Can someone please show me where Russia influenced the USA?

Can someone please show me where Russia influenced the USA?

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I am also awaiting proof not just circular linking of CNN articles to each other.

Some Russian trolls posted some anti Hillary memes on facebook. Now the whole election is invalid.

It's a big battle for some pipeline or something. I don't car I like russians, Fucking badarse on youtube

Double ds
Does that mean /pol is invalid too?

in the butt.

It's all a left wing fantasy, the entire Russian thing is because these lefty snowflakes can't accept the fact that they lost the election, so they keep making up excuses. Their favourite excuse is that the "Russians" somehow "hacked" the election yet they can't produce a scrap of evidence of this ever happening.

It's glorious watching them lose their minds over it daily though.. lol :^)

Attached: Cupcake_Trigger.png (567x336, 189K)

I work at the meme factory so why haven't I seen this meme hmm???

On a real note. Liberals where blood shot red in the face mad Russians where cheering and toasting Donald Trump won because they felt a Hillary Presidency likely meant a war they did not want to fight in.

russia is code for Jow Forums

They bought some facebook ads fucking WWIII right fucking now

Yup a push to ban and hide Russian happy dances that where salt in the wounds.

>anti Hillary memes
Those memes was made in here

Attached: clinton33.jpg (480x480, 50K)

I have yet to hear anyone say that Russia or its agents actually changed vote counts.

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So their problem isn't "Russia" nearly so much as being unable to track and identify every human at all times.

They didn’t.

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My understanding is that some Russians possibly hacked the DNC email server exposing their corruption and obsession with pizza. Obviously they needed damage control and thus instead of having people focus on the email content they tried to shift people's attention to the "muh Russia" narrative.

The Bush administration was responsible for the rise of ISIS you utter dumbfuck.
Clinton was really just along for the ride, like she has been her entire political career.

At the 2:20 mark, Putin names Israel as being behind the mischief going in in US-Russia relations...

It's the (((usual suspects.)))

TRUMP said pussy

I bought vodka instead of whisky. Proof.

the russians hacked the racist electoral college, which is easy to do because rural and suburban retards are sexists

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Christ imagine having only 2 or three "cool" frenemies in the world and you hack one's pc and it's full of cp. you'd be devastated distraught. or a little horny.

I wonder what russia will do next

So your to fucking stupid to figure it out on your own (or just being glib) and you've come here to ask a bunch of retards to explain it to you?

Attached: 4chanusers.jpg (250x188, 5K)

>to stupid


you can always turn a deaf eye to other people's spelling, it's politer :)

Attached: oh-you-correct-grammar-nazi-meme.jpg (600x400, 72K)

Russia may have influenced peoples choice when they voted because they felt sympathy for people that just did not want a war monger in office. Its unreal how made happy people make some of the lunatics. I can't even find the happy dancing Russian vid anymore to triggering. remember there where people who voted Trump scared to show any rection he won because they would be found out and fired in liberal places. I give you kekistan vs antfia

It's literally not real.

It's sanity vs. insanity.

The Left in America is schizophrenic, and guess what?

They control the intelligence agencies, the schools, the military and so on.

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