WHy do whites care about KANGZ so much?

Is it just insecurity in regards to people of color?

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what ever gave you that idea?

make a KANGZ thread, and see how many replies you get.

This Ethiopian woman is smiling because she's just experienced the joy of female circumcision, like 24 million of her fellow Ethiopian women. It's a joy you dirty ofays will never know.

We don't but we like to make fun of you when you crave attention.

most intelligent people tend to take offense when unintelligent people try to convince others of something being a fact which is clearly a lie and goes against all established research on the matter


like flat earth, anti vax and holocaust denial for example


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Report worthless rulebreaking spam threads

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Cuz if they wuz kangz they'll use that as a tool to get more gibs.

because black people are always bringing up race but don't want to hear the truth about themselves


they deserve gibs. They eanred them.

>implying people who reply to your threads had a vetted interest in it

I came here to call you a faggot and that you're a nigger, that must mean I really care right?



the wh*te pig keep stealing our stuff, we are just taking it back

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>insecurity in regards to people of color
the projection here is unbelievable BLM.

Nobody cares we're just tired of dealing with their shit every day. It's tiring to be reminded by the media several times a day that you're a terrible person for being straight, white, male, and Christian. If they truly believe diversity is our strength and that there is only one race, the human race, then they need to learn to shut the fuck up and practice what they preach rather than perpetually shitting on the same demographic nonstop.

Fuck off nigger. It's clearly jigaboos like you who are insecure if you have to try and latch on to a culture thousands of years ago that wasn't ever yours to begin with. The "Nubian" era was the shortest and last dynasty of Egypt because it was so fucking terrible and shit-filled that it literally collapsed the empire. Not a single part of Egyptian royalty (that includes building the pyramids) had anything to do with niggers at all outside of the slave trade. It's really laughable that some crack smoking waste of life in the US who's in and out of jail constantly would try to culturally appropriate the traditions, norms, and customs that they and their ancestors didn't contribute to at all. Pointing that out isn't insecurity, it's just stating facts.

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>Jow Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flies are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here

>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs

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I honestly don't give a single fuck about niggers or anybody else in this world but what I like is a nice white bulky soldier type europid to train which gives me proper anal substitution


They are just vile and it's offensive to be told they are somehow the same as me. Close your eyes and you can still hear them. Cover your ears and you can still smell them. Devoid yourself of all your senses, even that isn't a relief because your ass is getting robbed. It's a shame segregation ever ended.

You mean about your fake history?

>Haiti went independent ~200 years ago
>ever since a shithole
>Rhodesia was turned upside down, whitey left
>ever since a shithole
>South Africa is about to confiscate white lands
>guess what? will be a shithole for the rest of its existence

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