
(((CIA))) making it onto (((CIA))) news
imagine my shock
jesus christ these fucking people lmfao
No, it hasn't. There's no Q posts here. Wherever it's coming from, it's not the chans.
Wrong. No one knows about this stupid Q shit. It's never posted here or on 8/pol/. The amount of people that are full-on 'neo-Nazis' is infinitely greater than these fringe Q retards.
What I clicked for.
Fucking kek’d. You do realize the only reason the media is reporting on it is because it reflects extremely bad upon Trump supporters?
They’re trying to portray Trumps base as schizophrenics, and the Qboomers are giving them all the fucking fuel they need.
heres the thing. No one in the west cares about "freeing Iran". at all. We've been stuck in middle east wars for almost 20 years and for fucking nothing. You know eastern Afghanistan? the worst fucking part of the war, as its only fucking mountains and a total bitch to fight in? Yeah, thats what ALL of Iran is. I fought there for a year, and it fucking suck dick. and thats against some pedo goat fuckers, not an entire army.
you can't convince the US to send their kids to fight and die there at this point. It would be even more unpopular than Vietnam BEFORE we put boots on the ground. The only way to take it down, is to support a coup to remove the current government, and thats not our problem. only the government and spooks can attempt that. and even if we did, so fucking what? Israel will be less paranoid? not worth a single American life. its their country, let them Irianians deal with it. If they can't, then they aren't upset enough.
You see the mountains to the left in this picture I took? thats the Ganjgal. Its on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. A marine got the medal of honor for fighting in this shithole. Now imagine an entire giant country thats only that. and imagine getting drafted to climb that shit with 100lbs+ on your back. thats war with Iran. Fuck that. Let the kikes deal with it if they hate Iranians so fucking much.
Q is a boomer larp. plain and simple. OH NO DAH EVIL IRAN. fuck you, jews. do your own dirty work.
>it's not the chans
it comes from the chans, at first they came here and had to move because LARPing is a bannable offense then they had to move over infinitychan, and they still are there learning our linguo but are still stucked at the facebook memes with impact font and bottom texts
I always thought that Q was a Jow Forums isolated thing.
now ive a shitload of stuff to keep up with. Though i still think it's some faggots making a word salad after another also though meme flags keep saying it's a psy-op.
based zogwarrior post
Iran has the best street art.
>kikeshill replying to his memeflaggot vpn
show your flag kike
>Let the kikes deal with it
That's not how it works. The US is their golem because no one names the Jew, their control of our government and their crimes.
It was just one shitty LARP out of a dozen that came after the 2016 election.
The only reason it seemed to catch on here was because some boomer conspiracyfag with hundreds of thousands of youtube followers directed his schizo audience here when he started making videos about the Q larp.
Thank fucking god most of them moved on to infinitychan. We’ve still got our fair share of schizo boomers who refused to stop shitting up the board, but at least Jow Forums is somewhat browsable again.
>Q talks about a “great awakening”
>It’s just a bunch of old neocon talking points
Qanon is a Zionist shill made to keep boomers in line.
>everyone who questions Q is a shill
Please speedball all the pills the doctor gives you and die of a heart attack, retarded qoomer scum.
LARPing cringefag
qultists need to be gassed. They take any questioning of their prophet as an affront to their religion and only start shouting "SHILL" and "TRUST MUH PLAN". Boomers were this country's greatest mistake.
This is what happens when you let newfags introduce more newfags to introduce more newfags to "redpill the normies"
I want the Jow Forums that was just a more edgy Jow Forums back
I find it incredibly disturbing that people over 50 lurk infinity chan
you need to give those poor people freedom my fellow americans
>first thing out of every memeflags mouth in all q related threads is q is psyop
>no one ever takes memeflags seriously
>q is actually prob a psyop
>mfw purpose of q psyop is for anons to start taking memeflags seriously since every memeflag that isnt obviously a newfag is israeli
Any country on here is taken seriously when they aren't shitposting for the most part and make a post that contributes thus almost all memeflags have to be israel hiding
How did all these people even find out about the Q larp/meme?
>t. sub 90-iq boomer q cultist that cannot comprehend hegelian dialectics
Its all over facebook from what I can gather; every normie that supported Trump that I know is obsessed with Q.
I just saw a fat guy crossing the road
Dropped his sammich
Bent over to pick it up
Fell on face
In your mind.
Just like all the other "boomer" bullshit the kikes feed you.
Jerome Corsi and Info Cucks
>white shoes
fucking marines man always getting all the bitches
It's a psyops to make boomers send their kids to die in Iran.