Why did so many white people in this town react so negatively towards receiving only one black family into their town...

Why did so many white people in this town react so negatively towards receiving only one black family into their town? The last white woman in this video makes a good point. Declining property values because of blacks is a white problem, not a black problem.


Attached: levittown protestors.jpg (2963x2372, 1.1M)

Because you lose the minute you set a precedent that allows the aggressor to take ground without consequence.

The father is the Meyers family served in the army, worked as a lab technician and was studying to become an electrical engineer. Does that sound like an "aggressor" to you?

Why worry about one mouse in the house? There's more on the way.

what is this town like today? these people are vindicated.

An educated, middle class family isn't analogous to a pest.



the town is a nigger ghetto now. thanks black family!

There's always a return to the mean

According to wikipedia, Levittown is still overwhelmingly white. America really hasn't de-segregated. We have so many problems now because white people never really accepted integration, even after the civil rights movement.

and that’s a good thing.

As someone born in 1990, 1950's America doesn't even look real to me. It looks like something out of a fairy tale or hollywood movie. Everyone is so professional, polite and caring.


Lets send whites to Africa

>Why did so many white people in this town react so negatively towards receiving only one black family into their town?
most towns had a black section and a white section.
the whites were protesting over integration of these two spheres.

let’s send YOU to africa, nigger!

They even did a study where black kids learn better and get better grades when they are in black schools with black teachers. Who really benefited from segregation if not whites or blacks?

What do people like you not understand?

He is an aggressor when he enters a community against their will. Doesn't matter how high-fallutin or supposedly "civilized" he is.

Every career position he's held should have been held by an American. His success is theft.

Why do you care?

theres a difference between being a good member of society and being a sexual aggressor. white people are not under any obligation to live in non-homogenous societies simply because said nigger may be a productive member of society. there are more factors to take into account.

A nigger is not a person.

His kids are nogs

I guess that desegregation didn't work out so well. Oh well, I'm sure kikes will be sure to fix this in the future

Attached: levitt.jpg (858x98, 34K)

If you do we might make africa a 1st world continent it's a win win situation.

integration has been a complete failure

There's only one group who benefits from desegregation.

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There's not enough whites in the world to make them a majority in Africa.

>Everyone is so professional, polite and caring.

The white people who threw rocks into the Myers' family's windows weren't so "caring".

>Why did so many white people in this town react so negatively towards receiving only one black family into their town?
Because that's how it starts.

What do niggers and tornadoes have in common?

It takes only one to ruin a city.

No one needs niggers. Fuck you.

It was a failure because white people resisted integration. Integration would have solved some of the problems we have now.


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They were to their own people. If I feel like I don't belong somewhere, I don't force myself in.

Fuck you, nigger.

Total bullshit my dude.

I have lived in the same subdivision for nearly a decade and it didn't start going to shit until about 5 years ago when a white family moved out of state and decided to rent their house out instead of selling it.

This brought in the first black family who proceeded to shit the place up almost instantly.

It is a simple 4 bedroom 3.5 bath house meant to sustain 4 people.

It currently houses 6 people 4 of which are adults over the age of 25.

Combined they have 5 vehicles and none of them are parked in their garage and the libshit HA will not do anything about it.

Now, 3 years later the neighborhood is over 70% black and climbing with more and more white families either putting their houses up for sale (surprise surprise they are taking forever to sell if at all) or for rent.

Why? Because since then crime has gone up tenfold in the neighborhood.
>Robberies are a daily occourance
>It is no unheard of for kids to start fights in the middle of the street
>Nigglets walk down the streets with their smartphones at 10pm hooping and whooping retarded sons and nig nogging with eachother
>bikes get stolen on the reg (lel what did you expect)
>packages get stolen off of porches

I'm sick of their nigger shit. I'm moving my family out of this place as soon as humanly possible.

Of course they were. That was an act of love.

>Levitt & Sons would not sell homes to African Americans. Levitt did not consider himself to be a racist, considering housing and racial relations entirely separate matters. However, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) conditioned essential financing for this and similar projects on the restriction of home sales to those of "the Caucasian race", as stipulated in housing rent and sales agreements and deed covenants.[6] This did not prevent Bea and Lew Wechsler, a Jewish couple from the Bronx, from reselling a home to an African-American family. Levittown's first black couple, William and Daisy Myers, bought a home in the Dogwood Hollow section in 1957.

Pure coincidence.

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Fuck you, nigger.

the question is still open:
do they have the right to choose whom they live around?
can we have an all-black town, or an all-white town, how about an all POC no-whites-allowed University. Isn't that the wet dream of SJWs?
Mark my words. ethno-states are coming

Attached: ethnic map usa.jpg (480x360, 22K)

>town reacts because black family will only lead to more blacks
>town will go to shit
>get called racist
>town fills with blacks
>town goes to shit

Fuck you, nigger.


Attached: 06.Whites-on-the-southside-of-Chicago-protest-housing-rights-for-blacks-two-days-after-Martin-Luther (480x425, 65K)

We need to go back.

Fuck you, nigger.

Fine, then he can go live in his own fucking neighborhood.

They shouldn't have thrown rocks. They should have thrown molotov cocktails.

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Government forces desegregation because "people" wanted it. 60 years later people are segregating themselves. XP

Fuck you, nigger

>Fuck you, nigger

This is the average racist. They're too stupid to form valid arguments, so all they do is repeat the n-word.


Nice seeing that jewess at the end bring it all home. It’s just integration goy.

Access to whites is not a human right.

the last jewess...

Attached: the shire will not survive.jpg (1169x600, 65K)

The presence of blacks ruins just about everything. Even the niggers know this. Some of the more motivated nigs try to avoid other blacks and move their families into white neighborhoods. Of course even the motivated ones cannot help being nigs and they ruin things for everyone - including themselves. Whites do not run from other white people.

>Declining property values because of blacks is a white problem, not a black problem.
It's a problem of the person in the minority, in this case the blacks. The whites occupy and direct the town. The blacks are the problem here.

Whites will forever move away from the niggers, and the niggers will run after them to "diversify" neighborhoods- aka "gibsmedat economic access to whitey." Blacks never uphold the standards put in place by whitey. So how can you blame them for running away?

Niggers will chase whites to the end of the earth then, probably, eventually into space. Literal white flight.