Why is Jow Forums like this?

>shit on the EU
>shit on NATO
>shit on Turkey
>support Brexit
>peace in Syria
>peace in Iran
>peace with NK
>negotiations with Russia

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Is this supposed to make sense?

>those things are unrelated
Reading is not difficult

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Becuase Jow Forums is a completely open and free anonymous discussion board frequented by people from all over the world.

Some of those people have been perpetually bleeding from the ass since November of 2016.

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I actually support Trump 100%, but I also encourage people to constantly bring up his unfortunate connection to Jews because the alternative is people becoming comfortable with it.

Jews need to be called out. That doesn't mean I don't like a lot of the stuff Trump is doing, at the end of the day we're all on the same side here, it's just important to name the fucking Jew. It's essential. If we forget to do it, they'll sneak in somehow and fuck things up.

And we KNOW that Trump is aware of the Jews. Even the Jews talk about how he can spot them from across a crowded room. He knows, we know, everyone needs to know. As long as the pressure is there, we're winning.

Don't mistake it for /leftypol/ D&C where people are saying Trump is a kike puppet. I don't think that he is, he's just playing a dangerous game. Name the Jew at every opportunity, but thank fucking God that we have Trump. Sometimes the banter might muddy the waters but don't lose sight of that: Trump is by FAR the best option we could have realistically gotten, but he's not literally Jesus, he's Trump. A man just like you and me. He's set a high standard for himself and we should hold him to it. When he does something wrong, point it out. When he does something right, celebrate. That's my opinion anyway.

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>peace in Iran
He literally called for regime change

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of course you don't understand, you're a jew

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he is on their side, but he is democratically elected US president. these things need decades to even change slightly. do you understand how strong the lobbies of israel are and how much of a grip they have in US intelligence agencies. it is pretty fucked

Low IQ pol decided that because of the ZOG fucked with the Middle East before, any new internvention in the Middle East is done with the same intentions as before, while ignoring how much more effectiveness Trump has shown in dealing with ISIS and North Korea. Somehow it is BAD NEWS to assist the people in Iran that want regime change and become Persia again. Somehow this is getting embroiled in endless war for the ZOG again.
>stability in the ME is a bad thing
>Trump cannot be trusted
>Calling Trump a jewish lapdog is somehow changing things
Why is this board so low quality now?

Peace with brexit but no jews or unjews
Jow Forums BTFO

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>a fucking tweet

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Wow a reasonable opinion. I think you're in the wrong place fren

No, but it takes effort and time. Greeks are natually lazy and have short attention spans.

>literally called for
Meaningless. He also "literally called for" Animal Assad to be destroyed, but then the actions he took ensured that Assad would remain in power.

Please detach yourself from the European style of politics for a minute, because America is not Europe. You can tell a lot about the politics of a country by the games that they play.

Europeans play Chess. Chess is about formal movements, foresight, planning 15 moves ahead. You see this in European politics.

Chinese play Go. Go is about big sacrifices and huge coups. It's about a changing board, and asymmetric play. It's almost cooperative with the opponent because you forget that you're playing a competitive game halfway through. You see this in Chinese politics.

Americans play Poker. Words mean nothing. Stated intentions mean nothing. Bluffing is everything. 5% card-counting, 95% reading your opponents. Trump knows what he's doing. If you look at what Trump has DONE, it's almost exactly what Peter Zeihan predicted he would do. We're moving away from foreign interventionism and towards a centralized nationalist America. That's the American future and Trump is the first brick on that road.

>He literally called for regime change
And hasn't all sides of the autism- I mean, political spectrum at some point in the last few decades?
But, I suppose I couldn't expect an Islamic country like the Netherlands to understand how shitty Iran is...

>one is getting away with shit because peoppe think we're friendly
>one is possible war
No peace with Iran though, that war is happening

That book is pretty good. It's a bit dated though. It lists Hillary as a potential winner in the 2008 election lmao

>that war is happening
the only war is on the mexico border mijo

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I do know, what I'm saying is that I think Trump represents a paradigm shift in American politics stronger than lobbies.

There are things stronger than lobbies. Broad economic forces are converging to make US interventionism untenable as a political position and a side effect of that is that Israel, however much sway they hold, are going to be fighting an upstream battle whereas before they were going with the current.

After the Breton Woods conference in 1944 it was a natural and obvious strategy to use the US to fight for Israel because it fit with US interests. Control the oil, control the world reserve currency, control the world.

That isn't viable... Or even necessary, now. US is about to become a net energy exporter. We don't NEED the petrodollar anymore. Israel can try and fight this but to get a bit Marxist here for a second, from a historically materialistic perspective it just no longer makes sense. The forces of history now indicate a period of American introversion.

This is a good thing for us because it happens to get us what we want, but it's really, really fucking bad for Israel. No amount of human institution can combat these kind of forces.

>>shit on the EU
>>shit on Turkey
Deserve to be shat on
You should know that more than most if you are Greek.
>>shit on NATO
Mostly Americans who are rightfully pissed they are footing the bill here
>>support Brexit
Really just an extension of shitting on the EU and therefore justified.
>>peace in Syria
>>peace in Iran
>>peace with NK
>>negotiations with Russia
Peace is bad now?
Mostly memes

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Explain to me why shitting on nato and the EU is bad and allow us bongs to decide brexit

You should join Golden Dawn.

The UK should be nuked, I dont care about Brexit too much
>peace in Syria
I dont csrr about peace. I care about the us not being involved
Same as Syria
Same ad syria
I'm open to any sort of trade, complaints about Russia come off as retarded when the eu exists
>da joos
Dont really see how that's related

>recently discovered US weapons i ISIS hands in Syria. Where civil war is still ongoing
>iran deal destroyed and unrest steadily rising which is likely to lead to political polarization
>NK flagrantly ignoring their "deal" because there are no stipulations for oversight included.
>negotiations with Russia...? Never happening, and sanctions are still high.

Even if these were all true why would they have passed another 700 billion military budget increase? When there is supposedly peace everywhere AND less contributions to the EU and NATO