Be me

>be me
>want to have kids
>women are a doomsday device and a depreciating asset
>haven't dated one that isn't insane or that can save money

What do, Jow Forums?

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get a loyal trap gf

Try the man pregnancy pill. Roasties btfo!

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Fuck a trap.

Gamestop's new trade offer will take your onions Nintendo Switch, and give you a Chad Xbox One! Limited time offer, at participating locations only.

Focus on building a stable enough life that you can pursue relationships that you actually enjoy. Live for yourself and not some bitch.

Single parent surrogacy. In some states, if you have an egg from one woman and the fetus carried to term by another woman, neither can claim parental rights. This presupposes you arent a poorfag.

Get a surrogate to have your kids like gay men do.

Date a latina. They are trad, feminine, crazy only in bed, submissuve all other times, and love white cock.

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That girl is about as Hispanic as Britney Spears. She is a "fake" hispanic but gorgeous nonetheless.

Did you ever wonder why white daughters who are told that they should go to college and get a job to make money (women are majority of college students) do it and obey Daddy, but when Daddy tells them to get married to have white babies these same white daughters rebel?

It’s because there is a sex strike against White Genocide. They don’t want to be in a position where they are expected to have sex with a sick, self-hating traitor which they’ve accurately stereotyped white men as being. You must stop White Genocide in order to end the white women sex strike against White Genocide.

Doing this right now actually. My life is stable as it is but it can be much better. I'm halfway through the hiring process for a job that I've wanted since I was little and I'm saving every single penny I can and my goal is to own a house before I turn 30. I want to secure a home that cannot be taken away from me in case of a divorce.

Now we're talking

My brother married a crazy latina bitch. They divorced after 2 years and he has to pay alimony while she whores herself. Plus I want blonde kids desu.

But you've gotta make sure to slap them the fuck around.

>Date a latina
>submissuve all other times
you have no idea what you're talking about

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The sad reality that Jow Forums fails to understand is that, by this point, women have been so incredibly corrupted by degeneracy that it is impossible to fix them. The only way is to wipe the slate clean and raise a new generation of females from scratch, and that is not going to happen. We're just going to keep indulging the vaginal jew as the result of our biological desire to reproduce rather than reinstituting patriarchy, and it will result in the collapse of western civilization.

>depreciating asset

Just get rich and trade them in every few decades or so like Trump.

Don't forget the prenup.

Of course.

>I'm halfway through the hiring process for a job that I've wanted since I was little
Who the fuck actually dreams of being a wage slave when they're little kids?

>crazy only in bed
they're crazy in bed yeah, but they're also crazy all the time.
the rest isn't too far off though

meanwhile in reality people are having less sexual partners than previous generations and this is your autistic coping mechanism to not leave the house

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2d pony waifu.

when will you fucking red pilled faggots stop trying to push women on us? You're actively trying to poison us and ruin our lives. Just so you can prevent your stupid meme white genocide. Take the black pill or leave us the fuck alone.

>aged 15-44
>statistic includes women who have hit the rock bottom of their SMV and doesn't deal with past sexual partners
Do you people even have self awareness?

>women don't lie about having multiple sexual partners

are you literally this retarded? also, this was probably over 10 years go.

get gud

If it flies fucks or floats, rent it.
T. Investment banking lexicon

Let me ask you, is it a personal habit of yours to believe what a woman tells you is her partner count?

Marry 18 yr old church girl

Just use dating sites/local church

It's for my local PD. I've wanted to be a cop and catch coons since I was about five. I grew up in not the best neighborhood and we had gang shootings all the time.

Statist cuck

Cops are scum. You may start out as an honorable white man trying to protect his fellow whites but you'll eventually become an enemy of all the people. Blue lives don't matter anymore than black lives do. So go fuck yourself pig.

You're calling the guy whose job it is to arrest niggers a cuck? Fucking birdbrain

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Found the non whites

Ah, I see you've studied the art of machismo. This is the correct answer for latinas.
>latinas require training

hobbies are fun. get one.

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latino women while good to look at are the craziest

Nah, I just know a lot of cops. You people are human trash.

It's about 40k if you're going to do it in a third world country, up to 60k if you want to decide mere things like the gender of the baby, eye color/hair color, or twins, and 150k if you're thinking on doing it in America.

But it can be dangerous, recently a couple was jailed in Kenya because the surrogate mother didn't want to give up the baby and chimped out, of course the authorities are going to side with the woman.

Now the couple is facing up to 30 year for "child trafficking".

I went through this process myself, but it was because my wife couldn't have babies on her own, so it was easier, but I'm aware single parents can go through this process.

Just make a family like everyone else, is not that hard

>money is fun get some

that was pretty good but too many buzzwords to not be a troll, I assume you're used to LARPing as an incel on reddit or some other namefag forum where if you talk like that people will always buy it
these cucks are serious though, by all means feel free to never reproduce, less children from broken homes for me to get stabbed by in the future, just be honest that it's you with the problem or at least dont lie about it on here so you don't get more young white men stuck in your pathetic mindset

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you sound like a girl.

get some balls too.

Keep looking. Married one and I have never been wealthier and happier. They do exist.

Look for catholic ones in rural US from large families.

Pump and dump until you find one that's worth it. Plenty of good girls still out there user you just have to look in the right places. Avoid bars and online garbage this attracts mostly used up desperate roasties. In the meantime build your personal empire because once you start acquiring children it becomes nigh impossible.

You didn't answer my question. I'll ask it again. Is it a personal habit of yours to believe what a woman tells you is her sexual partner count?

it's impossible to find a white women that isn't fat as shit

>that was pretty good but too many buzzwords to not be a troll, I assume you're used to LARPing as an incel on reddit or some other namefag forum where if you talk like that people will always buy it
No, I'm just blackpilled. I don't believe preventing white genocide is more important than preserving and individual man's integrity, value and independence. This world is rotting very quickly and I won't compromise my personal values just so some disgusting whore can squeeze out white babies.

The USA is legitimately so far gone with degeneracy that I have no advice for you.

Sorry, man.

you sound like a brainlet
>muh moterbike muh materialism muh consumerist cuck

Plenty of kids need a foster father or at least big brother.

Why'd he raise another man's kid?

>traditional catholic women
traditional catholic women
>traditional catholic women
traditional catholic women
>traditional catholic women
traditional catholic women.
>traditional catholic women
traditional catholic women
>traditional catholic women
traditional catholic women
>traditional catholic women
traditional catholic women
>traditional catholic women
traditional catholic women

This guy has like 5 years left before his timebomb goes off.

Nerdy asians are the only way to go, if you can achieve at that level.

Nice flag. How are things in the D.R.? Would it be an ok place for a conservative white guy like me to move to?

are the biggest whores in the world. fact.

No they aren’t. They are even worse than white girls. Once they get americuntized they turn into nightmares

This is terrible advice and fake news

I'm talking about real latinas. My gf is 100% spanish Cubana. Her english sucks, but we don't do much talking anyway if ya know what i mean, right bro? ;) ;) ;) ;)

Okay, Tyrone

Something about being this close to engineering an army of Ivan Dragos really turns me on.

Pumping and dumping is easy thanks to social media but I'm gonna start looking somewhere else. If a girl uses tinder the it's already too late for her.

Many of those kids are already broken beyond belief. I like the idea of having pupils but I've personally seen foster kids who project all the hate they have on to their foster parents.

What about mormonism? I know this one mormon dude who tried to get me in.

They do exist, confirmed. 15 years together. Kids and comfy life. Choose carefully.
Look for young, white, good families, not mouthy, not impulsive. Avoid attention seekers like plague.

>Okay, Tyrone
Hey pig, you do realize that cops harass white people far more than black people, right? It ain't just niggers that don't like cops, it's all people.

Human beings can't save money, it's not a good standard. The only people who can save money are the people who don't have a particular burning passion for anything.

Even the people who are rich don't save money, they just compulsively buy assets that happen to appreciate. The end game isn't about enjoying life, it's about acquisition.

You either compulsively acquire things or you save up so you can escape from having to deal with other people. You can't expect someone to save for a better future because they could just as easily create a better present.

No. You just surround yourself by a circlejerking group of individuals with inferiority complexes. Playing the victim and claiming oppression when you have a long rap sheet is both nigger and woman tier behavior. You must've been raised by a single mother too.

>they just compulsively buy assets that happen to appreciate
Nobody just keeps cash in the bank, except a small liquid emergency fund. You buy securities, properties, mutual funds, anything that will make you more money. Most of these assets are considered savings.

>Having to explain this
This board needs more financial literacy red pills

>I want to slink around the neighborhood and fuck with people then bask in public praise

>circlejerking group of individuals with inferiority complexes.
also known as a police station

And guess what? People don't do that. You genuinely cannot expect a partner to do this because it's just not something people do.

People who care about their financial future aren't just socking away money here and there. They aren't "saving money" they are starting businesses and actively managing investments. Mutual funds and retirement accounts are only something that people get because their employer provides it and gives a match; I have worked in the field and there are almost no personal mutual fund investment accounts established by individuals unless that person isn't already independently wealthy.

Once again these people aren't even saving money, they are hiring folks to manage it for them. They spend their salaries just like any other Joe Schmo.

Quite frankly it's embarrassing for a man to be unable to carry the finances in the first place. You individually should be able to save enough to build a life for your family; your wife's purpose should be to manage the household, this includes making purchases on things that are "fun and enjoyable", even if they are temporary and don't build a future.

You will also notice that I say compulsively. The mythical person who puts away 10-15% of their pay is a just that, a myth. People either invest and chase wealth until it consumes their being or they contribute minimums.

The best you can hope for are people like my parents. Compulsively saving and investing then regretting some missed opportunities. They apologized for not spending and investing more in my extracurriculars because now that they are retired with two million dollars they can't possibly piss away the money from capital gains alone. They trained and saved for their entire lives and hardly know how to enjoy themselves now that it's time to do so.

Humans don't practice moderation and you can never expect them to. The best you can hope for is someone on the extreme end of things that you believe in, and you had better hold yourself to that same standard.