If you would rather side with a foreigner over your own countrymen because of race, you are not an American, you are a eruo-cock sucking globalist faggot. You are a rootles abomination. We are embarresed for you, because you idolize Europe and Europeans while they mock you.
White Americans
what kind of retard is going to idolize europe
sorry José but just because you crossed here without even knowing english i dont see you or Tyrone as actually being american and im not gonna be defending mexico or Africa.
Most euros only consider white americans to be americans to begin with.
I have a lot more in common with white americans than ghetto "swedes" living in the ghettos even if we have the same nationality
Like I said, pan-whiteness as a priority=Globalist faggotry. I don't belive most whites are naive enough to believe they have some type of relevant brotherhood with some random stranger halfway across the world becuase of race. It's wishful thinking on the part of europeans, because like most non-americans, they wish they were americans, so spout "muh bruddah" shit.
you are the globalist, nigger
siding with a nigger because he happened to be born in the same geographic location as you makes you a globalist, retard
desu I can relate more with a eurofag than a mexishit who wishes to change the official language and get rid of whites basically destroying america. But because some leftist call you american I guess im supposed to side with you right José
Why don't you go to Europe then so you can be amongst your brothers.
Civic nationalism is pretty cucked.
There is no such thing a civic nationalism. There is just nationalism and globalism.
Because im not gonna leave while spics come here in hordes to rename this country mexico and make it majority non white. Does that really sound like it would be in the best interest of a white country?
Because im not gonna leave while spics come here in hordes to rename this country mexico and make it majority non white. Does that really sound like it would be in the best interest of a white country? But no I guess stuff like pic related is perfectly fine because after all were both american and after all those are the same flags and after all race is is just a skin color! :^)
There is no such thing as a "white" country. There is no such thing as "white" for that matter. It's a jew trick.
but lana is a hoe
Non-whites in America are not American. If you actually look at the original Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the Founders talked of creating a country for themselves and their posterity. Not for millions of shitskins illegally pouring across the border because a kike in congress passed a law (Hart-Cellar Act).
she's redpilled as fuck. Possibly one of the smartest women walking the face of the earth at the moment.
You're proving my point Jamal. Key difference between Nationalism and Civic Nationalism is failure to understand that not all cultures can coexist, and any sort of unity is under the false guise of state and state alone who couldn't care for their well being as individuals, rather than a people under Ethno-Nationalism.
If you can't coexist with American culture, than you are not American and should leave.
Good goy, side with those who hate you and wish I'll on your people
Do not side with those like you because of shotposters on a Sudanese worm charming forum
As a white american I plan to, enjoy the lowering quality of life when this country becomes a second Brazil.
Most of the founding fathers descendants today are considered "black". This absurd irony, highlights the fact that the traditional cut and dry binary concept of race is beyond archaic. Being American above all else is a powerful statement, regardless of perceived "race".
you spics literally cant. most spics here cant even speak English.
It is an absurd irony alright, that shitskins are considered American when the Founding Fathers explicitly said their posterity and free white persons would be Americans. Bastard shitskins from whores are not "posterity" no matter how much you kike rats claim them to be.
What is your ethnic background?
America was set up to be a European heritage nation. Nation means by birth, tribe, kith and kin. Non whites aren’t my people and never can be.
illegal mexicans are not my countrymen
That's nationality. Are you a european american?
TFW you're American and actually know
No. If you travel the world you’ll realize that white Americans and black Americans are seen differently. When I lived in Asia I saw white Americans and their history were admired while black Americans were mostly despised. No one sees us as the same but delusional boomers.
I'm ethnically American. Yes part of my ethnic background comes from Europe, but people like myself are unique to the Americas, so I'm ethnically American.
jamal... americans dont have black skin..
I don't have black skin
its actually really simple Europe=white anything else is Jewish trickery
All you had to do was to give some company your DNA and pay them for it.
I don't idolize Europe, I idolize the country that my parents and grandparents grew up in.
mutt confirmed
You are not white so you don't like that more and more people think that race is more important than nationality. Makes sence.
Nah my family did, I didn't pay for it. Either way my ass will be gone within the next three years being in this country anyway.
You and other euros are just butthurt that you're not American, So you use a concept of (((whiteness))) to essentially co-opt americaness
You have to go back Jose
Stay mad niggerspic, Americans are were and always will be whites of European descent and no one else. Weep. Weep salty tears for the death of Abraham Lincoln. Liberia was the best deal you were likely to get and it’s all down hill from there.
user non whites have literally done nothing for America but waste resources, Europeans are the only people who can become American just look at the US pre Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
Just plain old American
New day.
Same thread.
>americans should remove all the trash from their country.
I was an exchange student in Texas for a year and white americans were super friendy and welcoming. The blacks at the school said they are going to run faster than me becouse im white and the browns pushed me forward when a police car drove by saying that "it's ok we have a white guy". All non whites treated me like a forigner. You realize that genetic similairity mathers to people? It's not wrong for parrents to love their biological children more then other children and it's not wrong for white people to like other whites more than others.
Niggers want whites dead. Spics want whites dead. The statistic on this are overwhelming.
Who do you thing goes to see "purge" movies?
Pro tip: niggers and spics that worship violence.
I have met plenty of Europeans in America and abroad and we are always quite comfortable with eachother, even despite some language barriers.
Have you tried to make contact with the darkness? Its vile and, as a father, truly terrifying.
Then the country would be completely empty. Guess that's not so bad thinking on it.
Thanks for the education white bro
Do you mean that blacks, asians, etc are my own countrymen? Because if so, I resent that.
>did nothing
>literally built capitol
>They had to be forced to
>They designed nothing
Didn't know that 100% of the country were niggers and Mexicans.
These guys hit the nail on the head.
What the fuck are you even talking about? Both of my grandmothers were Daughters of the American Revolution, same as my mother and sister. No non whites. One ginger way back but that's as black as it gets.
seriously what did non whites even contribute to the US? their culture is repulsive, their languages are disgusting and they are literally too retarded to think for themselves so the only time they can be considered useful is when white people enslave them
Fact. I live in spicville and everything is in Spanish, I have to press 2 for English, even banks have a hard time finding an English speaker for me, I live in florida. Fuck mexicans
Jow Forums constantly says so. Plus from my day-to-day experience it's not far off.
>besides the chinks that built the railroads
That's not an ethnicity, idiot
white people funded and designed the railroads, the chinks were considered subhuman slave labor
That's still a contribution, can't knock them for that.
Most of the founding father's descendants are non-whites aka Americans.
Now subtract all the great American cities that they've destroyed. Detroit, New Orleans, St Louis, Baltimore, Atlanta, and on and on.
but it wasn't necessary. the Irish contributed more than the chinks in construction and the spicks and nigs really haven't done anything worthwhile in US history , Asians are ok immigrants but they will always be Asian Americans and not real Americans
The moment you accept is as an ethnicity, is the moment you can move forward for an "white ethnostate". Just don't let the niggs and spics claim it first.
they founded Chicago. Those cities are high-crime, but are not completely devoid of redeeming qualities.
and? what have they done for the US? they're literal nobodies just like the overwhelming majority of nonwhite trash
... are you me
Cheap labor from blacks gave much of America it's start off money. They wouldn't have been able to afford the revolution otherwise, and Mexicans ARE west coast USA, and have contributed immensely to american agriculture and the armed services.
niggers single handedly destroyed Detroit
>fights in every war
>Is the first to die for the US
>Builds capitol
>Provides labor for start off money
>Invents super soaker
>Invents video game cinsole
>literally descended from founders.
>"hurr durr" what have niggs done for america?
Fuck off subhuman and get the fuck out of my country
I feel a strong kinship with white Americans. Shiskins are either invaders or antiquitie farm equipment. White Europeans are the founding stock of this country and I feel a connection with them as such.
Is this a bot? It's the same shit with the same replies every time?
Why do newfags not report this off-topic bullshit?
If you call mostly illegal labor negatively impacting real americans, sure. The AF have been corporate mercenaries since the beginning
Look it's another D&C kikery thread.
Probably the same OP as all the others today
Fuck off JIDF
but are they really necessary? seriously the US would be better off without them, the vast majority of blacks and Hispanics are worthless and a drain of resources just look at Los Angeles the only nice parts are majority white areas
>Half bred mulattos are descendants of fathers
Not nearly, blacks genetics overwrite white genetics 3 to 1
>super soaker
i remember this being wrong too
The US, as we know it, wouldn't exist without them.
more whites died for the country just look at ww2 statistics, niggers destroy industry just look at Detroit, the super soaker is not an important achievement, video game consoles are just shitty PCs which are a white invention
>as we know it...
You share no history, blood, religion, culture, or values with the other races. Where does the loyalty to a dude who, say, bought a citizenship comes from? Do you suppose the Saudi prince and the Israeli who happens to belong in the same bureacratic category as you has some loyalty towards you?
>as we know it
I bet it would be better.
>as we know it
Exactly! Thats what were saying
i dont like the US as it is today we just need to go back to how things were before 1965
Gee i wonder why more and more people are becoming white nationslist...
Yes. We wouldn't have to make it great again.
>they founded Chicago
Dafuq you talking about. Chicago was an overwhelmingly white city a hundred years ago, and then it got blacked like so many northern cities during the great migration. I'm guessing you know some trivia fact about a token blag who built a hut in the area before it was a city or something.
All the redeeming qualities of the majority black cities are vestiges of when they were run by white people.
You keep saying that as if to force it to be true. It's not, founding fathers descendants are white, there are several groups designed to track this and subtly keep it white.
The founding father's descendants arent black, Rumeal.
Hamilton had been touched by the tar brush, but the rest were full white,
This is also a myth propped up by black ignorance and jew cuckoldry. You are a nigger I just know it.
It would likely be Australia or Canada aka not a super power.
the founder himself was black.
Top KEK!