Just want to tell ya'll that temps are finally dropping bellow 29°c in Portugal...

Just want to tell ya'll that temps are finally dropping bellow 29°c in Portugal. Rain was forecasted for the next week even.

We survived. Thanks for all the support, friends.

Attached: il_340x270.1444649185_89hx.jpg (340x270, 10K)

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Excelent news fellow countrymen.

Attached: portugal_after_beforeeu14.jpg (1836x1428, 2.02M)

Glad you liked it


>no niggers in Alentejo
Ayyyyy biggest lie I've seen today

>We survived.
We knew you would!
Don't let the media kikes scare you. It's just a hot summer. You're gonna be just fine.

please take this as a sign from god to repent and live a christian life

Alentejo and the Minho have much less immigrants than Lisbon or Porto.

Attached: Evora_2_portugal__himg.jpg (800x532, 263K)

I take it as a sign for the need to genocide polluters and polluting societies.

Check Sines. There are clusters of noggers everywhere.

Alas, you might mistake them for natives since Alentejanos are so dark skinned. lol

Ridcoulsly low in comparison with lisbon, it's even pathetic to compare, Evora and Beja are pretty much white native cities.

>you might mistake them for natives

Nice try kike, people from alentejo:


You have to go back

kysy dumb fuckign frogposter

Sines, festival de musica

Attached: 980lura_1_980_2500.jpg (980x636, 199K)

is that where every refugee black women ended up?



>Festival Musicas do Mundo (posting foreigners)

Literally called world music festival that have people from all over the place, from lisbon to foreigners, and it usually has african musician groups, what a great example we have here.

Attached: Évora-Portugal4_alentejo.jpg (1280x739, 251K)

No that's just native alentejanos

Keep trying kike.

What are the azores like? My great grandpa was a sailor from there

Don't take my word for it, go visit Alentejo litoral by yourself then. Vila nova de Santo Andre? Full of niggers, some of the women there even adopt them so they can get paid to not work

Lol i like this pic

how is spain doing

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You have to go back

Tear down your walls or gas urself

Winter can't arrive soon enough. It'll be much harder for the shitskins to cross the Mediterranean.

I thought you pork and cheese niggers were supposed to be swarthy

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you have to try harder (( )) and yes there are traitors among europe, whats new about it?

In 4cave we spell it frens. Lrn2meme Normie scum.