How do you raise moral daughters in the West?

With girls as young as 12 succumbing to degeneracy, how can a white man raise his daughters to make them moral? How should they dress? What hobbies should they partake in? How should they understand discipline? I need help as a white man expecting a daughter after having 2 sons.

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home schooling away from any city

also, you have to teach them as if they where men as well. treating them like actual daughters in this society poisons our minds. it teaches us how to be women yes, but being women in modern society means taking advantage of men, it teaches us how to abuse men with no checks and ballances. instead teach them the consiquences and responsabilities of freedom and independance, and stress their inferiority cannot be overcome with help from men if they want to retain it, explain to them over time how feminism actually submits to the whims of men at the top, and that their only two real options are the slavery of someone who loves and cares about you, or the freedom of the disadvantaged.

obviously you will need to rephrase this, but in short, don't raise them with the expectation that their vaginas are their ticket to the good life. They must either provide for themselves with the full understanding of lonelyness, stress, and pain, or understand that it's their purity humility and discipline for which they will be valued if they cannot meet that challenge. treating them nicer because they are girls will merely make it obvious that they are entitled to being treated better.

by the father being there.
and the father not being a degenerate himself.

Frequent Beatings.

Wouldn't that just create resentment that would lead to her just rebelling?

Look into islam how you should raise a family.

Yea, that poster is retarded and doesn’t actually have any children of his own or a significant other.

Best medicine to raise a daughter is to treat her like a normal person and not some magical princess ; excersice their proverbial muscles for handling rejection and deprivation of things that they want or think that they need. Always be there for them and set a good example for how a real man behaves; that way, they have a good contrast when a piece of shit guy comes along.

Also, i think it would be helpful to redpill girls on how the ‘sex’ game works at an early age (i.e. girls unabashedly give their pussy to who they want, in lieu of earning or charming a guy’s affection ; and guys will fuck and take advantage of anything that moves - they need to be taught how to sieve out the trash to get to the gold.

literally an impossible task.

Which is why I sterilised myself so future me can't fuck me over with primal Instinct.

Besides I'm scared of woman. So I'd be a very neglectful and avoidant father and husband if by some miracle I bred.

>How do you raise moral daughters in the West?
You can't

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No television in the house; internet is probably O.K., though.

>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!

This. Do some guy hobbies with her like hunting. Girly things is what the mother is for.

You don't. I know a few men of value, who happen to have daughters. No matter how much they tried, the daughters still ended up spoiled whores. This is female nature, you can't change it.

You're not scaring anyone with your threats of hell, Christfag. You have no power anymore.

its a tough task, western womens minds are like a ball of clay that can be molded any which way. they gravitate to whatever is popular/mainstream and will net them the most attention. that reason alone is why western women are complete shit, they're literally slaves to culture/social media. the only thing we can do is try to sway the culture in the US, but currently the culture is complete degeneracy

Blacklist Youtube on your router

Sorry but if you aren't willing to be chaste yourself

Stop complaining

If men are whores. Woman will be whores.

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>internet is okay

Glad you're an incel with no kids user

Both me and my wife were virgins at wedding night and we both live in an all-white suburb in the Midwest.

Don’t worry we will short order the fire to you right now

Delay puberty by not feeding them milk, beef, or S.O.Y. at home

>home schooling
Redpilled man

>you have to teach them as if they where men as well
Shit, man. you know what you're saying. here's a vid to illustrate his point, OP, these girls in this vid about a latvian bowyer (min 11:18 if it doesn't start from that point). To a westerner their parents are probably seen as crazy, sending their dolls to such an active and overall masculine sport like this, but they develop skills, an appreciation of the value of work, respect for those that are capable and the elders, and are shielded from degeneracy. What more could you ask? They're also shy and well-mannered.

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No internet access until they're past adolescence (or at all), live deep in a rural area with strong values, have a long and functional family tradition (so grandma or they're second cousins can't expose them to poor influences), homeschooling by a morally upright stay-at-home mother, remind them strongly of their responsibilities so they don't develop a princess complex or end up spoiled. Church helps too. Even with all this its not guaranteed they won't end up as degenerates, but every bit will decrease the chance

Dude in op looks like a straight up pedophile

The only right answer. Biologically, all women are whores. OP should make his bitch get an abortion.

Homeschool them in the country. No electricity, no plastic, and no asphalt culture. Be kind, but stern as a parent. Have a wife that loves being a housewife and encourages your daughter(s) to do the same. Have them learn how to cook, make clothes, garden, etc.

So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in domestic discipline when required?

I would rather eat shit, straight up, than have to raise a white girl for 18 years

It's like you want your kids to be ridiculed

Actually being there, and involved is the best thing you can do. Being a relatively moral and authoratative (not authoritarian) figure who does not coddle or try to overly shield them is the best thing to do.
Also accepting as humans they are weak and prone to all sorts of dumbassery, but hopefully leading from the front and their own self worth will help them Protect The West.
Of course, if you have weakshit genetics and will breed out a sheep you should rope yourself

rape and murder her

White male give females away to africa & niggers and get bought asap by master are you fit check here

that doesent change the fact that the majority of males are whores from as early as their teens.

A fair system would be one that sterilises both genders for commiting adultary or premarital sex, and holds juvenile offenders until the age of 18 to be treated.

Cut off the testes of the man, hysterectomy for the woman.

> listening to a kike

Dad's strong, deep personality.

All men are whores.


Homeschool. Don't be fooled by the "homeschooled kids are weird" propaganda, it's not true. Homeschooled kids are much more likely to be more independent minded and think for themselves. Don't hand your kid over to state education for 8 hours a day, that's how you create another vapid whore.

A grown man with with 3 children asking for parenting advice on an anime imageboard. Pure Cringe.
>What hobbies should they partake in?
How about letting them find out on their won faggot?

This is my first daughter and I've never known how to raise a daughter since I had only brothers.


Scare her straight with lots of horror stories since she's a single digit age. Scare her so much about the risks of drugs, drinking, sex, and partying since elementary so she fears doing any of it. Talk to her early about rape stories, STDs, AIDs end effects and the agonizing death. People tied up in basements having sex to get heroin. Scare her before the school or media gets to her. Scare her at age 5 to 9 and continue it.

is this ironic i sure hope so

That guy looks just like my dad, except shorter.

Dude we all know you're larping
Either that or you're not all right in the head

1. Homeschooling
2. No access to television programming
3. Make their clothes and teach them how to make their own clothing
4. Cook their food and teach them how to cook
5. Keep the house clean and teach them how to clean
6. Instill the behaviors in them that you want them to have by living by those standards yourself

In short, keep them away from thots, feminists, and brain washing Jewish devices.

No. What could go wrong with this approach and what kind of daughter will this usually raise?

This is definitely wrong. Why should my daughter know about drugs, sex and other degenerate behaviors before she's even hit puberty?

Because you have to scare them out of it before the world teaches them wrong. Also it has a bigger impact when you tell them that young. Teens rebel. An 8 year old will listen.

What about private school?

Avoid tech for as long as possible in the home. When you do introduce it, apply strict limits and supervision.
Make your kids play outside and read actual books.
4H is a great way to introduce them to other kids whose parents have similar values to yours. 4H programs are available everywhere, even in cities.
Treat them like they are thier own individual person, because they are.
However, discipline should not be slacking. Both kids and adults in society lack discipline and hard work ethic. Let them find something they like to do that you can turn into a learning moment. Forcing young kids to do things they really don't like will cause them to resent you and hate whatever it is you're forcing them to do.
Also, music lessons are great for kids. But you will have to screen the teacher and make sure they are not getting a pedo or a leftist teaching them more than how to play notes.

>make them work all day and no fun allowed
What a nice childhood and amazing parenting tactics, they sure as hell won't rebel or anything

This and peaceful parenting.

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You'll probably fail once they move to a city where the jobs are.

Bad idea, maybe just leave redpills around the house for her to look into (i.e. redpilled political YT channels and websites on the computer if you have one, or redpilled books, plus several copies of your holy book if you’re religious), it’s what my dad did

Well, it is. You can do things like leave computer bookmarks to redpills to indirectly redpill her, and redpills are far more accessible on the Internet than anywhere else. Make sure you never have cable TV, maybe get an antenna but cut it by the age of 4-6

and now you will live in that fear for the rest of your life. sad.