Remember, the biggest genocides in the human history were committed by white people...

Remember, the biggest genocides in the human history were committed by white people. White people started the two most deadly wars in the history. But blacks are violent...

Attached: a4Y83gy_700b.jpg (575x525, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>European colonists were illegal immigrants
Which laws were they breaking exactly?

Attached: 5a5e8f5e2e922d49485f4e2861bb9f03--black-indians-native-americans.jpg (591x960, 131K)

Okay, you're a pussy and I find this epic.

Compare Rwanda with USA.

Who is better at genociding?

You’re clearly forgetting the mongol empire which killed roughly 10% of the world population. War doesn’t have a skin color shit for brains

It wasn’t “immigration” because America wasn’t an established country.

>meme flag
>White people started the two most deadly wars in the history. But blacks are violent...
Who does all the crime in your country faggot?

Attached: 1514917727967.jpg (940x690, 145K)

So you're saying that illegal immigration is bad or something?

fucking idiot

>Remember, the biggest genocides in the human history were committed by white people.
What genocides were those?

>White people started the two most deadly wars in the history.
Jews aren't White.

>But blacks are violent...
Yes they are.