MSM => "Far right rally" and "counter protest"

Think of how crazy it is that some dudes waving American flags having a pro-freedom of speech march, supporting the president of the United States, a literal pro-constitutional freedoms march are being labelled "FAR RIGHT" these are citizens who have to wear shields and helmets because the police won't do their job and protect them from a violent group trying to intimidate them, to use fear to prevent them from speaking freely...meanwhile a masked mob of degenerates dressed in all black (literally so they can commit crimes and be less likely to be identified), blatantly wearing communist symbols and with a history of using extreme violence, like cracking people in the head with a bike lock, spiked clubs, throwing glass bottles, bricks, and rocks to intimidate people out of expressing their first amendment rights are being labelled by the MSM as "counter protesters". It's really unbelievable that the MSM is able to get away with this. The BBC's headline is literally this: "Portland police arrest four in far-right rally and counter-protest". Orwellian af.

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fucking cosplaying playing hipsters. hang the fucking commies.

Where's a flamethrower when you need it?

This morning on my local news they described it as:
>extreme right wing rally met by counter protesters
Felt like punching my TV.

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>be a proudgoy
>you wear a pinochet shirt with 'free rides for commies' written in it
>you try really hard to be a based civic nationalist by insulting national socialists daily
>you're still labeled a nazi anyway

if only you had to fix this you are saying
it's easy :
accept the label > become national socialist > any issues the world is facing will be resolved by national socialism > profit

you're welcome.

>but it's Trump's fault people hate the media

No, that's not how to win retard. Back to media matters.

fucking based

>Blame Russia and Putin for trumps victory every single day
>Constantly wave around commie flags at the same time
I'm confused

>you try really hard to be a based civic nationalist by insulting national socialists daily
you don't wanna win you don't know how
go back to t_d

>my freedom of expression supplants your freedom of expression
lol w/e. in any case you should be happy these retards are beating the shit out of each other. let the national guard clean house after, and let god sort them all out. amen and sage.

The second someone decides to actually do something against these (((journalists))) and their blatant propaganda is the second this entire discussion will return to normal.

Once these psy-op mockingbird faggots experience their lying has consequences is the moment where they'll be real careful about pushing their commie one world government any further.

>info wars
>controlled opposition interviewing useful idiots
The absolute state of my country.

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go back to media matters asswipe. nobody is buying your trash. you are human garbage.

There are no journalists left, only communist recruits who got journalism degrees in order to control the information and context given to the masses.

>media matters
>national socialism
both are the exact opposite i think you're lost go back to t_d will ya

both of you right now

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>Think of how crazy it is that some dudes waving American flags having a pro-freedom of speech march, supporting the president of the United States, a literal pro-constitutional freedoms march are being labelled "FAR RIGHT"
It's not crazy at all. If you don't understand what's happening, why it's happening, and what's going to happen in the future, you're very low IQ and haven't been paying attention to anything. We're going to balkanize.

It really is fucking astounding how far they're bending reality.

Imagine how confused the average Russian must be. They dont know who's jewing who anymore either.

>literal white supremacists and conspiracy theorists are patriots and their opponents are violent communists

I've never seen a communist flag waved.

Unite the right fucking blew it. The only reason this types of news get some validation is because of what occured in charlottesville.

UTR only blew it because its organizers/speakers failed to appreciate how far left the cops (or at least the administrators) were to the point they would actually force them into a funnel and allow them to be beaten in the streets.

fair enough, I haven't seen them waving commie flags either
they still display the imagery it's even in OP

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show flag.

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show your circumcised benis.

When you put it like that it makes me want to gun them bad it would hurt freedoms cause....the media and these treacherous scum burn me to the core

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The coverage was pretty bad. They called the patriots “far right,” or worse yet, “protesters,” so that they could call the violent leftists “counter protesters.” Then they would refer to the Antifa who were throwing glass bottles and rocks at the cops as “protesters.”

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Why does this surprise you? The media is the ENEMY of the people. They DESPISE the constitution. They DESPISE American citizens. Frankly, they are enemy combatants.

I have a foreskin. Show flag.

Spread this on SJW platforms. They'll love it.

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But you dont go fucking rally with a nazi flag. That simply killed the movement

Sure buddy, it's visible here. Now that I did my part, will you do the same ?

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Filter meme flags.
Ignore meme flag posters

Because nobody ever sends plants to pull that shit, right? Still nobody knows who this mongoloid is. He’s been spotted with a Confederate flag, too. He pops up at rallies across the country.

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I’m glad nazis are being kicked in USA too. Antifacistische Aktion!

So what? Nobody took his flag and spit on it. Everybody moved along with it

>so what
Seriously? He needs the shit kicked out of him.

What's the current state of play? Are the two sides separated?

They were waving them around yesterday. Also Libfags always talk about how great communism is and socialism and marxism at the same time condemning Russia all the time. Makes zero sense

how does a country get so cucked that waving the national flag and being an ethno nationalist is extremism???????
its just the normiest of normie positions over here, and in other normal countries

? are you agreeing with me then? That's exactly what i said. But nobody did anything and let him walk alone.

People can say what they want but that was the turning point and is the reason why theres not much support for the right wing. Had people shown disdain for this (and others) faggot carrying the nazi flag we would be having a whole different discussion right now.

>literal white supremacists and conspiracy theorists are patriots and their opponents are violent communists
>Proud Boys and Patriot prayer
>White supremacist

>OP image
>this pic
Are you even trying?

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>I have a foreskin
No you don't Juden.

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>ethno nationalist is extremism???????
Absolutely not

*removes Serbs*


>BBC's headline
>Orwellian af

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