Should the USA collapse how would the native reservations fare?

Should the USA collapse how would the native reservations fare?

I imagine further polarization of the society untill the left-right tension results in a civil war where the conservatives achieve quick and total victory over city liberals and then turn onto one another over ideological differences. Tailored plagues, self replicating fully autonomous hunter killer drones, p-zombie supersoldiers and nukes are used extensively.

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Almost all reservations in the US are tiny, they'd become self-sustaining communes at best and just flat out collapse at worst.

>Tailored plagues
It´s called "law" and they use it all the time already.

>fully autonomous hunter killer drones

You mean the police?

Really depends on how dependent the community is on government welfare.

>a civil war where the conservatives achieve quick and total victory over city liberals
Warfare in a city is anything but quick and clean. And you're kidding yourself if you think that foreign powers wouldn't be falling over themselves to meddle in that particular clusterfuck.

Simple: The foreign powers are collapsing too for similar reasons.

Turns out, thanks to the wonders of globalization and internet, nations synchronized their collapse.

>a civil war where the conservatives achieve quick and total victory over city liberals

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>Turns out, thanks to the wonders of globalization and internet, nations synchronized their collapse.
This shouldn't get me as hard as it does.

Honestly, given how shitty life is on most reservations, they might not even notice.

If america falls and it's citizens turn on each other it going to make the fall of yugoslavia look like childs play.

They are too primitive for the drones to recognize as targets and register as wildlife instead thus are left unmolested.

cant wait

>I imagine further polarization of the society untill the left-right tension results in a civil war where the conservatives achieve quick and total victory over city liberals and then turn onto one another over ideological differences. Tailored plagues, self replicating fully autonomous hunter killer drones, p-zombie supersoldiers and nukes are used extensively.
I don't understand your scenario. So the left is immediately killed, and then the right wing splits into two factions that use nukes on each other?

Why? Who are these factions? If your campaign is about two factions using t virus zombies on each other why right vs right instead of left vs right?

"Nazis vs Communists with laser guns" is a lot more interesting than "Nazis vs Nazis with funny hats"

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>le ban guns, survive off of Starbucks and kale man

Maybe its Nat Socs vs Christian Zionists

>thinking conservatives would win

Majority of the CIA, NSA, FBI, DoD and the army and navy would side with the moderates. Even the “white rednecks from the south and Midwest” that are the majority of the US military would still side with the moderates (i.e. centrist liberals)

Western Europe and NATO would entirely throw its lot behind the Clintonite style liberal centrists. Besides maybe Russia and even possibly China (big if) nobody else in the entire world would side with American conservative facrion.

Also you can guarantee on foreign fighters from all over the world flocking to America to fight, rape and kill. Don’t know why anybody, least of all American conservatives, think a civil war in the US would be anything other than a horrendous bloodbath resulting in their wives and children being killed or raped. It’s too bloody and horrific to even contemplate

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The military, from boots to brass, is conservatives. You're silly if you think they'd side with onions lattes & anal over budweiser and pickup trucks. Unless OP's scenario is " #resist drumpf's america" then the centrists have died long ago if there's a civil war with nukes.

Whats the point of contention though? If the cities have all been purged then the jews are long gassed. And if America is going through an apocalyptic civil war Israel has also probably been destroyed with the rest of the middle east.

I just don’t see it that way man. I can’t imagine the military, NATO or the alphabet soup agencies siding with someone like Trump.

For the record I obviously don’t think Trump supporters or Americans conservatives should be killed or have their wives and girlfriends raped but I think that’s what would happen in that type of scenario. It makes me sick to my stomach to even think about the cruelty that would be inflicted. It’s better to hash this out with words than violence

You're silly if you think they'd side with extremists at all. They'd go centrist, not liberal or conservative--their main goal would be to reestablish some form of peace.

Assuming these have not been subverted by one of the extremist factions long time ago.

If the US has polarized to the point of civil war there would be no center. That's what polarization means.

The only faction of moderates left in the US are the Libertarians whose leadership are even bigger clowns than Trump. Why would the military throw their arms and resources with a bunch of nobodies when they already have their pockets in the conservative upper class? If anything, they'd serve to make America's conservative side a bit more moderate themselves as they convince the upper classes NOT to genocide their main labor force in turn of using the war as an excuse to accuse them of treason, imprison them, and then have them work for said companies for virtually free.

Ideology aside, the reservations are fucked. Once the relatively scanty "social safety net" and other pity payments provided by the Feds is removed, they won't even be able to feed themselves.

BTW, that's also how the "conservatives" with beat the "city liberals". There won't be any Stalingrad-style assaults. They'll just impose blockades and starve their opponents out. Cut the power which stops the water and within days the urban hordes will either launch attacks right into the teeth of the blockaders' guns, surrender, or die. You won't even have to wait for the food to run out.

The left is pretty fucked by being city bound. It is interesting that this is completely the oposite in my country, whre the right lives in cities and rural places vote communists.

In which case, rule of law has probably already broken down.

You're delusional if you think Civil War 2.0 wouldn't go exactly the same way as 1.0. What you're describing is only gonna happen in like Texas.

>What you're describing is only gonna happen in like Texas.

You really need to look into how the rest of New York state feels about NYC, how the rest of California feels about SF and LA, and how the rest of Missouri feels about St, Louis, plus Illinois and Chicago, Wisconsin and Milwaukee, Washington and Seattle, etc. etc. etc.

>He doesn't realize that the ONLY places the lefty loonies actual control are urban centers and upper-class gated communities filled with aging boomers

FYI, the next civil war is going to be the radical left vs everyone else. The center left are being purity tested right the fuck out of their party, because the party leadership is like 90% actual commies with the remaining 10% being ancient big money neo-libs who have somehow failed to realize that the brakes on the progressivism train have blown completely out.

There´s always people who simply hate niggers.

Same is going to happen with the right, if it’s not happening already.

Anyway, wouldn’t far right ultranationalists just wipe out the natives?

You should visit Jow Forums some time or actually up before you speak about something. The US government has acknowledged they would lose a civil war there is so much to go in to it beggars belief. The vast majority of the american left are anti-gun, anti-military and anti-militia.. anyway it makes for interesting reading.

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>You're delusional if you think Civil War 2.0 wouldn't go exactly the same way as 1.0.

Meh, this time around it´s going to be the flyover states being purged of the human refuse that clogs it rather than slavers vs white nationalists.

>The vast majority of the american left are anti-gun, anti-military and anti-militia.. anyway it makes for interesting reading.

They´ll just ammend laws to allow the rich to operate automatic privately owned blood-sucking killer robots. Nobody gets shot and Thiel gets his blood.

>Anyway, wouldn’t far right ultranationalists just wipe out the natives?

They have other more important targets in more important regions to kill/deal with first.

Reservation designations aren't going to last long after the fall of the current federal system anyway. Besides setting aside land to "help" or "protect" the "poor widdle injuns" is pretty fucking racist on it's face. In doing so you're assuming they're too stupid, backward, or whatever to function in modern society and thus must be protected for their own good as if they are children.

My major question is that, what happens to the current 6800 nuclear warheads that are in circulation if the US goes into a civil war?

This was originally /tg/ thread, faggot mod moved it.