W. E
E. S


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Other urls found in this thread:


Don't mock Swedish folk for this. If we did not export our degenerate culture onto Europeans none of this would be happening. Blame America.

Buy bullets and lots of them.

this. democracy has failed this world.

Nothing of value is lost

this cannot be real

Attached: suprisefrog.jpg (657x527, 50K)

this guys just a cuck move on

I'm Okay with this. African's don't assimilate very well, but their mutts usually do. What more is, their mutts usually prefer whites partners. Within a few generations, they will be white again.

It's fake

Fucking cucks, all of you- the fuck is wrong with you? How do you approve this? Is this bait? Pretty sure its bait

>her partner Sven

To obvious FAKE

at least post something real you sheep shagging Maori mutt.

>Within a few generations, they will be white again.
No they won't, you filthy mutt.

Attached: American.gif (480x228, 263K)

I remember an earlier version a year ago or so, they still hadn't changed the names from anglo sounding ones lol.

>sven can't wait to get cucked


Attached: Naamloos.png (591x288, 422K)

Probably fake news to demoralize people


youre not any better

Attached: Aze.png (1680x1050, 2.1M)

Well who created America? Blame the UK for this

Attached: 1527761577115.jpg (400x392, 147K)

>murder and pillage christians for hundreds of years
>be eradicated off the face of the earth by murdering and pillaging muslims

Everything is going smoothly as it should.
>Ecclesiastes 8: 11
>Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.

>Galatians 6: 7
>Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

And who created the UK?
Normans, who created Normans?
Thus we must lay the blame with Sweden.

fuck, it went full circle

Go preach somewhere else Christcuck

Attached: pope-francis-1.jpg (968x681, 56K)

Kek. It always comes back to Sweden

Attached: 1391295727990.gif (501x585, 12K)

Why do you retards keep reposting this fake shit? Don't get me wrong, Sweden is cucked. But this image has been debunked like a million times already. Post real shit instead, otherwise people might thing the whole situation in Sweden is just made up too.

Attached: tuileriese.jpg (1024x683, 106K)

It really is all their fault isn't it


It's a joke m8.
The fault lies with the entire west for allowing jews to spread their lies and implament their naferious idea.

And to be autistic, we had nothing to do with the Normans

it was mostly the Norwegians


Ok fine its the jews. Can I still blame Sweden for emboldening them?

To be fair Danes, Norse and Swedes were pretty much indistinguishable at the time.
But yes I will aquessthe point that the blame lies with the Norwegians.
Now I have to trace the Genealogy of the Norse to somehow pin it on the Swedish.
Give me a couple of hours.

>Now I have to trace the Genealogy of the Norse to somehow pin it on the Swedish.

Good luck with that, anyone that knows anything about Germanic genetics and culture knows that it all traces back to the D*nes

Ah yes but Sweden had plenty to do with Norway.

Therefore Sweden=Norway=Normans=Anglos=America.

It's all your fault Sven. The root of the cancer began in Sweden.

There's enough stupid shit going on that you don't need to create fake news.
Also the first iterations of this is like 3-4 years old

Swedes do a lot of things that are worthy of being mocked already. So it befuddles the mind why you'd make up fake news to do it.

Hardly, the spread of Old North Germanic Languages originated Scandinavian Peninsula and then spread southwards.
The Danes are the product of the proto-Norse and proto-Swedes not the other way round.
Furthermore the First evidence of Proto-Germanic languages on the Scandinavian Peninsula are in Sweden.
Thusley I accuse you, Sweden, of being the root of all evil.

small letters on the bottom

>redditors with surprisefrog.jpgs being this new
what a shithole this place is

>people might think the whole situation in Sweden is just made up too
this, unironically

ppl who actually believe memes which are just for keks, or exaggerating facts and incidents related to
Sweden is just giving the deniers/leftists an open goal by giving them stories or facts that are easily debunked.
Then, in a false dichotomy, the debunking will lead to the other truth of "there's nothing to see here" being percieved as true.

>the feminine method of decision making has failed this world
All according to God's keikaku

>"an official site of Sweden"
>an official site of Sweden's feminist gouvernment
This alone should be enough to call it fake news.

It isn't.
The alleged source is one of Sweden's gouvernment websites, but it doesn't have any article relating to this.

Pic related isn't fake

How does that make you feel?

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Shut up faggot it isn't our fault Svens have collectively lost their fucking minds

Another fake news made by shariablue to discredit pol

All shit is about food and faggotry
Notice there isn't even a date in the brainlets pothoshop

they removed it- somebody has the sauce or archive?


Attached: dayoftherake.jpg (533x800, 79K)

>roman soldier
>wearing a Greek breastplate

They didn't even try

>Klara and Sven
>knew that Simon, close personal friend from Kenya fathers the child

Cuckoldry level 10000000000000000

Nuke Sweden

Maybe they're implying he's Etruscan


But transgender roles can only be played by transgenders, not Scarlett Jo.

However, White roles can be played by anyone, even if historically 100% inaccurate.


we all know that Britain wants to racemix us all into oblivion, Propaganda from the BBC isnt that shocking then

OP s pic has been debunked for so fucking Long, i cant believe People still respond to it
"every day a sucker is bo.....

I wouldn't be surprised if that were true. But it isn't. Kek fucking Sven

Exactly, this has already started happening with all the exaggerated "rape capital of the world" claims, the "no go zones" claims and that Sweden is "like 99% Muslim, dude". We don't have any reason to lie or exaggerate anything, the situation in Sweden is bad enough. All it will do is hurt us in the long run when people find out these claims aren't true/accurate.

Hollywood is not 'Merica. It's just a tumor that happens to inhabit our landmass and needs to be excised.

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>trying to talk reason and Demoralisation tactics to anglos

and this is where you fail, swedebro
what doesnt think, cant be trained

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Thanks for clearing that up, Mohammed.

>Margaret of Anjou in armour
>The "British" soldier is equipped with a plank of wood in an attempt at replicating a rifle
Someone else can probably point out the rest of the inaccuracies, point is they don't care one bit about being authentic or realistic

Good luck Sweden on your chosen path.

Anglos are eternal slaves to Jews

If Americans didn’t intervene in ww2 we would have continued to prosper.

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>went to the moon

Attached: c93890a0dfad6f208d7e6b8620f3f6b2.jpg (1920x1080, 171K)

this. thank you for your honestly, burger

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Attached: Swe_FB_live_kek.jpg (494x596, 73K)


Racemixing with negroes must be the most depraved and destructive form of bestiality to have ever existed in human history. At least the lonely office wench that gets fucked by her dog doesn't spawn goblino subhuman mutts that get to vote, suck welfare and further mutt our gene pool.

Sweden is derived through back-formation from Old English Swēoþēod.

Beowulf may be the oldest surviving long story in Old English and is commonly cited as one of the most important works of Old English literature.

In the literal sense, YOU created US.

being raped isn't really a choice, or is it in Sweden?

What comes around, goes around.

Attached: lmaomyass.jpg (904x693, 87K)

we didnt make you do this you did it to yourselves and you didnt even bother to get guns before you got NIGGERS

You tell Christians to go away and replace them with muslims, how's that going for your country?


BTW, post pictures of Christians if you're going to whine about them.

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>swedes willingly cuck themselves for years
>hurr must be muricas fault, im so sorry euro masters pls let me be honorary white


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sweden shall rise again....

I can see the future: 10+ yrs later, Sweden will become a 3rd world shithole. It happens everytime niggers are integrated into a white society.

Take lessons from Brazil. Once a thriving society with white Latins, decades of coalburning has turned it into a shithole.

The Christians are the ones inviting them here you protestant fuck. Pagans and atheists are the only ones speaking against this shit.

Sweden must pay for it's years of colonization and oppression of minorities. Sweden WILL learn to be tolerant!

By choosing to not have kids, I disconnected myself from the future of the human race.
As far as I’m concerned, all of you can die. i dont care at all.

Sweden is the future of Europe, white niggers.
Pay close attention.

Thanks for speaking the truth. California is ruining the world. They ruined the cars too.

I wish California would secede so we could cut off water from Lake Mead to them and laugh as Southern California turns into a dust bowl.

>how do you do, fellow americans

Faggot ass kisser. Nobody told Europe to take in the Third World shitskins. They like to blame us because they are too chickenshit to challenge their governments because gibsmedats.

Kill yourself. Now.

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