I Believe In A Unified Anglosphere and I Feel No Shame For Doing So

The English speaking world needs to be united, no it DESERVES to be united in common purpose. We are of common blood, common culture, and common ethos. Excluding loyalty to the monarchy, what exactly was it that separated the patriot from the redcoat? When the British were sending patriots from their homes during the war, do you know what the American colonists said upon being told they were to abandon their homes so they could be used as shelter for the British soldiers? They told them that every Englishman’s home is his castle. No, they didn’t say that every American’s home is his castle. They said every ENGLISHMAN’S home is his castle.

We are CHILDREN OF EMPIRE and we ought to recognize each other as such. I am an American, and more specifically, I am a Southerner of predominantly English and Scottish stock. All throughout the world my kinsmen have fought, bled, and died to settle untamed lands and spread civilization. Without my people vast swathes of the world would not only be left in darkness. Entire continents would be left to savage Mohammedans, slant eyed chink fucks, and gas drinking subhumans.

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My people pioneered the industrial revolution. We pioneered PIONEERING for fucks sake. We are the most European of Europeans, while ironically choosing not to identify as European but as “something else.”(looking at you britbongs) We are radical individualists. We are communists. We are fascists. We are confederates and we are Imperialists. We are capitalists. We are farmers. We are shepherds and we are trappers. We are fishermen. We are doctors. We are roughnecks and we are engineers. We are country boys and we are city boys.

We are the most powerful force to have ever thrust its will onto this planet and we ought to start acting like it. Our blood is what unites us. Our impact is what defines us. The seed of Albion is the most powerful seed in the world. Gentlemen, I salute you. I salute my father and his father before him. I salute the men who fought and died to conquer every bit of the British Empire. I salute every man who fought and died to make America's destiny manifest. From sea to shining sea, I salute you all. God bless.


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Brothers united, we stand together.
We shall never give up on one another.
We shall not betray one another.
We shall not turn our back son our ancestors.
We are of common blood.

We shall not fall. We shall prevail.

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there are many issues in the way of a united anglosphere but all of them can be solved peacfuly if a decent effort is made.

>there are many issues in the way of a united anglosphere
I agree. I do not propose a concrete union of rigid character inasmuch as I propose a union of character along concrete character, if you catch my drift.

>but all of them can be solved peacfuly if a decent effort is made
effort will be required on all fronts if any sort of common purpose is to be set forth
such is the way of the world

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I'd honestly rather pursue Mosley's dream of a united Europe than become the 51st state.
Your union has some good political ideas that we desperately need, but culturally and economically we'd just get sucked into you.
Australia & Canada might benefit from a union with you, though.

>along concrete character
concrete lines I mean

Most Americans are dutch/german/irish and Australia/Canada both have big southern european and eastern european populations, in addition to the three of those countries having all manner of half anglo mixes. A unified anglo ethnostate would need to include some of these people as honorary anglos.

I used to be for the idea of a United anglosphere. I still am in spirit but politically we drastically to the right of you. I'd be concerned our bill of rights would be demolished with the addition of more than 130 million folks.

Not to mention all the individuals who refuse to assimilate to the current common cultures would HAVE to be dealt with.

Why is Ireland included in the angloshpere?
There not anglo

Fuck off cunt.

>we drastically to the right of you

A country founded on liberalism isn't more right wing than a country which still has a monarch, to some extent. Your understanding of left and right is fucking retarded and I'm sick of hearing it. It's not individualism vs collectivism or capitalism vs communism you tedious dipshits.

Americans are german and mexican mostly

Don't get me wrong, i love an idea of an alliance between the new world and the old.
But The colonies have long since forged separate identities for themselves.
You were the lands of opportunity for all euros,not just Anglos.

legit. But UK fags shouldn't be allowed.

That's great America, but most of your country does not. American flags respond to British flags on this board with venom and extreme prejudice. I like this idea myself but the infighting between Anglosphere countries makes it impossible.

>A country founded on liberalism isn't more right wing than a country which still has a monarch
Still clinging to the queen like she deserves it, huh?
America is to the right of us, and if this country is to swing right it needs to look a little more like america politically and a little more like the pre-war era culturally.

>On this board
Oh, you poor abusd little bedroom dweller.
Put the laptop down and go outside for a few hours you fucking autist.
And don't act like the banter doesn't go both ways.

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best idea would be- US+Australia+NZ+Canada, and the based UK right wingers move out of the sinking island of Britannia.

>the OG anglo isn't allowed
k den

>I still am in spirit but politically we drastically to the right of you.

You seriously believe this? You elected a mulatto president twice in a nation known for its unapologetically WASP upper class and the coastal states and cities are ground-zero for SJW shit. I'll grant you that you have codified law, 1A and 2A and a more libertarian right wing of which we have nothing of the sort but culturally and socially we don't differ that much, unfortunately. I'll stick my neck out and say that from over here it looks like half of your country wants to abolish guns judging by how people vote. I've never met an American outside of Jow Forums who doesn't hold the opinion that Americans should be disarmed.

I was using this board as an example because we are having the discussion on this board. Take your meds.

who else gets a rush of pride whenever they read about the anglos buttfucking krauts and nips in ww2? all neo nazi larping aside, we fukin pwned them and we remain the most savage motherfuckers on the planet when we want to be.

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Colonies think they can get uppity because current political trend are putting us into a dmographic position they've been at since conception.

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South Africa is not Anglo

An example of MOST of america. Also, you're complaining about "Venom and extreme predjudice" on Jow Forums.
>take your meds
Learn what that term is used for.

You first, faggot.

Yeah it's the only way, the Europeans can not be trusted with the keys to civilisation, they always get suckered by Marxism.

I cannot tell you how to fuck off hard enough

>implying the australians and canadians can get along in a unified anglo country

>WASP upper class
they died out by the 70s

So you're just parroting retorts you've heard other people use without any undrstanding of the context.
Thanks for shooting yourself in the foot.

>Most Americans are dutch/german/irish
Most Americans are "unknown/no answer" and DNA testing(both 23andme and AncestryDNA) has repeatedly found that the US is very very British when compared to its measly representation in the US census. It is a little known fact that around 1/3 of the immigrants who landed on our shores left to return home after finding out just how hard it was to make a life for themselves here. As well, I cannot speak on Canada and Australia's composition as I've not studied it in depth.

The goal should be to replace the current mass of non-Whites with the rest of the Anglosphere. Culturally, that is. Politically, any sort of union would only benefit the currnet island caliph that is the UK. Everyone else would be bogged down.

if you pulled your head out of your ass you'd realize that 130 million shitskins can swing quite an election
>insert lolberg "Romney would've won with Reagan's demographics" meme here

We only need a common enemy to get along with other Anglo nations, as long as we're in a constant state of war with outsiders Australians will tolerate Canadians.

Its ok. It would be easier to identify who to erase from face of earth. There is no worse scum than anglos and their minions.

>Politically, any sort of union would only benefit the currnet island caliph that is the UK. Everyone else would be bogged down
Don't get lippy with us, son. You imported your own demographic timebomb because you were too lazy to work.
And this is exactly why i'm not in favour of an anglosphere union; Americans thinking they know best, erasing & absorbing in the name of "unity".

I'm not parroting anything, I'm telling you to fuck off because you're clearly unreasonable.

>if you pulled your head out of your ass you'd realize that 130 million shitskins can swing quite an election

Where did I say anything to contradict this and what bearing does it have on what I did say? Those shitskins belong to you and they're Americans.

>clearly unreasonable
Yes, expecting you to take the banter on fucking Jow Forums is obviously an unreasonable request.
Come back when you're 18, retard.


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Put a bullet in your head for every word you put in my mouth.

White america is a unified Europe, Americans are our brothers.

Not true. The Irish share common gene traits with white Anglos/Europeans.

I didn't put any words in your mouth. Learn what these terms mean, you actual mongoloid.

here is the legacy of the Anglos
>Fascism is blooming Europe (Italy, Germany, Portugal, Romania, even France eventually etc)
>invade Europe during WW2 together with the Soviet Union to stop this
>divide the conquered land between Judeo-Capitalism and Liberal degeneracy (the west) and Judeo-Bolshevism and misery (the east)
>eternally shame any pride in Germany
>FORCE Germany to accept immigrants during the 60s and 70s
>create a global empire of drugs, sexual liberation and degeneracy
>secure the existence of Israel, thus creating conflict that ends in migration crisis

basically, being pro-Europe means being anti-Anglo
thankfully they are destroying themselves faster than us
London is already minority white
USA will be like Brazil, 3rd world hispanic shithol
I shed no tear for British girls raped by Pakis

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Fuck off Iqbal

Brothers, yes. But we're not the same entity.

>And don't act like the banter doesn't go both ways.

I never said anything about "banter" but since you won't stop harping on about le banter, it's actually not banter. If you'd ever engaged an American flag from this board one-on-one and without their anonymity, which you clearly have not or you wouldn't be acting the way that you are, you would see that their admonishments and resentments towards Britain are genuine. They actually do think the things they say on here.

>Also, you're complaining about "Venom and extreme predjudice" on Jow Forums.

I'm not "complaining" about anything, I'm making a statement based on an observation. You're the one attributing an emotional response to something I said.

I meet Americans every day through my job, so yes, I have the impression that based on lived experience from multiple different facets of life, MOST Americans do not like us. Now that I've spelled it out for you, will you kindly fuck yourself with a 10 inch vibrating black dildo? Thanks.



It is already united and you control it.

British bomber jets also killed more Norwegians in total than the "Nazi invaders" during WW2

they've spoken english for like 500 years and most of them have anglo dna

Are you crying? You type like you're crying.
This isn't tumblr, spastic. If you want you can go cry there.

They're more similar to me than muzzies and niggers, let's put it that way!

Bombing German civilians isn't something to be proud of.

but what about the terms? learn what the terms are

When you look at the ABSOLUTE STATE of each of these nations, it really shows the wrong side won WWII.

The U.S. is barely Anglo at this point, they're mostly G*rmans, nogs, and especially spics. They're basically a Latin American country at this point, and too far gone to be saved. Tough immigration and a healthy injection of white South Africans could help the rest of us, though.

It's not an either/or.


Kek, have a you!

White man here. Glad to join the party, gents.

No idea how substantiated this map is but I'm surprised there's even this much British genetic input left there.

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The only one I see is our respective flavors of leftisms are terrified of that thought.. Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Australia could snap their fingers and bring back the Empire. It would be an economy on par with ours and a military power on par with ours. America and these reunited former imperial dominions could frankly tune the rest of the world out and live amongst ourselves.

The main problem to following the original plan of federating the empire (Australia's structure was the model and was hoped to eventually enfold all the imperial dominions with England, scotland, and ireland getting their own parliments and westminster becoming the imperial parliment). The problem with this is that the England's population would cancel out the combined voices of the other dominions. One could easily see why they would be hesitant about giving that kind of control over to the English considering how their government does things today.

Maybe we add australia's section 44 to your contitution? And apply to all.
A confederation like switzerland would be cool too

We owned the wrong fuckers though, nips and krauts are pretty based, we slaughtered the wrong people

Thats the spirit. Now go to a mosque and say it

There is a certain truth that, like being an a true American, being an Anglo is more state of mind that necessarily just race. Remember that the Brits are cousins to the Germans.

too bad none of those shitholes are actually anglo anymore

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Reminder that India is the biggest country of Anglosphere

Dont go russian into somthing you cant finish

I'm a bit of an asshole towards brits because it genuinely hurts me to see what you've done and allowed to be done to your country. I'd always looked at you as a sort of older brother nation.. and now the stupidity and legal abuse I see over there makes it feel like talking to brits is like a little brother teaching his older brother shit he should already know. As you see over here, we won't stand for any of that sort of thing and it is a shock to see how much you've eaten.

>being an Anglo is more state of mind that necessarily just race

Depends if you're talking about culture or ethnicity. I would demarcate English speaking Americans from various parts of Europe as Anglophone rather than just "Anglo" and I certainly wouldn't call them Anglo-Saxons, which is a term used specifically for English diaspora. In your opinion, what makes someone "culturally Anglo"?

>census horseshit
fake and gay
Genetic testing proves day after day that the largest European ethnic group in America is that of Great Britain.

>inb4 Great Britain isn't an ethnicity
convince a more specific DNA testing company to do one of these studies and I'll gladly post muh maps for it

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America won't be part of the Anglosphere twenty years from now.

We kind of need your navy though.

>what makes someone "culturally Anglo"?
shared values, virtues and aims.
there's more that binds the anglosphere than divides it!

>As you see over here, we won't stand for any of that sort of thing and it is a shock to see how much you've eaten.

Won't you though? Will the ethnic replacement of white Americans ever stop, or will you quietly be bred out despite having your first and second amendments? You guys always say this but you still fall victim to governmental tyranny and replacement by mass migration. I'll obviously concede that Britain is much further along and I agree with you entirely that the complacency and lack of verbal outrage and physical mobilization to stop British nanny state lunacy makes us incredibly easy to criticise. It's why I don't even really try to defend Britain on here anymore.

British decent with Cherokee raised in Birmingham, Alabama, now living in New York. I was betrayed many moons ago

As a retired soldier, I'll tell you that is the stock of men that field our army that make us so powerful. The fucking saudis have the same equipment and they can be folded up like a card table in a couple days.. Same goes for the Iraqi army.. they were rolled by a group of towelheaded sand niggers rolling in in riding Oples and trailblazers. This is why wars in the middle east go on..and on.. and on.. They don't have the fortitude and self dicipline to actually attack.

Europeans in general, Anglos in particular, are the greatest warriors humanity has produced.
You won't get an army of shitskins and niggers to storm Normandy. Religion is a big part of that too.. it's one of the reasons removing it from the Army scares me.. because you're not going to get dudes willing to be on the first wave that aren't right with eternity.

Then there's a problem. Half of US are unironic catholics

I want to believe

This makes me laugh everytime, thank you britbong.

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Shares anglo values of hard work, family, and community. Also, native english speaker is a requirement as it effects how you form ideas in your mind.

>tfw the census is fake and gay

Protestant immigrants intermixed with native English settlers with very little issue. You undoubtedly take issue with the catholics. I personally don't give a fuck about muh irish catlicks but everyone else seemed to stay separated. Only in the last few decades has the issue with inter-denominational admixture become a small issue. It is still a big issue in the south, where people are overwhelmingly British.

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It's a good thing the Poms didn't send another regiment, there's no way the continental army could have withstood it when you look at the tiny numbers of actual soldiers.

>You undoubtedly take issue with the catholics.

Not me.

Like I said in an earlier post, user, we are the greatest warriors the world has ever seen.. you and I both.. My people are now 'woke' to what is happening to us.. how our kindness is being used as a dagger sliding slowly into our breastplate.. That generates a terrible, merciless, pitiless, and righteous anger that is terrible to behold. Frankly I feel that no immigrant that came to this country after the Democats began this process is valid. Trying to steal someone's nation, while forcing them to pay for it invites righteous war where pity has no place.

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

Britain was Catholic long before it was Protestant. I am a based Catholic who attends Latin Mass with a based fiancee that even wears a veil without being asked to. She loves the fact that she drives a Subaru with NRA stickers on it just to piss off liberals. We are horrified with what has happed to our church. Google Bella Dodd to see how the pedos and commies got in.

Check out churchmilitant.com to see how we are fighting back against the compromised hierarchy.

>Not me.
Alright well many ethnic delineations fall along those lines regardless.

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same for the 13th emu battalion, shame they didn't wipe the abos off the map once they fucked you over

> implying five eyes does not largely fulfill this criteria in terms of governance

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It's true though, had the British been determined they could have made a bit of a slaughter of your revolution, when you look at the numbers.

Well its a bit convoluted. Apparently the cencus of 1990 (im pretty sure) stated that 25% of the country was full blooded english decent, and about 50% partial decsent. Now the 2010 census said only like 8% is of english blood. This is because thay added the "american" category to the ethnicities. In addition, most americans identify with their most recent ancestry, like they might be 3/4 english from the 1700s, but may of had a german grandmother who came over during the 40s and will say they are german. This case is similar to my own, i was always told i was of german blood, then took and ancestry test which said i was about half british.

>In your opinion, what makes someone "culturally Anglo"?

Law & order. Following the rules of society almost to a fault. Justice and liberty. Common law and all that it represents. Ethics and morals which may have a Christian heritage but a secular rationale.

One digit off fuck sake, you're right but I doubt another rebellion wouldn't have risen up supported by Spain and France later, Spain wanting more of Canada.

It was the 1980 census but you are correct. British was essentially divided and conquered along every fault line possible while German and Irish didn't suffer the same fate. Be you Scottish, Welsh, English, American, "unknown," or British, the census makes sure to make your cultural kinsmen's presence as small as possible.

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>Law & order.
>Following the rules of society almost to a fault.

I get where you're going with this, but how can you say that when the Englishmen of America's founding fought a revolutionary war to get away from us, a society which they saw as constraining and oppressive? I would argue that America was established on the foundation of societal rebellion more than anything else and that strict adherence to societal rules and norms is much more a "British" mindset than an "American" one.

>rebellion isn't an Anglo tradition
oh please
and it's not like we weren't principled in our rebellion
our rallying cry was "no taxation without representation" for fucks sake
There's a good case to be made that Anglo-Americans are more historically English in character than the English who currently reside in Britain.

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>rebellion isn't an Anglo tradition

Well take note that I did say the founders of America are our rebellious offshoots. I'm mostly wondering how could it hold true that the Anglo mindset the poster I replied to described is one of obeisance to the rule of law and social conformity when the USA became independent under violent revolution? Mostly just trying to find consistency in the various definitions people have put forward in the thread.

>There's a good case to be made that Anglo-Americans are more historically English in character than the English who currently reside in Britain.

Not sure I necessarily agree with this since most of our history has been marked by serfdom and iron fisted rule under monarchy despite the odd chimpout here and there. The American Revolution is definitely the strongest example of a group of people telling our monarch and political ruling classes to fuck off and fully getting away with it.