War on Thots or Whorefax

Autists of Jow Forums

We need to tackle the thot problem which is seriously eroding the western civilization. Women with introduction of (((Feminism))) and sexual revolution in the 20th century got out of control and their rabid behavior is doing a colossal damage to the western society and if not stopped they will bring an end to white race. I won’t go into details how bad the state of affairs is, newfags can look it up in their freetime but for now we need to focus on putting an end to this thottery.

In the past, physical violence such as slapping or spanking was used to control women from their abusive and manipulative behavior. Today the laws prevent man from doing so and can land him in jail. The only thing left is shame and women are scared to have their whore past exposed. So this is what I propose.

We collect thots' online presence. Gather her name, where she lives, her age and list of her sins and/or potential red flags such as coal burning, false accusations, violence, number of sexual partners, camwhoring, was she a sorority etc. list of those things and details can be discussed later.


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I propose using telegram app for the following reasons:
>zero censorship, its creator Pavel Durov is a MGTOW libertarian that got fired from VK for standing his principles against privacy violations of his users. He unironically got screwed over by (((them)))
>fast and free and anonymous – you can make an account by using a fake phone number or internet phone number to create bunch of fake accounts and post from them. So even if you are busted nobody will have any clue who posted from them since real identity was never attached
It goes without saying that you shouldn't use your real name there even though users are protected there
>we can avoid doxing claims, since it will be telegram territory where all the personal information such as age, address etc will be collected so Jow Forums mods can fuck right off with their dox claims. This gives us ultimate freedom in exposing thots and putting them back to place.
>we don’t have to create a website from scratch and buy a server to maintain it. It’s all free. All we have to do is just create a group together with a chat in which we discuss the details and pour the pics of thots and then post them in a classified manner with hashtags by race, state and main problem of the thot (eg coal burning)
>can use telegram from PC or phone. So you go out for a date. Not sure if the girl is a thot or not? Just open up your phone, go the group, look her up by name and if she is not on a list, then you are good. If she is, then it’s up to you to make a decision. You are in charge, not she.

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If you fags have better ideas let’s discuss it in this thread. This is very important and don’t let this slide. If we managed to meme Trump into presidency then we can put thots back into the kitchen where they belong.
>inb4 Russian bots

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>0 replies
come on Jow Forums you can do better than this

...OR you could focus on positively guiding our ethnic kin away from the structure in which they were raised, in a way that will win us allies and converts rather than cementing our reputation as mentally ill, abusive, destructive, and too dangerous to trust.

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>positively guiding our ethnic kin away from the structure in which they were raised
Are you new?

Back to plebbit with you, faggot.

Honestly, all we have to do is be physically fit and have a no-no stance on degeneracy, and shame whores whom we know.
Women are led by men. If we make ourselves alphas, we can easily dictate how they act.

>be physically fit
>have a no-no stance on degeneracy
Haven't you heard of John Cena's gf leaving for a black guy? Or how Angeline Jolie is getting a divorce from Brad Pitt, the chadest of chads? Not even chads are secure anymore. It's getting out of hand.

The Whorefax would be easy enough to implement on the basis of social media behavior.

It's basically just scraping and cataloguing IG and twitter.

I mean if you wanted to go full on background check style on it, that's what could happen, but that'd be expensive to implement.