Balkan thread

i brought peace to the balkan region
how can we implement this objectively correct division

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Start with the Croatian Union

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Wtf no Serbs vs Croats thread?

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Would it ever be possible for all of you guys to unite and kick the shit out of the Albanians and Turks?

Even better question (and yes, I know Croatians are Roman Catholics), do you think countries like Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, and Greece could ever be part of a neo-Byzantine state?


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I see WW3 potential there alright.

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It's getting late. Croats are hard working people and don't have time for that right now, unlike gypsy Serbs.

Every post about the balkans is a russian shill. Just saying.

But Croatia is a nigger disneyland.

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>uniting all of that shit under anything
Are you high right now and why yes desu ?

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I'm fine with this map. A Serb is a Serb, Catholic or Orthodox doesn't matter.

Hello fellow Serb

Suck it Stipe.

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based and redpilled

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This is the final solution to the balkan question

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>neo-Byzantine state
Totally man. Oh oh oh oh and then we could like have metal Triremes with missiles and Greek Fire™ and also we could take over the Middle East and make everyone Christian. That'd be sooo rad!!!

Next we could transofmr America into a British cotton plantation and make them pay taxes for Anglo tea. Lmao.

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based nippon bro

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No. Slovenia must stay low profile.

But fello schlom-eh janez,we must achieve je-slovenian superiority

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>Mountain Serbs controling all off Yugoslavia
no,there can only be one balkan jew

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Unlikely.There are more turks then all of us combined and while they suck in many ways they are not cowards.

Neo-byzantine state would be cool but it will be hard to acomplish.

Why do people have to troll the shit out of the Balkans every day?

>mountain serbs
Those are črnogorci

>neo-Byzantine state

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When countries like Germany and Sweden become less and less habitable watch wealthy people from those countries buy up cheap land and property in Croatia to escape the diversity.

Balkan people don't sell your country to them!


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>Why do people have to troll the shit out of the Balkans every day?
Idkw if you know it but we deserve it.
And far more worse things.
Nuking this place would lead to better world.

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I always forget that you guys are Alpine Serbs,while Monteniggers are Mountain Serbs.

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it is sad country

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What is this next level self loathing cuckery.

even women in croatia are black.

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kek, zakaj slovence povezujejo z judi hahah

>2,1 million inhabitants
So, one Slovene for each town, city and village?

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I don't get this, you guys may not be super wealthy but Serbia will still exist by the end of this century. Can't say the same with certainty about a lot of Western countries.

Sick burn mate

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>but Serbia will still exist by the end of this century
We wont if the current population decline is continued

Serbia gets smaller every year and nobody having kids. It's just as cucked as the West but without money or immigration

You cant get it when you are not from here. Im not talking about survival.

Also we will exist, maybe we wont. Like anybody gives a fuck about us and thats being top notch real.
Western nations even though destroyed will survive in one way or another, in other places under different names but again, they will exist.
We wont. Like many others before us. Time will tell.

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I understand, it would be great if the Russians would help, but it looks like Putin is trying to get close to Erdogan.

From my perspective, it seems that the Albanians are waging war against all of their neighbors in order to create a "Greater Albania" state, while Erdogan has embraced Neo-Ottomanism (and is use the refugees as a vanguard in order to soften and destabilize Europe).

As some point, somethings got to give. I despise the Turks, and not for the reason most people think. Genetics show that the Turkish admixture is pretty small....they're Anatolians.

But the fact that they threw away their Hittite, Greek, Trojan, Roman, and Byzantine history in order to embrace a culture that they knew was inferior...and then proceeded to spend 800 years trying to destroy Europe, they should just be nuked in my honest opinion, or a neutron bomb, or a WMD of some sort. They deserve absolutely no mercy when the SHTF.

Sadly nobody gives a dam about serbia this too small and depopulated to be relevant.
The only relevant countries in Balkan area are Slovenia because they're a actually white people and Croatia because of the sea but not the people , nobody ever talks about Croat people , Croat food, Croat anything, they go for the sea, if west could take the coast and expell the Croats they would.

There is migration and thats probably biggest part of problem. We already have more serbs living outside than in homeland. Homeland will die first.
Then all of those people will disapear.Asimilated.Forgoten.

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That's emigration
Immigration is when people move to Serbia. Only people moving there are Romanian and Hungarian gypsies

Its not sad. Its reality. Nobody gives a flying fuck for bite sized nations. Why would they. There is literally no reason of importance of ANY of Balkan countries.

Slovenia being equaly important for being white is some midwest city in America still untouched by diversity is important.
That level.

I dont want to people to get to pitty us, that would probably be an insult. im just being real.

K smo bolsi od nih schlom-majstr ajga

>amerifat education

Migration can be emigration and imigration, i know what i typed.

>Only people moving there are Romanian and Hungarian gypsies

Gypsies already left for Germanistan.
Hungarians only come for good wine and food in Vojvodina for vacation.

Also who gives a fuck.

>Then all of those people will disapear.Asimilated.Forgoten.
Might as well go out in a nice bang,when do we start the next world wide chimp out :^)

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soon I hope

>Might as well go out in a nice bang,when do we start the next world wide chimp out :^)

We start with Bosnia and get US or Russia to nuke this place to the ground. Pull all of these faggots with us famalam.

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Sm mislu da je kak conspiracy theory. Bolsi pa itak. Verejtno najboljša država za živet, če gledaš cucked zahodne 'napredne' države

Sutra na posa

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we have to shit on Kosovo to make US take arms against us.

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Kasno je izvinte drugovi.

Aj jos koja.

the slovenian government is a secret branch of the CIA and also you fund montenegrin mafias around the balkans, that's why you're mountain jews

Yeah I know. I work for them

That would probably be easiest, mutts are trigger happy all the time.
>mfw they go to war and waste bilions that triggers their economy collapse leading to world record recesion because of us

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We will create the neo Byzantine state soon and make a huge piramid using slaves from Greece and Serbia .


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World will end before that happens my turkish friend.

>world ends

Uz zadnju pesmu Stulica JEBENE LEGENDE

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The goyim know

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The world does not end we are not in the movies my gypsy friend

FFS those lines on the map are meaningless. Let us create a Balkan Empire and rule the earth.

what happened to good 'ol yu-chan, where you southern negroes at?

Yes very good. They are fighting

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>The world does not end we are not in the movies my gypsy friend

Having this much low IQ
Comes with severe inbreading i guess.

Reread that reply as many times as you need to, to understand.

Attached: aham.jpg (199x253, 12K)

much better


fuck me.


spava se, radni je dan sutra

bussy making a plan to how to steal my Slovaks neigbour corn with out him noticing it was me
Sure but we Serbs must be the ruling class

Kek, why. Yugoslavia was a failure

>bussy making a plan to how to steal my Slovaks neigbour corn with out him noticing it was me
lmao noob just steal the corn and blame gypsies

Whos gonna be Tito 2.0 from your tribe Stipe ?

Also please dont.Spare us the Yugo 3.0

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can't there are no gypsies where I live

god bless

you're a gypsy

>Another Balkan shitposting thread
Well done famalams.

>meme flag
Into the trash it goes.

Serbs are niggers of Balkan

Every one in here needs to post balkan music videos.


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Its too fucking late to be posting in a balkan thread. What are you no life assholes even doing at this hour.

Im out of fucking beer

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Straight from Guca just for you my transatlantic fat friend.

I need to wake up in 3 hours fuck me

>fucking beer
Leave the bottle alone Boris.

Im myself listening to music with quality beer preparing mentaly for tomorrows work.

You might as well just not sleep in that case

Do you have any more recommendations like this? This is great.

I know in Slovenia work is more serious but do they realy make you come to work before sun rises ?

No i will spoil you. Use your CIA glow in a dark skills and search youtube.

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Jebem mu oblak al` me ovo pogodi. Place mi se ko da sam neka picka u picku materinu ahahahaha

Odoh da spavam jebem mu oca balavog. Aj vozdra raja.

Attached: flsgud.jpg (700x571, 49K)
this is all you need

Excellent shitposting

Reminder that turkey is illegally occupying Greek Cyprus. The eu does nothing to prevent this.