Why do whites in America get mad that blacks take from the system?

Our relationship with the federal government and our reality as a people are completely different from yours. We didn't come through ellis Island, gleefully seeking to becoming americans. We are a people quite literally manufactured by America for the expressed purpose of being an underclass, we've undergone eugenics, and CIA subversion. As a people we are a special case, because of that the US owes us. I'm sure the UN would agree.

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Tbqh I agree with this

funny because the women is not an african american women but an afro latina from dom rep

I'd say at some point you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, being a victim forever won't get you the life you want.

>Why do whites in America get mad that blacks take from the system?
> being black
> choosing to live in America
> when you could be getting paid for life in CANADA

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I hate working my ass off and barely able to afford shit while Shanequa and her 5 niglets swipe the EBT card and buy a shitload of food on the money that was taken by me from the government

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the feds viciously attack any attempt we make to try to get out from under them, hence gibs.

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>ay yo gib me free shit


You didn't have to be here.

Go back to Africa you dumb nigger.

I don't hate blacks for taking from the system, I hate the system for forcing whites to live with blacks.
You guys should get your own ethnostate, free of kike subversion.

>go back to Africa
>not even allowed to leave the state

because the system is funded from my paycheck and I can assure you I never owned a slave or subverted any black in any way.

The growth of the federal government has been to protect you, and you niggers are still ungrateful

And you owe whites, not the other way around. Whites send their sons to slaughter each other so you faggots could be free, has there ever been another point in history where one people goes to war with itself in order to free another people? No, whites are the only ones, and niggers are the only beneficiaries of this

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Fuck off and get a job nig-nog, my ancestors were forced to come to America because of the potato famine and were told to gtfo because they were Irish but I don't go around begging for government shekels because of shit that happened 150 fucking years ago.

>all this shit they say
>they don't contribute shit anyway

no fuck off nigger I have flight hours and other shit to pay for, I'm lucky to live with my parents and have them support me and my budding flight career.

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US blacks are fucking delusional. You're not a special case, the world is full of cases like yours. And unlike those cases, they don't get worldwide 'sympathy' because of the US media hegemony on the global stage.

Because US media is pushed down the rest of our throats, and US media can't stop sucking your dick, the rest of the world has to listen to your incessant whining about oppression. Meanwhile genocides are occurring at this very moment but their pleas are drowned out by you fucking niggers. Just shut the fuck up and stop being worthless.

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What do you mean not allowed to leave the state?

You are a volunatry american, it comes with the package. Maybe you ancestors should have thought their voyage through better.

Free shit is why are in such terrible shape as it is. Does the CIA just give you enough to be dependent yet ruin your family structure? Possble. I honestly feel kind of bad what the gibs have done.

How long we be giving you gibs? What exactly are we doing that stops you from being like asians amd succeeding? We shit on the Japs and put them in fucking camps while taking all their property. As expected they rebounded in a single generation. why cant blacks do this?

>the democrats viciously attack any attempt we make to try to get out from under them, hence gibs.


Do you think I asked to be born?

Asians are here voluntarily also. It's still incomparable to our plight.

No but as a people your people voluntarily came to and became americans.

>Why do whites in America get mad that blacks take from the system

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They can because they were loving as serfs/slaves in their countries. so they really didnt have much of a choice it was the obvious solution to their problems. they can and went from serfs to doctors in one generation. what is stopping blacks from doing the same. also are you implying blacks are still here only because we make them stay? you can go to liberia its a state fou ded by africans leaving the us and going back.

kek dude niggers will never have their Wakanda because they are too stupid

>Our relationship with the federal government and our reality as a people are completely different from yours
None of the systemic barriers that existed for your predecessors exist any more.
Don't give me 'muh history,' if you can't demonstrate a way in which it affects you personally.

The UN can go fuck itself, we're on the security council.

she's a cutie is what she is.

OP, what you call "cia subversion" was just national security mk 1960-1980s. the commies had infiltrated the civil rights movement and anybody who knows anything about that historical period knows the soviets saw black unrest as a major wedge they could use, from UN speeches (google "and you are lynching negroes" aka whataboutism) to actual terrorist operatives they could radicalize into committing acts of terrorism

1968 Nixon gets elected amid one of the worst waves of black terrorism ever, the first 18 months of the Nixon admin there were 30'000+ armed attacks. When Reagan was gov of Cali bobby seale and his gang rocked up to the statehouse with automatic weapons and didn't leave until they got what they wanted. The libertarian muh guns fag inside me thinks that's pretty badass, but you gotta remember that these and Malcolm X and even Martin Luther King were being fed a constant diet of commie propaganda (including some We Wuz Kangz shit you'd recognize from being on Pol). Ask yourself what would have happened if (more like when) MLK had dropped the pacifist tactics and said moderate blacks should take up arms? that's another fucking civil war right there. By the time he got assassinated he was very fucking close to switching and that's why they greased him.

That's also why every member of the Kennedy family got greased, they stole the black vote from the Republicans (who freed the slaves etc). If JFK hadn't told his brother to intervene for MLK he might still be alive, he got greased for being a useful idiot for soviet purposes as well as everything else.

TL;DR don't look to slavery 400 years ago, niggers got brainwashed by the FBI biggie/tupac because they're too dangerous to the republic

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how many more genrations do you think hard working blacks need before they start achieving like asians? in your opinion whats a fair amount of time to give them before they are removed? 3 generations? 5?

You aren't being kept here.
You are also here voluntarily.

Libeeria, our little African colony, got subverted by the CIA. Again asians situation is incomparable. They are not a brand new ethnic group whos sole puprose of creation is to serve a specific state. Being poor, and being America's frankenstien are not the same thing.

If what you're saying is true, you're nothing but a failed experiment. As a group you've done nothing but be a burden. America owes you nothing when you've spent this entire time running up such a huge tab.

I don't really give a shit. Blacks think welfare is white people serving them when it actually keeps them down.

How can I get a banana gobbling nigger gf?

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we're not Asians, so probably never. What your saying only would make sense for an immigrant group. Not a people so intrinsically tied to what America is.

>How can I get a banana gobbling nigger gf?
go to the zoo

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>Not a people so intrinsically tied to what America is
CANADA is the true home for black prosperity and freedom

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>ruuning a tab
It's just getting what we're owed. If the government eases up on the meddling, our communities would definitely improve, which is exactly what the fed does not want. Like I said our relationship with this country is unique, they are basically like an abusive parent to us.

>Wanting to be enslaved by the state 150 years after countless white men fought and died for your freedom
Why are niggers so ungrateful?

What do we have to be grateful about. Most of those that fought in the civil war were immigrants and such who did so to earn their place as Americans.

Is that because you committed a crime and are on probation? Cause that's really the only reason why you wouldn't be able to leave.

>niggers can into Jow Forums
fuck off larp

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>Most of those that fought in the civil war were immigrants and such who did so to earn their place as Americans.
> who did so to earn their place as Americans.
> earn their place as Americans.
its like you know the answer, but you're too much of a nigger to see it

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You mean the plight of remaining here despite the fact you and your ancestors have been able to leave for well over a century?

proves blacks can live like a king in Canada by purchasing a $500 International flight
> just get off the plane in Canada and renounce US citizenship
> instantly become Canadian citizen, eligible for tons of gibs

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Thats not how taxes work. They dont save up your tax dollars and pay out to the welfare recipients. They just create the money and give it out. It adds on to the national debt, which devalues the currency sure, but too few people are intelligent enough to understand that. EVERY government employee, civil servant, street sweeper, judge, president, vice president whothefuckever is also on the public payroll. They just create the money and give it out. This is called "growth". The growth of debt.

Western nations are the most indebted NOT the richest.

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>Most of those that fought in the civil war were immigrants
How can one person be this stupid?

You could mop up an entire supermarket with that sheboon's hair

>Be somewhat in shape 6/10 White male
>Go to jazz club
>Spend your night wading through top tier negress pussy that wants nothing more than to worship white cock
t. user who spent his high school and college years drilling more oil than Saudi royalty

This projection of "freedom of movement", is a prime example of what I am talking about. As smart as whites claim they are its mind boggling to know that they think that because something is true for them, it's also true for everybody else.

you bring me a qt aussie and i'll trade you

Fuck off

enjoy your hsv2

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>Niggers are literally too stupid to cross a border.
I assure you Tyrone, there aren't cops at state borders preventing you from leaving.

>Tested annually
>Still clean
Remain upset.

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david is more likely. all niggers on Jow Forums are larping bugmen

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DR or Brazil

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Yes they are. I'm not allowed to go to canada or anywhere really. This is true fro a very large percentage of blacks I know. There's seems to be something systematic about it.

We were created to be a designated underclass, so naturally we aren't going to have alot of traveling money.

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>we've undergone eugenics
If only. if you all had undergone eugenics you might've been a bit better behaved. Unfortunately the courts put a stop to that!

jesus christ this ugly ape made dating a major pain in the ass thanks to the metoo shit. I hope this demon returns to Hell soon

>can't afford to travel because you don't want to work

The absolute state of US blacks

nobody believes that you're a nigger. larping as a nigger got old in 2004. try to be more funny and original

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It's why we dominate athletics, and are smarter than Africans.

>we are a people

>It's why we dominate athletics, and are smarter than Africans.

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Thanks, I was thinking of drilling oil in america someday

They're rare because most as cigarette smoking tatted up fatties but when they are beautiful they are exceptionally so

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You don't take from the system you take from taxpayers.

when we say we want a black gf, we obviously mean an attractive one, like one with curves
when you say you want a conservative white gf do you think we assume you mean the fat inbred methhead southerner niggers with white skin?

You can switch with me, I'll happily take an above average sheila over a 9/10 nigress

>we wuz american n shieet

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go back to africa you shit colored faggot. boo hoo we wuz slave we didnt choose this. then go choose to leave this country and take back what you lost but you won't because youre a fucking nigger

>smarter than africans

barely, when left to your own devices you turn cities in to fucking tribes (see detroit or chicgao) Only difference is that instead of spears and malaria, you use guns and aids.

we average 85, which is better than every country in Africa, and many in the middle east.

Brown ppl are leeches. They only survive of of white ppl's taxes.

I'm just a dipshit autist, but I have made over a million dollars in my lifetime.I just hope Shaniqua keeps having abortions and Da'Quan keeps shooting niggers for disrespecting him.

>drilling oil in america
enjoy your AIDS, Angus

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then fucking leave, nigger. nobody wants you here and you are nothing but a drain on the rest of us. even native africans (actual africans) hate you because you're so useless and rootless.

go jump in the ocean

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>what is safe sex

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Stop replying to troll threads.

Report them for breaking the rules.

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you know she only looks good because she has at least 45% Caucasian genetics right?

>what is safe sex
> safe
> with a nigger

you have a lot to learn, Malcolm

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oh shit 85? well im sorry yakub.

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>Stop replying to troll threads.
they become redpill dumping grounds
build up your collection

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just don't let it happen again

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