Why don't you cucks actually go join the Nazi Party in your homelands and participate in actually starting this movement IRL than just moan about it all day on the Internet? Go physically join the Nazi Party baka
Why don't you cucks actually go join the Nazi Party in your homelands and participate in actually starting this...
Other urls found in this thread:
*lose job immediately*
Why don't you people spend like 2 weeks on the site learning HOW people interact before posting here? It's honestly a little offensive how blatant the propaganda has become. There's a 100% chance that if I join a "state approved nazi group" my name will be shared with lists of people who will steal my mailbox and throw animal blood on me as I walk down the street.
>Another insult thread.
Fuck off, Report
this, I value my source of income more. Not everyone is a NEET or some trust-fund faggot
I would suggest posting facebook links, people like them without thinking and then you can build your database through their friendship groups and image tags.
but I'm not like, evil or anything so I would never do that.
Nice try JIDF.
>Join Nazi party
>be forever unemployed nigger
>Nazi parties outlawed
>Nationalist parties outlawed
>3500 people arrested last year for INTERNET POSTS
>Tommeh's treatment
>Virtue signiling leftists
>Losing job
>Losing Family
>Already lost all my friends but some people will have to worry about that
>Social outcast
Yes Goy! Join your local Nazi Party!
I'm a highly educated autist, not a retard.