Late to the party

I dont see any Portland beating specific threads. I was busy booming my lawn w my sips. Plx post some beatings.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah I've been cleaning my pool. Post beatings

Very little happened. One guy got hit in the head but it turns out both the victim and the aggressor were counter protestors.

Yea, ive been looking everywhere for some thunder fist tier action but found nothing...well atleast my lawn is primo and my thirst is quenched. Tnx user.

Attached: portland antifa attack.webm (1280x720, 3M)

guy had a weapon dressed in a flag

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his antfifaggoy had the same one, look at 0:17 in the webm

Attached: not an umbrella2.png (617x1073, 421K)

closeup, the weapon has octagonal heads, and is same/similar diameter at the front and end side

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you can see the guy who hit the dude in the webm walking freely here, with the flag dropping off the weapon. clearly a stainless steel rod with hardened ends of some type.

but like said, the guy ended up hitting another antifa guy, who ended up in the hospital with a broken skull. im glad they got so worked up that this all happened

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The delicious part of this is the victim was also a Commie scumbag. Here is the Commie scumbag victim's Twatter:
"Cultural-Engineer & Inter-class Liason"
It's quite delicious. There is also the Antifa who supposedly was wounded by a flash bang, but it might also be a "Friendly Club" incident.

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Ugh I hate these faggots. They should rename themselves the raging pussies. ...even the raging pussies were better than them.
Antifags are non existent in CT...its too bad, id love to handle these homos.

Looks like attempted murder if you ask me.

Ahahhhahahahaha nice.

it was mostly a LARP fest. Few people got bopped on the head but mostly just fags playing dress up yelling at each other.

and the idiot wont press charges, despite probably having a 2K ambulance bill and a 5K ER bill to stitch the back of his head. someone found pictures of him with the headwrap and with his head split open. You go those? want to save them

How large was the “proud boys” rally? It looks like there were hardly any people there. We should start applying for protest licenses, spread word to all the alt-left commies and just watch as they protest nothing and beat each other up.

Here is the Antifa faggot who supposedly got wounded by a police flashbang.
Current thread: Check out his helmet with the blowhole in that thread (I guess for camera back there). Apparently Officer Kramer was on duty and got a hole in one and gave the Commie punk a booboo- or he was clubbed by one of his own.

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>Got those?
Some of them. I predicted he would not press charges yesterday. The police still have a legal obligation to pursue a felony assault in broad daylight in the streets of Portland though. The attacking commie still needs to be IDd so they can not just brush it aside.

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Sorry communist, we deliver our beatings on the dance floor

Here's another

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they should spend their time looking for these two. you can break a jaw or kill someone with a sucker punch like this. and this video is exactly why you do not break away from a group or try to confront a group with only a wingman.

Im more interested in your white racist lawn than antifa losing again and again.

Im working on that 140mph honda mower speed record!

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We were working on it last night, some anons dug up shots of him elsewhere, but no positive ID at this point AFAIK. One of the hunt threads from last night: (((Digits)))

Attached: Carhardt battle helmet.jpg (620x515, 47K)

thanks will take a look

thing that blows my mind is that in the 50s, the civil rights marches were with niggers and conservatives, and they had democrats along the roads throwing rocks and beating the fuck out of anyone who broke from the group. Today, we have republicans, with niggers, marching for conservative values and its the exact same 100% white democrats doing the exact same shit. show me one nigger in the crowd of antifa whose not there just for the shits and giggles

>show me one nigger in the crowd of antifa whose not there just for the shits and giggles
This. Yesterday there were lots of blacks on the PP/PB side, and basically none on the Commie side. No shortage of staged things like the "burning of the crisp new Nazi flags" ceremony- just like Cville.

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Gimmie a sec...

>Im working on that 140mph honda mower speed record!

Attached: asupnigga08.57 PM.png (770x445, 524K)

Here ya go lad.

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Here ya go lad.Its no John Deere but it booms at 10am like clockwork.

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