Jon Snow let the Wildlings through the wall and helped them settle, and all of Westeros was better for it...

Jon Snow let the Wildlings through the wall and helped them settle, and all of Westeros was better for it. Doesnt this prove that diversity and immigration are strengths, and that walls are unnecessary?

Attached: The_Wall_from_the_south.jpg (1920x1080, 543K)

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Wildlings are white though. Checkmate.

No this is a work of fiction and you're autistic af

Sounds good to me. if Angela Merkel was in his place she would've let the zombies through tho

op btfo

Wildlings were not running from problems they created with their bronze age culture. They were running from something completely out of their hands.


Because fiction from the mind of a horny, old, obese man works so well in real life.

>what is a fantasy novel

Wildings are white. White immigration is just fine.

and that inbred retard daenerys comes with her brown soup of slaves and wants to burn everything down #buildthewall

Attached: 167716-612x612-2.png.jpg (500x500, 35K)

They were white and like 98% of them died anyway.

They are of the same race, just different culture.

Am I the only one pissed at how the TV show treated Stannis? He went from a stoical man of honor to “Le crazy powermad cultist who sacrifices his own daughter”.

mexicans are white too


That fire witch is easily my most hated character

>escaping from war and destruction at the hands of the White Walkers
So what you're saying is that Europeans should accept Ukrainians escaping war in Donbass? That's actually pretty agreeable, at least they'd prove more useful than those niggers, beaners, and sand monkeys trying to exploit us.

>all of Westeros was better for it.
Probably because he got pretty much all his wildlings killed immediately, so they don't go around raping everything. The remaining ones just got whitewashed or swept under the rug. They don't want to adhere to the rules of Westerosi culture.

Some Mexicans are white, some are mestizo beaners, some are Indians, some are niggers.

>That fire witch is easily my most hated character

She is Marina Abramovic. This is the evil we are against.

Not Jow Forums worthy
Eat a dick already.

Her influence is treated masterfully in the books tho. You can see Stannis slowly believing in R’hllor while also staying his own man.

In the show it’s a fucking shitshow, but the books are a lot truer to what humans are actually like

You are a fucking idiot, they do that because there is a mayor threat to all of them. That means that only if an unknown threat appears this comparison may be use.

Wildlings are the same ethnicity as the north, First Men, and the same religion as the north, the old gods. They have different culture due to living seperate, but religion and ethnicity is the same.

Yeah this is what you want in Westeros apparently because this is how Wildlings live. btw that's Jon's Snow wildling gf before she raided his castle and was killed. They're bad hombres.

I was
Then when he burned shireen it all made sense

Basing real life decisions on a talmud vision series like a true nigger.

oh yeah dude game of thrones totally proves stuff


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>fantasy should dictate reality
wew lad

wildings/first men = nordic/germanic
andals = slav/anglo subhumans
rhoynar = meds

And to choose this shitty show. I only watch Preston James's raging reviews of the episodes. They're far more entertaining.

To add to your analogy, the White Walkers (ironically) can be thought of as the migrants that want to invade and destroy our society as we know it, and remake it in their image.

And in this case the wall keeps them out.

The First Men are clearly meant to be an analog for the Celts, and the Andals an analog for the Germanic tribes that invaded England.

>bring in more immigrants just like in GoT goyim

This entire Op is evidence of how the jews use the media to coerce you into thinking how they want you to think.
Deprogram yourself fool.

The undead are oppressed and heat baters need to check their living privileges.

Open borders for the life deprived!

Is this the new fantasy spin since Harry Potter didn't work. Why don't you use the orcs from LOTR or does that not fit your agenda?

The Wildlings are white, that's fine.

The wall was for the white walkers you imbecile


You and everyone in this thread are degenerate autists. Go back to plebbit. Sage.

all the wildlings died in battle of the bastards and the wall coming down
stop being retarded