Why do Trump supporters hate the principles our nation was founded upon?

Why do Trump supporters hate the principles our nation was founded upon?

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how about these principles

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You mean like equali-AFFIRMATIVE ACTION? or like slaver-REPARATIONS? or illegal immig-MINIMUM WAGES?

But Jefferson said that before Jews monopolized the media. He'd probably sing a different tune now.

Who the hell cares about shitskins?


How has Trump abridged the freedom of the press, again? Oh, that's right, he hasn't. At all.

>The Founding Fathers could not have predicted the weapons we have today so the 2nd Amendment is invalid.
>The Founding Fathers wanted freedom of the press, so that means that our current system of infotainment is perfect and cannot be criticized.

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Why do liberals all of a sudden wrap themselves in the flag and love our founding fathers when any other time they shit all over our nation, our values and our history?

>Implying you can't hate Trump and shitskins
Why do you fags have such 1-dimentional views on politics?

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What is up with the libfags and shitty comics? I know they do this in the right wing too but it's less common.

Is this the same Thomas Jefferson who told the state attorneys general in New England to prosecute selected newspapers criticizing him for sedition during his term after defending D-R friendly newspapers from the same charges ten years earlier?
Because, if so, Trump's an amateur compared to him.

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Probably to expose the hypocrisy in the face that conservatives wrap themselves in the flag and love our founding fathers when any other time they shit all over our nation, our values and our history.

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It's almost like they apply double standards to everything in order to justify their hypocritical positions

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Isn't Jefferson one of the Presidents hated by liberals for raping his slaves

>biased corporate media is the press
>it isnt an expression of free speech to criticize said biased corporate media

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Yeah, except constant nontruths and hopeful wrongdoings isn't the same as press.

I guess by todays standards they are.

the only time libshits play the patriot card is to shit on America's people and history

The people are the freedom of the press and companies like Twitter are banning us. How retarded do you have to be to not understand that these companies are the ones calling everyday people (us) fake news for calling them out on their bullshit fabricated narrative? If anything, Trump is fighting for the little guy, we the people.

In what way has Trump censored the press?

Bonus question: If the founding fathers and their intentions suddenly matter to the left, why aren't they advocating for the original white ethnostate they enacted with the very first act of congress?

>Pride in who you are
America was a white nation until 1965
>Learning from history
>My country can do better
And how does disrespecting it help your cause?
>Fought nazis
Patton realized what a mistake that was

Freedom of the press is only for white people, not jews, niggers, etc. You're misinterpreting what he's saying as applying to all Americans.


Yeah, but not when they can twist the words to seem completely fucking retarded.

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Is that an alignment chart?

And why is Ben Franklin Lawful Evil?

Trump tells the media to stop lying, not to shut up.

For some reason Trump tards think Obama was this huge monster who violated the constitution. They are wanting the same thing.

I just wish I understood the hate boner half the nation has for one of the best president we have ever had. Dude was a fucking moderate who prevented one the largest depressions in 80 years.

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Yeah, its conservatives pushing gays and trannys into schools to fuck up the brains of our youth. Distorting their images about themselves and causing them to hate their country when there isn't a country in the world that gives more to charity than the united States of America.

Its conservatives who are agitating for war in Syria and war with Russia, and war with North Korea. Yeah, they're lining the streets demanding we send out young men off to die because... well I haven't gotten a good answer on that yet.

Eat a big bag of smelly assholes, you retard or person pretending to be retarded for fun or profit.

>Trump today: "The Fake News hates me saying that they are the Enemy of the People only because they know it’s TRUE. I am providing a great service by explaining this to the American People. They purposely cause great division & distrust. They can also cause War! They are very dangerous & sick!"
Whats the difference?

Not OURS, just yours. You are all niggers now!

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>Also we want to get rid of borders, get rid of freedom of speech and right to bear arms and get rid of everything the founding fathers stood for

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Because they're dumb?

>the guy who bought papers so they wouldn't talk shit about him
The founding fathers had incredible ideas. They just weren't quite fond on acting upon them.

Leftist omit details they don't like and will ignore these.

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When has zogbots given a shit about what the founding fathers thought? Didn't most of their intellectual work go out the window after the civil war anyways? What does this have to do with Trump in particular?

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Thomas Jefferson was a childless cuck ,and so was Washington, and Lincoln.

Trump-sama has children that he wants to inherit a good future. He actually cares about the nation that exists now, not what can be.

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Yeah, WOW what a fucking lie. It's quaint how much you love the Faggot-Vision your right wing bubble makes for you! He is dying.

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Race-baiting was not a thing in Jefferson's time.
The media has to make a ruckus when any minority gets shot so they can get clicks. This also divides the people for petty sensationalism.

Yeah, prevented a depression by staying the course of GW and Clinton. PRevented the depression by allowing a bail out of the banks to go through. But decided to keep the banks in charge, because surely, having done illegal things wouldn't happen again on his watch.

It was Obama who politicized or allowed the politization of, though I'm thinking the former, of the FBI, the DOJ, the IRS, our local law enforcement. He let ritoters run rampant for years becasue it was beneficial to his cause and created sympathetic headlines by the very same free press who are in cahoots when it comes to coverage on our new president.

You had to DIG to find something on Obama that would have been headline fucking news for Donald Trump, that would have gotten donal trump impeached.

Fuck you, you blind sack of phimosis cheese. I hope you come full circle as I did when I realized I was being lied to the entire time. I hope you do and despair in just what you were rooting for.

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Well see if they didn't lie, then they wouldn't be the enemy of the people.

No, more like after 1932 when Congress was given near-arbitrary power by the Supreme Court. The whole experiment in Constitutionalism was just dumb and based on flawed ideology. Attempting to return to Federalism or whatever today would be a disaster because of California.

CNN Jim is allowed to come to press meetings but waste his time asking subversive question and promoting personal feuds.

Jefferson also said the one could never read the truth in a newspaper and that they were agents of Satan.
The fact he didn't send all journalists to the penitentiary is proof of him standing by his lolbergs principles, not that he thought the free press was a good thing.

That photo looks like aomething one would see in a Canadian shitpost.

You realize leftist are trying to bait you and you are gullible for falling for it, right?

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liberals betray the white nationalist principles america was founded upon

Yes it was. Ever heard of the Irish?

Also the John Adams and Thomas Jefferson race was full of fake news with one paper saying he was a transvestite and the other paper saying he was DEAD.

The Press used to present an issue and give both sides of the issue and then let you the reader decide.

Press does stories from their (the reporters) biased point of view. Does not present the other side of the story, and tells you what you should think.

The problem with MODERN JOURNALISM is its in reality PROPAGANDA.

Only a few reporters follow the OLD SCHOOL JOURNALISM rules these days.

This is why everything is so fucked up.

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>Terrorist fist Jab
>Mom jeans
Same shit different guy. stop thinking this is only Trump.

Values and Laws are given by the state, not god

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I'm a Confederalist, so they can kiss my ass. Articles of Confederation would make them shit their pants, again.

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I don't know, I've always found the confederate arguments compelling .

The freedom of the press only involves letting CNN say whatever they want. It doesn't involve taking them seriously.

He was talking about the printing press
Not fully automatic internet journalism firing 1000 articles per minute

>not understanding that it was Jefferson who kept our Constitution limited and basically set the cultural precedent in the US for small government

wow shills project so hard now

Breh, Jefferson was in Paris when the Constitution was written. He had nothing to do with it.

Still, to say Jefferson was against the Articles of Confederation is stupid.

Not a shill I just liked Obama. When I talk with my co-workers about this shit they get so mad about him. When I ask why they get more frustrated that they cannot tell me where their hatred is coming from. Then for Trump they get this glassy eyed expression and start talking about Reagan. I swear its like a cult think or something. Reagan and Trump could not be further apart politically but that does not seem to matter.

Best I can understand it, it is a parent thing. Their parents love this so they do as well. Something people at the dinner table can bond over with hating those filthy people form California. Ignoring the fact Reagan came from California, ya know.

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Freedom of an INDEPENDENT press.
>Not sure where it says a corporate press owned by the super rich who use it as a form of propaganda to get their way.

Soros, bezos, JEWISH interests, Koch bros
>Do you think these (((journalists))) are independent and work alone?

The level of uneducated people grows by reading the msm propaganda....

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How isnt it truth?
Didnt facebook ban Alex Jones?
Didnt youtube ban him?
Didnt twitter ban him?
>Wheres the outrage over 1st amendment violations?

Oh thats right, the left censors when they cant win the argument. So liberal

We should fight for more JEW MSM PROPAGANDA....
>HERES A (((YOU)))

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Just like shitlibs conflate illegals and legals, they do the same with free press and fake news. Its not a war on free press, moron, its a war on the bullshit mainstream media pushes.

This was before subversive global influences infecting the media.

And you keep missing the fact of who controls what is truth. Once you decide only the state knows truth and only truth shall be published there is no more free speech. God you fucks are dumb as shit. Look at fucking China if you want a example.

When did i say any of that you retard

LOL why would they need to clarify that a lions sibling is a lion?

If you are going to war it means killing people. If you do not mean war do not say war. Same shit with Hillary, if you say "lock her up" then Trump is talking about arresting his political opposition USSR style. Say what you fucking mean fuck face and stop playing word games to look tough. If they are the enemy of the people you fucking kill them. If they are not do not say that.

Yeah I totally hear arguments that slaves are happy to be slaves. What are you fucking on?
Though to be honest the ones who got to live in America probably were happy they were no longer slaves in Africa.

It's not freedom of the press when it's heavily regulated by a few companies.

At least in concern of main news media,
Now there is freedom of the press when you consider that there is indie news companies, but... The main news media tries to be tyrannical and make them out to be fake..

In other words, context matters.

jews didnt control the media back then you didnt have 24 hour tv where people literally talk about what the president eats and why thats bad for you

its all click bait

>doesn't see the Black Sun
>either newfag, retard, or troll

when did Trump stop the press from reporting?


jefferson is a liberal fag
all real men are hamiltonian

This is just the political version of the typical lefties "I hate Christians but let me spout out of context bible versus cause I think I'll get what I want from you" bullshit.

>those backgroun runes
why do you have to ruin these pics? normies will run again when face your natsoc shit

>your political opponent is a literal criminal but because it's politics you can't lock then up

Your right. She should be put against a brick wall and liquidated like traitors used to be.

Donald Trump trolling leftists into reading the U.S. founding fathers. Is there anything this man cannot do.

You know Trump can order an investigation and has chosen not to right?

why do shareblue shills make up random things attach a picture to it, and then claim untrue things?

Tell me where he has taken away freedom of the press? He trolls them daily and gets a laugh from it.

Your logical disconnect is so dissapointing.

Communists preaching about the founding fathers is no different than them using the Jesus they don't believe in to convince you to commit cultural suicide.

He keeps trying to with CNN to the point Fox news has had to call him out on his shit. If not for the media push back Trump would totally pull CNN's licence. Trump is playing financial games with WP hurting Amazon's deals with the post office. Then there is the whole merger things going on in the background with Trump denying mergers for media he is opposed to and supporting it for media that supports him.
This shit is fucked up.

I just want you to say what you mean. Is it really that hard?

Why do hillary and generally leftist nitpick things from the past they can identify with but smash everything else, because it does not support their world-view and call it "reactionary" or "ewiggestrig"? really gets the nogging jogging, as if leftists are just fucking hypocrites who cite smart things they've read on AZQuotes.com to make them think their country always was a weak-willed basedboy nation that wails itself in pity and weakness and praising the replacement of their own kin with a rootless pack of never-do-wells and dress themselves in colors of moral and apathy because they offer their wives to jamal for reparations.
Leftists have the habit of holding people morally hostage with their idea of "liberty" and by then when you realize that lack small but authoritarian right-wing government would be great.

OP is a sad faggot.

Trump is a Nazi and is killing people = Free Speech
Trump "Fake News" = Trump is a nazi who want to remove the 1st
Pick one fag

>Trump is a nazi who want to remove the 1st
Add to that Trump is incompetent and is so far in over his head he lashes out at anyone who questions him to the point he attack basketball stars

I made a comment and then you came in with assumptions about me. Fool.

The founding fathers failed. First they introduced democracy as way of government because of "Muh tyrant king" , and whether it is a direct or representative democracy its still shit and leads to destruction. Second, if you want people to align themselves to an idea or standard of or way of life that you envision, "freedom" of press will eventually kill it because ((((they)))) are everywhere like pests and will easily use it to their advantage

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if we had the press today the one that hold up the president to such scruntiany
Obumer would have been impeach his first year after he took a seat at the UN security counsel, violating his oath to office,
but that was Obumer Muh first Black man......

The assumption you know what word mean?

>Obama death panels
It's the same shit. Trump supporters think they are unique for the opposition not liking what they are doing.

they only failed becuase they assumed the country would stay white

They couldn't have possibly predicted that the pressed would be entirely taken over by Jews. It was written under the assumption that the press would always be in control of the people rather than the government.