Is nazism just a coping method for undesirable men?

Is nazism just a coping method for undesirable men?

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>5' 2''

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Manlets are literally subhuman animals

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Amerimutts should really stop labelling themselves as "Nazis" or "National Socialists", at this point it's just embarrasing. Especially when they base all of their knowledge on so-called "Nazism" from Hollywood movies.

>Is liberalism just a coping method for undesirable women?

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No but Communism is a coping method for failed people in general. What's more fucking pathetic than "I'm not a failure, it's the rich people who stole all the money I should have earned! Give me free shit NOW!"

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Why the fuck is everyone mentioning Raske Penge now? He's a literal hipster commie and should be thrown out from a helicopter.

>and that ginger kid with the 10 inch dick.

He's actually 5'9 this is a shop by /leftypol/. Still not tall but not exactly hypermanlet 5'2.

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google is your friend

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>Is nazism just a coping method for undesirable men?
Is leftism this instead?

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>of relatively high facial attractiveness (every woman I want to be sexually interactive with has given me their number)
>since becoming a National Socialist I began working out and have gained 16kg of muscle

You can attempt to "troll" those bottom feeders here who suck at life, but the reality is that it's been proven that Right-wing men are fitter and more attractive and yet at the same time have sex later in life because they are less degenerate. The Left attracts the most undesirable men, because only in an egalitarian world can the unattractive have any chance of getting pussy. It's no coincidence that Male feminists all fit a certain stereotype.

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> Is nazism just a coping method for undesirable men?
Is a coping method for extremely hot women?

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Just admit you have a small cock already jeez

That's funny because Big Brother currently has like a 4'10" gay spic on it.

OP is just a (((faggot))) or a newfag who hasn't even gotten to the point of realizing "nazi" was a pejorative created by them.

andrew is jewish anyway

>right-wingers are proven to be more attractive
by one study form some pulp magazine

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Literally 7.3'' long. Try again if you'd like.

Fuck you bitch, Heil Hortler.

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> once chance at life
> born 5'2

genetics are so cruel to some people, I'm glad I look like a Greek god with facial structure carved out of stone.

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>there's no manlets on the left
yea ok

>physical fitness being considered by all notable cultures as being attractive
>proven in several studies that those on the political right as a whole are fitter and go to Gyms more frequently than those on the left as a whole
>put 2 and 2 together

I know drawing basic conclusions is hard for you, Indonesia, but try to keep up.

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Depends on what you mean by nazism. Skinhead shit and white nigger nazism? Yeah it's for the lower whites. Holding actual National Socialist views? No, not really. JFK was NatSoc and admired Hitler. A lot of people would agree with National Socialism if it weren't for the stigma.


There shouldn't be anything wrong with white nationalism but these clowns make it too easy for Shlomo to make fun of.

Your height is irrelevant if you're taking it up the ass.

I find it hard to believe a manlet would kill themselves over their height if they're not shorter than the female average. Unless he just took a vacation in Lithuania or something there's got to be something else going on.

>don't shame people for their bodies!
>unless they male, short or white
This is some deep shit.

Female average height in Europe is 5'11

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It must look that way from where your compound eyes are located, 2mm from the ground.

Does he have a disease? He looks sickly.

lmao no

5'9 here


Or did I just take your bait?

identify as a member of any popular ideology in america is a cope.

That's peak vegan performance, but also a female to male transsexual.


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It looks so disgusting I just assumed it was malnourished or had a disease. Good way to pass I guess? Make yourself so unbearable to look at that people assume you have a genetic defect instead of a women pretending to be a man.

Not sure who looks more like a kid toucher, Anglin or weev. Both are creeps who want to be your guru, goy. Then you have the rapping boomer cringe-fest called Azzmador.

Yeah, they're vegan. Even the ones not on a battery of sex hormone supplements looks like they came outta Auschwitz.

He's probably taller than that now, but still a manlet. When I first got my license as a teen I was 6'03". I'm 6'6" now and never got it updated.

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Nope I'm a 6'4 handsome Nazi

>1 post by this ID


No, it's 6'8" and average male height is 7'0". Thank all the hormones in European meats and dairy.

What’s naziism


Report troll threads for breaking board rules.

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>> Is nazism just a coping method for undesirable men?
>Is a coping method for extremely crazy women?


Anglin is a raging autist, like 99% of people who refer to themselves as "Nazis" in public.
I sympathize with NatSoc societal ideals, but I'm not retarded and would never call it that in front of others.

Probably, yeah. It definitely seems like it. The vast majority of Nazis are manlet virgins

>caked on makeup
>tattooes everywhere
>revealing, slutty clothing
Those are not quality women, user. No openly NatSoc female is going to be sane.

Can you guys ever hear a criticism of Nazism without going "MUH COMMIESSSS!!!"

Peak whataboutism

5'5 at 17. My life is over before it has even begun.

Only a couple of them are attractive, and a few are definitely photoshopped

complaining about "nazism" on pol

God FUCKING damnit Jow Forums, we got BTFO'D again, don't you guys thing we should probably give up now? The left just never loses

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Thats crazy

You are the only reason they got to exist, now they will be reborn again and this time the final solution will go off without a hitch.

I never became Nazi before getting in a ltr

>5'2 "nazi"

Any male shorter than 5'8 at the conclusion of puberty should be sterilized. Even 5'8 is far too short, but at least you can still be a soldier.

That guy clearly has some sort of super fucked up medical condition. I don't think it's possible to be that way without one.

Technically the study stated rich men who were strong were more likely to oppose distribution of wealth, while poor people who were strong were more likely to support it
TLDR the strong either hold on to what they have or believe they can take it

All great leaders in history were incels. The Nazi officers were loaded with incels, Napoleon was a Manley, etc...

6'2" here and eat shit OP

Anglin is a "former" a wigger, who now larps as a "hollywood nazi" (CIAbucks) who said that white race needs to be breed out. Satisfied now?

>who hasn't even gotten to the point of realizing "nazi" was a pejorative created by them.
Do you really believe that?

Oh I believe you!

im undesirable and yet ive always hated nazism and never been as succesful as anglin

We'll have your head on a stick soon kike.

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Ok buddy. You're really fucking cool acting tough on the internet!! You're scaring me!!!!! Please dont hurt me!!!!


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my looks vary a lot and when im not looking so good i become sort of meek, when im attractive im a lot more ballsy and prone to right wing thought patterns

im not a nazi though im extremely pessimistic about our ability to alter the course of civilizations

Who and how many of you here are actually manlets?

>Is nazism just a coping method for undesirable men?
Nope, this is my license. 1488

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I don't know why I bother with this kike and shill infested board anymore.
Everyone that posted before me is a nigger jew from reddit.

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>Everyone that posted before me is a nigger jew from reddit.
A spic thinking his opinion matters

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Yes. Nazis, like Antifa, are losers who are inseure about something, that something being their ethnicity.

You can call out anti-white racism without going full 1488 like a spergo.

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>You can call out anti-white racism without going full 1488 like a spergo.
Or you can exterminate the kikes and ensure it doesn't happen again.

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