Women don't belong in the armed for-

>Highest kills confirmed

>Were the best pilot aces

>Better firing accuracy

If you ask me, it's the men who don't belong at armed forces.

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Other urls found in this thread:



>still wants a military
Jesus Christ. Anyway, cute girl.

Women make great snipers because they're good at lying on the ground for days.

>Soviet numbers
Reminder that historians cannot even give a close estimation of the numbers of people killed in the soviet union (current guess: 20 to 100 million) since they systematically faked numbers and destroyed evidence as a general policy.

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fake news invented by russia to convince the west to involve women in war. how stupid to fall for the scam

hee hee isn't that how they always make their money?

>current guess: 20 to 100 million
people who believe those high numbers are clinicaly retarded

>20 million is too much
>Remember the 6 gorillion

Attached: Just a ship goy.jpg (563x821, 181K)

It was extreme time that required extreme measures. Those females were exceptions and in general Soviets tried to keep females as far from battle as possible.

How much of a gullible brainlet do you have to be to believe communist wartime propaganda like that? Commies only ever do two things well, telling lies and murdering their own people.

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She belongs in my bed

Dat inferiority complex.

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It's just another inferiority complex of them wanting to show up men until shit gets real and people die having to pick up their slack.

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The future is already written.

>Highest confirmed kills
>by the Soviets
that's how you know it's bullshit that got like quadrupled for Propaganda reasons.

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Norway's special-forces division of women would argue otherwise. And there is no comparative argument you can make to it as they're the first female special forces division in the entire world and still the only

>If you ask me
We didn't.

>soviet propoganda
A thread died for this.

>Highest kills confirmed
Simo Häyhä
>Were the best pilot aces
The Soviet Union had zero "pilot aces", zero of any aces really. Just the largest army the world has ever seen. Look up dogfighting statistics from the war against Finland.
(K:D:R 33:1)
>Better firing accuracy
Perhaps when shooting squirrels from their kitchen window. In a hot situation? Nah, man.

If you ask me, men have been warriors and hunters for millions of years and have it engrained in their DNA.
Women do not.

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Implying the reds could have held out without lend-lease supplies from the US.

I would take all heroic tales about war with a grain of salt, communist tales even more so. West didn't fall for their "muh better society" propaganda but somehow people still want to believe all about those heroic stories about soviet superwoman soldiers fighting against nazis.

>The Soviet Union had zero "pilot aces"
But that's wrong

This. The Soviet Union was hitting levels of propaganda that should not have even been possible during the WWII era. These stories generally have some truth to them but are mostly tall-tales. Many of them remind me of the dime store novels about gunfighters in the Old West.

>Highest kills confirmed
Third highest.
>kill count doubled for propaganda reasons
>still beaten by some kid from Austria and a Finnish farmer
>Were the best pilot aces
Night Witches weren't aces they flew night raids. As the name implies.
>Better firing accuracy
Now let them run through a desert wearing a tactical vest and carrying a machine gun.

also having high kill count as sniper (kilometers away from any threat)? what a fucking achievement! sorry roastie, exception proving the rule doesn't validate your dumb opinion, see pic

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>>Highest kills confirmed
>>Were the best pilot aces
>Better firing accuracy

What is true
>cant pack march
>break their legs
>get pregnant
>spread STIs
>have to use sex to gain protection.

GTFO fucking ANTIFA basedboy faggot.

And yet our feminists never support extending conscription to women. I wonder why...

>Looks like a bogdanoff
Did know you were gay, user. Usual for commies I see.

Why would a site called businessinsider covers shit like this?

Roza Shanina on photo - that's her diary - on english. Her brother was killed on the war, and she solved revenge germans.

Attached: dsc_0105.jpg (768x537, 470K)

She cute :)

"when it's time to cook and clean I'm a feminist but when it's time to do hard things I appreciate chilvalry tee hee"

Good goy

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Because Jews own bussiness and Jews want to push feminism whereever they can.

I wish women weren't manipulative cunts and were honest with themselves.

They want all reward and 0 responsibility. Women have been catered too their entire lives that they don't see that with great power comes great responsibility.

muh normandie niemen

These are French so they don't count but the Russians had plenty and some of the best of that side

So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, and we should lower the age of consent?

Its a great buffer against all of their arguments here. Hence why they're only a small nuisance here.

You're right, they don't belong in the armed forces.

That only applies to superior Slavic Soviet Communist women. American women are fat and untermensch who die for Israel and bang practically whole battalion of men while they are in army.

Attached: Moscow Red Square Russia Soviet Union 1937 women.jpg (1280x855, 386K)

the girl has a big jaw

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But you do realize that we allowed women in the Red Army only because there were not enough men left right?

>big jaw
Most impressive female feature.

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Not true. Those women were called into army because Hitler attacked their villages. Everybody was called and they didn't even had professional training. Those were common citizen women who were given guns.

Whats the one that got the broken back in Iraq? What were the circumstances of that? Was she raped? How much danger was involved in her rescue?

Yeah but for one million women in the Red Army, there were 35 million men (not at the same time but served throughout the war). That's like every single fighting age man we had.

Shanina was KIA.

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Yeah, because we should always consider the 0,00001% outliers instead of the vast majority. The fact is, most women are weak and garbage at warfare. Men have always been the warriors and per capita men kill and perform thousands (if not millions) of times better than women. Lyudmila Pavlichenko isn't even the deadliest sniper in the world, it's some Finnish guy called Simo Häyhä.

Women seem suspiciously capable when it comes to carrying the hose

>some whores were better than most men in the military

whoa guys this means all women need to be in it!


>guys guys these outliers mean ALL women are pros!

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Women in the armed forces is just an attempt by enemy propaganda to weaken the US military. Women are weaker. Its a fact. Sure some weak men fall below a certain area and there are some stronger women that are stronger than the weak men, but the general rule is men are larger and stronger. Take strength out of it, there is still the period that happens. If any enemies use dogs to track invading forces, women become an instant, easy target. Additionally, women can get pretty sick from being soggy down there. If they were deployed into the Congo or Amazon, I could imagine they wouldn't do well on longer deployments.

This entire topic defies any type of logic or wisdom earned over the last 4000 years. Feminism truly is a cancer to destroy the strength of America. Women have plenty to offer in intelligence, but their emotions often get in the way.

>Believing literal soviet propaganda about stronk womanz

Again lies, those weren't trained soldiers, they were called into army when Hitler attacked. There weren't many professional soldiers.

can you imagine a woman pilot?
shit's terrifying af

The cadre army died in the border battles, and 33 million man was not professional soldiers too.

>meme opinions
>1 post by this ID
>250 replies
are you all bots ?

>Were the best pilot aces
Even kikepedia disagrees.

Kara Hultgreen
>Got in because vagina
>got 3 strikes and was still allowed to fly cause vagina
>didn't read the manual, didn't understand her plane because tl;dr and vagina
>ejected straight into the ocean

Ouo, Kozhedub sort of Matt Damon. Never noticed it before.

Attached: Ivan_Kozhedub_2.jpg (346x484, 41K)

Well at least it had a happy ending, shame about the plane though.

Yes, her instructor noped out early enough and survived.

Soldiers were each time mobilized from population(men and women) as needed.

reminder that communist russia leaders were all KIKES

Oh really, name one.

Had to scroll a bit to find him, but you're right. It's the nose an hair. Interestingly, Damon is an English-Scottish-Finnish-Swedish mix


who won the pacific theater then? have you ever heard of lend lease?


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>pacific theater

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You really want to brag about numbers Ivan

>sources soviet wartime propaganda
the state of antifa

Hur-dur chuhons butt-hurt.

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1 finn soldier is worth 5 russians

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>pacific theater

Attached: Firestorm_cloud_over_Hiroshima,_near_local_noon._Aug_6_1945.jpg (887x717, 149K)

Simo had around 500 confirmed kills (granted only half of those weren't using a sniper rifle)

Nothing to suggest women were the best pilots- in fact men have considerably better visuospatial performance so air combat is clearly favoured towards men.

The last link is some opinion piece by a feminist. They have a lower centre of gravity but also have abysmal grip strength and half the upper body strength.

Add to this men are stronger, better psychologically prepared (women develop ptsd with far greater ease and are much worse at dealing with stress/trauma in general), and frankly men are more expendable for a country (one man can reproduce thousands of times in a life time, one woman a dozen or so). No women don't make better soldiers.

With such soldiers and lose two wars. Pity fins.

Hence why replacing them wherever is possible is a good idea

Don't wanna say it ended as a draw, but it's far from a shining victory for the russians, and it was quite the honorable defeat for the finns imo

Revisionist history

Stalingrad, Kursk, Bagration. Your greatest victories and you still maintain a 2:1 casualty ratio. Throwing limitless manpower at the enemy is hardly a great accomplishment.

British intelligence, American steel, and Soviet blood.

>Killed hundreds of thousands of civilians
>Captured 594000 enemy soldiers

How many hand to hand kills?

Russia's population is significantly lower than it used to be.

There were more ethnic Russians in 1914 than there are, now.

But they make for good underground resistance members.

>> it's the men who don't belong at armed forces.
So you want to lower the training requirements?
what if those female recruits go on maternity leave?

>Sit out of the war, supporting Germany for two years while Britain fights alone



>haha with Japan? Fuck that lmao

>Oh wait, America is about to fucking destroy the Japanese Empire? Quick, snatch as much land as possible!

russia is good cannon fodder country. too bad can only fight tiny countries like finland and ukraine. conscripts too busy having gay sex

Especially the tank stats are so fucking unbelievable. The french and british had the basic tank tactics settled 20 years before, how did the russians fail so hard?

To be fair, the terrain in border is shit tier tank ground with rivers, hills, dense forests and very few roads that were easy to cut off.

>killed more germans than there actually were

They were held together with the shittiest spotwelds with the worst equipment they could find on hand and threw them on the field. There wasn’t a single point in the war that Russians were strategically or tactically organized

I’ve been in the military and they have a 60-80% failure fate at the firing range. Try again sweetie

fuck those were hard to watch

Fair enough, but still 6k tanks (6000) is an enormous amount of tanks and the K/D ratio is horrible still.

I seriously doubt this. The russian tanks in the winter war werent the T34, but they werent crap either.

Also, the last sentence is just BS, Operation Uranus and Bagration are cases in point.

>Finished Army Officer Training Camp less than a month ago
>Men’s required pushups to pass Fitness Test: 43
>Women’s required pushups to pass Fitness Test: 14

Fucking kid you not.

>this makes them equal

43, thats not a lot considering.

>win the war

>unironically believing Soviet propaganda

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