Evening lads.

>Opt Out of MHR

>Chinese Influence on our Major parties
>Scandals for Labor and the Unions

>Labor must not hobble ACT corruption watchdog

>Chinese property developers turn to Liberal lobbyists amid ICAC storm

>Markets remain deaf to escalating trade tensions

>Australia's plans to build foreign ties with undersea cables hits snags at home

>Australia's population to hit 25 million

>Snowy Hydro 2.0 plans raise environmental concerns for scientists

>Aussie slang is apparently a dying trend — but not everyone agrees

>Super funds face royal commission scrutiny

> Dear cynics and fools: Australia's had jack of your taxpayer-funded failure on energy

>Ai Weiwei's Beijing studio razed by Chinese authorities

Previous threads

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630 start tomorrow

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>>Labor must not hobble ACT corruption watchdog
reminds me - anyone heard from that little cunt Sam Dastyari?

Dastyari is on Tele now mate.

>not having a 630 start on Sundays
never gonna make it

self employed master race here.
when I can be fucked taking work, my fee is 1,000 to 1,500 a day.

really? what show?

Literally had a 6:30 start today. missed Church too. not happy.

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Dunno what it's called but it has Rove in it.

I got up at 630 to mow the lawn on the john deer

faggot melbourne judges make me sick.

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OK, he still has enough clout with ALP leadership so (((the media))) have to give him a cushy job.

Melbourne's diversity hire Magistrate who couldn't even make it though his first office Xmas party

Chinks buy their pet mouthpiece a slot on TV to sell their takeover.

Someone give me a run down on the Mt Wellington cable car, why are so many faggots in Hobart against it?

>he still has enough clout with ALP leadership
Now that you mention it user....

>Labor back pedals after party boss recalls Sam Dastyari

hey guys i'm in a heated indoor pool u jelly
im rich you see

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It will ruin the wilderness.
It will make greenhouse gasses.
It will actually employ people.
>ban it immediately
Greens every time.

*tips cork hat* g'day m80s


wow what a good boy

Should quit tbph.

hey guys just got into after a nice swim feeling comfy af
tfw no work tomorrow because rich af

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To be fair, you can hardly "live it up" in Sudan. What the judge should have done is allowed him to have a permanent holiday in Sudan with no chance of returning to Australia.


This sounds like a heavy larp

Turnbull is releasing millions of dollars for drought stricken farmers. Those poor drought stricken farmers that export 75% of their crops while we pay $25+ a kilo for the scraps.
Remember to NOT support the farmers because those cunts are the first to suck taxpayer cock when times get hard, and sell their best produce to chinks, seppos and poos when the going is good.

you can easily make $1000 each day by buying and reselling returned electronics from harvey norman and similar stores.
i need to start doing it again.


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What the fuck are you on about? They produce more food than Australia needs or wants. Selling to overseas markets isn't a betrayal you autist. Do you honestly think we pay too much for our nationally grown food? Did you not see Dick Smith breakdown crying over the state of our market?


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mfw you guys actually still work instead of becoming rich af like me

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Morcombe poster, right?

Asplain. I thought whatever wasn't faulty just gets lumped into auctions.

What bux you get senpai?

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none, i just won it big on a scratchy

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$1000 had to cancel my centerlink, im retired

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>won it big on a scratchy
How big is big

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I’m a former beef farmer who sold up and fucked off to the city 10 years ago. Let me put it this way. There are 30 million ‘millionaire’ families in China. You, as an everyday Aussie, are competing with them for access to food,
Our farmers have been selling us out for 30 years, and when the going gets hard our government bails them out. Here in Tassie a quarter of our farmland is now Chinese owned. If you have a Chinese owned farm that exports almost all its produce to China, why the fuck should the taxpayers be forced to support it when times get tough? It’s not like those cunts are supportive of Aussies that can’t afford to eat non processed food now.

Friend that’s 50 $20 scratchies. You can’t lose

tfw rich af, big day planned
>steak for breakfast
>laps in the pool
>purchase fine Art on ebay
>smell cash smell
>round of shuttlecock
>retire nude in silk sheets

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Expat here

Please take back your women, they're loud and vapid, and only seem to care about outdoing each other at brunch. Even worse than Bong women

Lads can stay though, they're good blokes

Who's screwing us, our farmers or the Chinese cunts? And if it's the Chinese why were they allowed to buy our farms in the first place? Is access to food a problem in our decadent fat-fuck US-satellite non-country? Our government 'bails them out' only to keep them alive enough to sell out to China. Our farmers are among the least subsidized in the world. What do you want them to do? Should they only sell to Australia? That would make no sense.

Of course our supporting a Chinese farm makes little sense beyond not wanting the land to go to complete shit, but the sanest answer is getting the farms back in Australian hands (but lets be honest we're a post-national state and there are no Australians anymore) and actually supporting them and protecting what's ours so this doesn't happen again.

Who can't afford to eat non-processed food? It's not like beans, rice and fruit cost more than junk.

Keep them, Zhang. Chinks contributed to our national decline, consider this punishment.

our government

But I'm huwhite ;_;

I think French, Bong and Aus women are the trifecta of Annoying Brunch Cunts in HK

Everywhere else seems to be fine

Angloids are a fallen culture, and I get the impression French more or less are too. Oh well.

Are there any minor parties worth a damn?

dont go to sleep fellas im rich af so dont have to work tomorrow but i still want to aus post

I hate sleeping because I know when i wake up I have to face responsibilities and people. I'll stay up.

im shy now knowing you guys know i'm rich af

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what kinds of responsibilities and people?

Not as of yet. Cory Bernardi seems to be fucking retarded, PHON will never get a majority sadly, Katters Australia Party is aight, he's very aware of Australian's being replaced and the Asian invasian. The only one left is Clive Palmer, his economic policies are fine, but he has no stance on immigration which sucks.

Get smart, user. Look for shit that very few people can do, but the market is prepared to pay good money for, and get good at doing it.
no cunt's going to hand it to you.

wouldn't giving one of these smaller more conservative parties a go be a good move tho?

>Clive Palmer, his economic policies are fine, but he has no stance on immigration which sucks.
Palmer is larping.
Makes his money not by his business but by setting up deals that never come to fruition and suing people connected with the deal for big dollars.
Tries to get big gibbs of fgovernment, they tell him to fuck off, so he threatens running for parliament as a spoiler candidate. rinse and repeat.

Fuck yeah, still preference them first, but they are still not going to do much sadly. I personally put Australian Conservatives #1, Liberal Dems 2nd, and then work my way down with Liberal going just above Labor.

I read through some more of Clive Palmers policies and it seems like he is a pro-immigrant shill.

Killing all of the blacks. and chinks would be a good move but good luck making it happen

can you please hand me some examples of these "sought after" lines of work?

who here is currently on meth i want to get an idea how bad the situation is, im not on meth btw

This is wrong. Clive Palmer was an adviser to Joh Bjelke-Petersen, the greatest premier Queensland has ever had.

Studying Law. Also I got prodded by a peer into speaking to my university's support-services for 'depression and anxiety' so now I talk to support-staff every now and then and have an appointment with them tomorrow. Why can't they let me be a dysfunctional failure in peace? I hate meeting people, I hate waking up before midday, everything is hard, everything I see and do makes me feel more alienated and like a square peg being hammered into a round hole.

Bernardi, Katter and Palmer are all okay. Accept that we're a post-national state and they're all acceptable. All three are staunchly anti-gay and abortion. Our guys for sure. The country would never have gotten this fucked if we put Catholics in charge from the start, but now they can at least practice some damage control.

>no cunt's going to hand it to you.
yeah fuck yeah mate hard yakka, fair go doesn't exist anymore cunt

for fucks sake, you dumb cunt.
>Hello ultra rich cunt. I'm very good at taxation laws and business structures. I can restructure your finances and save you $300,000. I charge $100,000 for this service.

He's a retard who can't run his party and is not willing to hand over the reins to someone who actually knows more about running one than him. He recently got denounced by one of his ministers about this.

And Clive Palmer is a pro-immigrant shill who supports illegal immigration see SHEV visa.

Clive Palmer claims to be responsible for this visa. It lets you apply for other visas, even if you have come here illegally.

he makes most of his wealth through litigation, not entrepreneurship.

he's worse than a kike

thoughts on airsoft guns?

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>government causes you to lose all your money
>wtf I shouldn't want my money back!?!?
tard. Clive Palmer was worth more before he sued.



tard? he ain't in politics for us, he's in it purely for himself.

I think if somebody wanted to shoot this school in Australia they should use a water gun filled with ca fentanyl and dmso solution

>he ain't in politics for us, he's in it purely for himself.
>he says with absolutely no evidence, no proof, nothing
Go back to writing for GreenLeft faggot.

no money in that shit, user.

Bernardi does strike me as barely more intelligent than average but willing to work hard as fuck. Not superman but he has values so I like him for that alone. I once listened to an episode of his podcast. The talk about 'common sense' and 'triggering snowflakes' is all pretty fucking gay, but he's not a bad person.

As for Palmer, I'm really at the point where I don't really recognise immigration as a huge problem. Australia has been a mere economic zone for years now, it's not a country anymore. I hate it but that's what it is. Reversing this would require pretty much dismantling advanced capitalism and balkanising the entire new-world.

you only like him cos you're a fat fuck too

someone been sipping the haterade

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I haven't used it in a while but the situation is bad user, very bad.

I like Bernardi, he gets my #1 preference, but something in the party needs to change majorly.
>I don't see the immigrant thing as a problem
I kinda do. I would like to see white people come in. Obviously we can't go straight out and "restrict" Chinese visa's, so why not just make it easier for European countries to come here?
Someone's got their panties in a knot.

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So heavy larp?

What about ON? I heared Hanson's full of it but they get more attention (or so I've seen) then other minor parties

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I should rephrase that, the immigrant thing is obviously a huge problem but I also see it as a fact of late-stage capitalism combined with globalism. Unless an enormous number of hearts and minds are won over very quickly it's not stopping, and it's already so madly muddled that it can't be totally undone, only controlled and stabilised. I think that anybody who still thinks Enoch Powell was wrong in 2018 has to be at least a bit retarded.

>PHON will never get a majority sadly

She's too prone to gaffes, and slightly unlikeable. Because she's prone to gaffes she comes across as a retard.

In my opinion, Cory Bernardi, Clive Palmer, Pauline Hanson, Tony Abbott, Peter Dutton and Bob Katter should make one super Party. Now that would be a party worth voting for.
>late-stage capitalism

What needs to happen is that we need to start making it easier for Europeans to come to Australia. It would be a veiled step towards the White Australia policy.


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I wonder sometimes if Bernardi and Palmer are plants. Bernardi since leaving the Libs has never voted against the government and has never had an original thought of his own. If Dutton makes noise about white refugees, Bernardi does too, if Alan Jones raises the flag about Chink influence then Bernardi will meekly pipe up too. Name on policy he’s passed or one time he’s voted against the government. He wants to merely half immigration which means we’d still have 130,000 chinks and poos turning up each year. Have you ever heard him defend your Aussies including raising cost of living concerns, casualisation of work and housing affordability? He is no Trump not is he a Salvini. He’s a boomer cuckservative who only cares about his re-election.

Palmer is obviously a plant to split the Katter and PHON vote in QLD.
>allegedly commit fraud
>go from being a billionaire to being a millionaire with countless legal problems
>*a message from Turnkike arrives*
>”shut down the Katter and One Nation parties fat boy or you’re going to jail”
>enter the new Palmer party

Motherfucker how thick are you that you think European immigrants will make Australia 'white' again? Westerners don't reproduce because our culture is tainted and dying, while brown cunts and asians do. And there are already a fuckload of brown cunts and asians here. Unless you deport all of them, including their children who were born here and know this place as their only home, the numbers simply won't go back unless you import a retarded number of Euros and drop non-Euro migration to 0. Even then they're here and reproducing because their cultures are less insane than ours.

And yes, capitalism. Those brown cunts and asians aren't invited over out of sheer humanitarian concern for their flourishing, they're cheap labour. The dissolution of borders has always been a capitalist drive. The broader your labour pool the more you can treat your workers like shit by threatening them with the unemployed, imported masses gathering around their jobs like vultures.

We're all fucked so who cares. Cultivate virtue within your own soul.

>Bernardi since leaving the Libs has never voted against the government
You're a retard. Bernardi supported the "right to self defense" bill with One Nation, and David Leyonhjelm.
>He wants to merely half immigration which means we’d still have 130,000 chinks and poos turning up each year.
Oh god forbid we have less rather than zero. You obnoxious little shit. Would you rather nothing happen, or better yet, he increase it? I'll let you in on something: Your little larping fashy war isn't going to ever happen, so be happy with the immigration cuts you get.

>Palmer is a plant to split Katter and ON vote
>allegedly commit fraud, btfo of lawyers at every turn
>go from being a billionaire to a millionaire due to government illegally interfering and helping China
>sues the government, win
>sues china, win

Bernardi is a boomer cuckservative and Palmer is a plant (see my above post). Katter is literally a third way nationalist where as Pauline is a conservative civnat which is why they don’t merge.

Dutton is selling us out, letting 260,000 people either get immigration visas or convert their temporary visa to permanent (eg poo and chink students, 457 workers staying on). This figure is known as net overseas migration but he recently claimed there has been a reduction because he quoted the number of new visas issued. He’s from the corrupt QLD cops and has about 10 negatively geared homes so he only cares about his super balance.

Abbott is an over educated (Rhodes scholar) moron. In 3 years of being PM and two decades of influence in Howard’s government he failed to achieve anything for the nation, failed to purge leftists and globalists from the public service and let big miners avoid the resources tax. He seems like he’s waking up know but it’s too little too late

>European immigrants will make Australia 'white' again? Westerners don't reproduce because our culture is tainted and dying, while brown cunts and asians do
>wtf China's reproduction rate is less than Australia's !!!!

I'll give you a run down on how demographics work, when there are 17million Australians that reproduce at 1.9 children per woman, and 1 million Chinese that reproduce in Australia at 1.5 children per woman, eventually, if we stop letting them in, there are no more Chinese. It's something that happens gradually. Oh, and by the way, if we let in more Europeans, this happens even quicker.

>He supported a meme bill that got voted down 65-5 or something of that order
That’s great but did he stop licking the government’s balls for one moment to call them out and demand the passage of said bill. He could have threatened them over the tax cuts and got self defence and immigration action guaranteed.

I repeat: what has he done for young people? He’s a Monster gulping boomer who can’t even fathom the damage his generation and his target voters generation have done to the nation.

>be happy with the immigration cuts you get
Be happy with the used chewing gum we give you to plug out leaky boat goy, or in more timeless words: eat cake goy

no larp. I'm a professional. Worked a long time as an employee, got good skills, now self-employed and charge 1000 to 1500 for a days work and people pay it cos very few people can do what I do and what I do is in constant demand. There's only about 25 people in the private sector in my State that can do what I do.
Simple economics - supply and demand gets you the big bucks.
No dox, no more detail.

>There's only about 25 people in the private sector in my State that can do what I do.
successfully pleasure 5 cocks at the same time?

>no more Chinese
Do you really think they'll have one-child families until absolute assimilation occurs? Do you know how long that will take? And do you know how many non-Chinks are in this country? What about the Sudoniggers? The Pajeets? This is delusional, without actively killing or exporting parts of our population you consider undesirable they're here to stay.

Have we become a greater or smaller portion of the population over time? How do you plan on bringing immigration to 0?

>I-i-i was completely wrong about this politician who I know nothing about.
>it-it was a meme bill anyway!

>Be happy with the used chewing gum we give you to plug out leaky boat goy, or in more timeless words: eat cake goy
>I'd rather flood my country with immigrants and do nothing while having a complete sook on Jow Forums pretending that I care
Zero sum game faggot.

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you couldn't afford me

There is only one way for Australia to retain some semblance of whiteness in the future, and it's not the bbc solution other countries are taking

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I could, heres why: I'm a professional. Worked a long time as an employee, got good skills, now self-employed and charge 1000 to 1500 for a days work and people pay it cos very few people can do what I do and what I do is in constant demand.

>17 million Aussies
>8.5 million Aussie girls
>1.9 babies over a lifetime (82 years)
>16.15 million Aussie babies over 82 years
>195,000 babies per year

195,000 < 260,000 which was the previous years immigration numbers under Dutton. I’m not sure how you expect Bernardi’s meek proposal to half the intake will make a difference when it will be watered down to 3/4 after debate. A meek cuck has never been a real leader. Trump ran on making America great again, if Bernardi was in such a position he’d be promising to make America somewhat decent again and campaigning and would get BTFO