
Anyone else here hate fishermen?
They make the dumbest argument in favor of fishing. They really think that it can be sustainable..
Where's all the cod gone?
And tuna?
And salmon?
Over fishing is killing the environment.
Perhaps the worst thing about fishermen is that they take their snot-nosed brats with them and teach them how to fish. You often hear about fishermen teaching their 8/9/10 year old to gut and fillet a fish.... Who the hell expects a kid that age to be able to use a knife? It's dangerous, and things can go so wrong.
Fuck fishing.

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google.co.uk/search?q=uk recycling to landfill

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I know it's a problem, but I really like fish and it really feels like it could last forever.

Well, I go lobster fishing. There's a set number of traps and days within a season we are allowed to fish.

We throw back females that have been clipped (breeders) and breeders with visible eggs. We also throw back undersized lobsters. Majority of what is caught is thrown back.
We only keep the older males.

If we are catching too many lobsters, there are two things the government does to regulate it; they can set the number of traps from 400 to 375 (We adhere to this), or they could reduce the season.

Catching fish is no different.
Regulations ought to be no different.
It has been proven to work.

We're seeing cod make a come back. Currently we are not allowed to catch them where we are, but they get in our traps all the time; even pollock isn't as much a nuisance as cod. Cod is everywhere.

I hate China.

I hate them. They strip mine the ocean's marine life, destroy marine ecosystems, and kill millions of tons of what they call "bycatch". Because fish are FREE. Fisherman are niggers.

I was with you until you mentioned the kiddo aspect... Wtf is wrong with teaching your kid these basic skills? Opposing this crates the young "adults" who can only survive on premade food... "OH MY GOD HE CUT HIMSLEF W/ A KNIFE"... get a life dumbass - in my book that's a lesson learned. 8/10 bait. OP, you an faggot.

what about whales? they eat way more fish than humans could possible get.

If the ocean runs out of fish then that's the fish's fault for not breeding fast enough


Ridiculous. There are not enough whales to eat as many fish as fisherman take.

The joke is that the developing world is the one dependent on fishing, not west.

>Anyone else here hate fishermen?
Yep. Sea gypsies. They take from a system while putting nothing back. Too fucking stupid to consider sustainability.

>he says while taking out bags of plastic trash every day

Faggot leaf

Its spelled phishing you brainlet

We recycle here nigger

>Anyone else here hate fishermen?

You need to make the distinction between commercial fishermen (and by commercial, i mean being part of large corporations with international logistical aims) and single men who go out with a net or a small boat to catch for their families and local areas. This is apparent when you go to the baltic or adriatic seas - in the baltic you have large trawlers and organized entities doing what you describe, and then you have single or pairs of men on small boats catching fish (keeping a few for home and selling the rest at the local markets or at local companies). in the adriatic you will see this often. small boats boats with crews of two or three will come in to port, sell fresh and direct to the locals and local restaurants.

the commercial and corporate side - the huge trawling boats with crews of 100, catching 100,000 fish and in the process of transporting to a far away supermarket on the other side of the world wasting half of the haul - these are the disastrous and tragic fishing practices which you should be fighting against

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>Who the hell expects a kid that age to be able to use a knife?
I think you're doing some fishing of your own.


Only thing worse are hunters...

Yeah I hate em, viper sting is really fucking overpowered

What you are talking about are mostly Chinese commercial fishing companies who could not give a shit less and do not follow best practices, make that distinction clear or youll get Raked.
There is a lot of conservation efforts here in the US, especially the east coast when it comes to preserving fisheries, releasing undersized fish/pregnant females, using proper hooks and bait, not being an asshole and throwing trash in the water, etc

Except, of course, that hunters will frequently BUY and MAINTAIN land for animals to live on. And, to compare fishing to hunting - it would be like hunters burning down a forest to catch the deer. The fishermen DESTROY marine ecosystems. Because FREE. Hunter pay to MAINTAIN and PRESEVE ecosystems. You stupid piece of trash.

recycling is a myth, both bins go to the same landfill.

google.co.uk/search?q=uk recycling to landfill

5000 milliseconds in google

Go catalog faggot
This is over your head

> Perhaps the worst thing about fishermen is that they take their snot-nosed brats with them and teach them how to fish. You often hear about fishermen teaching their 8/9/10 year old to gut and fillet a fish.... Who the hell expects a kid that age to be able to use a knife? It's dangerous, and things can go so wrong.

Fucking pussy.

Fish farms are the future

Go catalog yourself, punk, this is WAY over your head.

Thank you. Fuck recycling. Except I get two big fucking bins to trash shit instead of one. That's a win.

Thank you user. Commercial guys are out here on the east coast. Had a fucking trawler come within 20m of us and ate our anchor, scariest fucking thing in the world

K good troll. You win.


Of course, it was a VERY difficult battle, due to your brilliant repartee and command of the facts....I salute you, my worthy, fallen adversary.

Youve obviously never been hunting or met a serious hunter. That community is probably even more concerned with conservation than local fishermen. Hunting does not disrupt an entire ecosystem and there are more stringent laws and regulations (and enforcement) than fishing.

You must be as drunk as I am

Can't tell if all these people are serious or if op is that good


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Once the oceans die the planet goes with it.

OP is a baiting faggot but not entirely wrong
You are a massive faggot who is willfully ignorant


people who profit off natural resources (arguably owned by everyone) are scum.

ANOTHER Zinger!! You have really outdone yourself. And I thought that Oscar Wilde was dead....

normies often fail to make the distinctions.

there are many parallels which can be seen in they way that they see individual hunters as violent masochists, all while enjoying sausages produced at enormous, vague, far-away commercial butcheries and farms. i have discussed with countless normies such topics, with it often becoming quickly apparent that normies are oblivious to the workings of such corporate machines

normies are further surprised to hear that many hunters and fishermen find points of agreement with organizations such as PETA/greenpeace/seashepard

Your "distinction" is trash. Fishermen of any sort kill earth and the further down the totem pole you go the more harmful they are to the environment.

I love people in here arguing about rules, regulations and shit as if Indians and chinks and japs give a single fuck about that kind of thing.
One drags a big net through the water and gets stuff the other drags a big net through the water then loses it and goes LOL and speeds away.
Its all cancer.

It is called the tragedy of the commons. When the resource is free, people will take advantage of it as much as possible, and will not care about maintaining the resource. As the resource gets nearer to depletion, rather than stepping back to let it recover, people will expend more effort to FURTHER deplete the resource, before it is all gone.

>Perhaps the worst thing about fishermen is that they take their snot-nosed brats with them and teach them how to fish. You often hear about fishermen teaching their 8/9/10 year old to gut and fillet a fish.... Who the hell expects a kid that age to be able to use a knife? It's dangerous, and things can go so wrong.

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There's nothing wrong with fishing per se. However, bottom trawling is pure insanity, as is wholesale capture of entire fish schools. These are the techniques that destroy everything.

My country has purged ALOOOT in 2017-2018, It is weird why people here are complaining it is hot while they continuously eat meat and fish whenever the FUCK they can.

Dude seriously, more than anything I cannot tell if you're shitty mad or trolling. Either way it's hilarious. Either you have no idea this is literally reposting from the hunter thread to rustle, or you're really enjoying fucking with me. But either way I'm seriously loling over here. This is good stuff.

are you trying to appear retarded?

where did your food come from? they come from natural resources which are owned by someone, who in exchange for your daddy's money, created a product for you to eat.

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I hate commercial fisherman because they take all the fish, leaving nothing for recreational fisherman.

>hunting is bad
>fishing is bad

ITT: huge fucking crybabby libcucks. Take your "save the whales" shit back to the 1990s where it belongs.

Fishermen do not destroy marine ecosystems.

I live in the North Atlantic; and up until recently, I didn't know we had coral; I always thought of it as a tropical thing. Apparently, we did have coral, but a lot of it has been killed off because of foreign draggers.
Since then, our scallop dragging boats, our lobster fishing boats, crab, etc, work the same way; we avoid as much destruction as possible.

As I said before, majority of our catch is thrown back. If the supply of mackerel was any less than it was, it would be more expensive; and we can't afford to buy expensive bait; so its in our interest to keep the fisheries well regulated. This is why unions and organizations exist among fishermen; because WE decided that over-fishing was bad before the public even knew about it.

I would like to make even more distinction.
On the east coast, many of the boats are operated by families, not corporations. We are trying to prevent corporations from having the ability to lease licenses, because the corporations are inefficient in the industry.

I once worked in a lobster processing plant. If you don't know what a fish box is, it's a large box, about 5 feet wide, 4 feet tall, and it can fill up to thousands of pounds of lobster. That's what I used to see when I worked in a Chinese-operated lobster processing plant; fish boxes FULL of dead lobsters. It was unreal; they contributed to the biggest waste in possibly the history of the industry.
Corporations, government mandated organizations, allowed to hold licensing, would completely destroy the fishing industry. Government is inefficient as it is.

I work on a family boat.. Just the 4 of us, and that's pretty high for a 33 foot boat.

Hey user - the ocean called - they're running out of shrimp!

shrimp is an INSECT not a food. gosh user

Omg. You Share blue faggots are either up late, from smoking crack off David Brocks dick or up early because the sun was shining under Soros' desk yoy live under. Shut the fuck up. Waaaa i hate animal hurters. Fuck off as you wear leather shoes gloves belts etc.. What did you think those animals died natural causes and willed their carcasses for your shoes?
Who left the damn door open and let these pussies in ?

ok, assume we stop eating fish.

what do we eat for protein? what do people near to ocean eat? do you eat meat?

tell me, how should things work if all fishing is so bad?


Oh yeah? The jerk store called - they running out of YOU!

False. Have you ever heard of a trawler? You are the typical, low IQ scumbag who is the living embodiment of the tragedy of the commons. If what you say was true, we wouldn't have seen the collapse in the North Atlantic Cod population. You are ignorant and lying because it benefits you to do so. No one is fooled. Fish are not an infinite resource, cuck.

>fish boxes FULL of dead lobsters. It was unreal; they contributed to the biggest waste in possibly the history of the industry.

i believe you, and it's real. a similar thing happens with fish. they are able to turn a profit because of the high markup for the ones which arrive in marketable and edible condition. the losses are factored into the prices of the catch which is marketable (by the time it reaches the far-away destination market)

That's cause I'm a hot sale item

cheap mass produced and always does the same job. similar to a fake turd I guess

Didn’t you guys have a big problem with that up there in leafland a few years back? They shut down a bunch of fisheries and their was a ton of unemployment in coastal towns. How’s that going? Has it recovered?

You're their number one best seller.

Have you looked at catalog lately?
Let me help you. This is a post where op has changed the word Hunter, to Fisher. This is a joke. This whole thread, is a joke. My comment, is a joke. Please go read catalog. Please lurk moar.

I'm a lobsterman too. One part this user didn't mention is the fact that we're artificially increasing the population as well. Basically turning it into aquaculture because we adhere to the female tailclipping regulations and also feed those fuckers.

Whadda use for bait maritimer?

You don't want to become mercury deficient, goy. Eat fish at least twice a week.

I feel better already!

Of which there is a moratorium and is respected all along the east coast (including Canada) you stupid fucker.

Look up the fact that herring quotas are about to be halved as well you dumb nigger. Dunning-Kruger motherfucker. You know nothing of the fishing industry and stop pretending like you do.

People eat fish.
More people on planet, more fish is eaten.
Killing yourself, less people on planet. More fish products for other people, less fish to fish out.

Ez solution. Do it now and save the fish.

>Fish farms isn't a thing!

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Fishes can be raised like on farms. There's little reason to mass fish like the old ways.

Unless you're a Mouthwash-Canadian, right?

>Being this fucking stupid
>If what you say was true we wouldn't have seen the collapse in the north atlantic cod population
Do you know why the cod population dropped?
Newfoundland joined Canada. Canada didn't know how to properly manage newfoundland's fisheries.
Offshore foreign trawling (Big ships) caused this to happen.
The first to complain.. The FIRST to complain were the local inshore fishermen.
It was because of big government, foreign corporations, and not enough local representation.

Similar thing is happening in Nova Scotia. People (the local fishermen) are getting fed up at the abuses of the government, allowing unregulated fishing to take place. Social justice warriors are pissed off at the fishermen for being racist, claiming that we're just against the natives because we're a bunch of racist hicks; but it's because of government allowing natives to get their way, that boats have been burned, lobsters have been poached, and lot of criminal activity goes on. This is the government's fault, and the fault of big corporations who drag their wallets around with them.
The fishermen were the ones who notified the government. We have no representation anymore. You wouldn't know about these issues without fishermen.

I got into an argument on facebook with a woman who claimed to have spotted a lobster claw with a pepsi logo embedded in it. I told he she should do the responsible thing and call the people who did the journalism, and tell them to pull the story, because it's sending the wrong message to people. We're having this negative media effect across the industry, but it has always been the fishermen who've addressed the issues first.

It was shocking. Not long after, the building collapsed. The news went national . I have nighmares about that place. It's scary what government and corporations do without proper representation by the respective communities and families.

There's such a thing as sustainable fishing

Too much is bad though

Chinese are the ones who will overfish shit to extinction

They should be taught that quality is superior to quantity in the long run

Its another 'White man, why are you not doing anything?' issue
While the west is only place that tries to restrict fishing and maintain populations

Well, we would like to get the traps with the bags already in them, but for now we're using bait bags with mackerel. rotten herring usually near the beginning of the season. Some times we'll use things like shad. Pollock does REALLY well; it saved our asses.

We go by the book. We're good fishermen; we clip the tails, we handle the lobsters well, nary a missing claw.
We don't allow a single undersized lobster to be sold, nor a breeder. We don't scrub the eggs or do anything like that. We actually care about the fisheries and the fish in the ocean.

Yes; they get special treatment, which is silly because the wabanaki confederation agreed to allow us to control their trade. They oughtn't have a say or a special right that we don't have.

Ye because people love to stay away from love ones and be isolated in the middle of the fucking ocean. Or they really hate fish and want to catch them all. You decide

Good luck preventing those Norwegian floating factory/Fishing boats from your waters who don't give a shit about over fishing.

I unironically believe that the US Navy and Coast Guard should torpedo foreign fishing fishing boats who come anywhere near the North America plate

I'm from NS, five minute drive from a Reservation, I know what they're like. All the best to you and your family with it all.

Actually this is a common misconception. The problem is that whales eat large amounts of the feed that fish need. While the fish population is culled by fishing we've actively protected their competition. Basically we should bring back whaling in a limited fashion (mostly smaller whales who reproduce faster whose population has exploded since protections were put in place). Also fuck the entire asian continent. They need to keep their fleets in check

I'm all for declaring war on Norway with all the overfishing they do. They're just as bad as China.

fish is brain food. lots of DHA and EPA. it's natural that a leaf would hate it.

I also think the US should declare sovereignty over large swathes of international waters to prevent overfishing of the big deep sea fish.

Fuck Norway. It's a shithole.

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Fuck the only thing worse than fishing is hunting...

norway doesnt overfish and neither do we.

>Anyone else here hate fishermen?

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Actually, you are under a misconception. The quantity of fish eaten by all of the world's whales in a yea is significantly less than fishing kills in a day.

The omega 6 to omega 3 ratio is what counts. If you stay clear from the grainy Jew and eat potatoes and leafy vegetables instead you are good.

Wadda ya at by?

Hey you guys should become a state.
- freeze peach
- everyone gets an AR-15
- no more "a fucking leaf"
I unironically want Atlanta Canada to join us.

>eating fish

Atlantic Canada. And Alberta. Brain fart

right, like you don't eat grain-fed beef and pork.

nothing comes even close to oily sea fish, and foods like walnuts are full of ALA, which is inferior to DHA/EPA.

Right.. That's why Iceland and Norway have some of the largest fishing vessels ever built. So much so that you guys bring those massive ships ever so closer to the US coast once you've depleted Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. I can't wait until you guys come face to face with the US Coast Guard.

If you know enough about a biome you should be able to know how much to extract without overburdening it.
Like leaving the sandbanks in peace were the fish recovers and lays eggs etc
Needs a lot of insight and cooperation between small business and government ofc.

As a matter of fact I don't.


You were saying...…?

>earth is 80% water
>thinking we will ever run out of fish in our lifetime

Some whales do eat fish.