Why hasnt WGTOW ever worked out?

Why hasnt WGTOW ever worked out?

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They need to spend someone else's money.

women can't make it on their own, psychologically or financially.

Parasite needs a host.

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we keep giving them free shit

Feminism just like Communism is parasitic

Women are completely dependent on men for wealth construction invention and defense

It's impossible for them to survive on their own

At one point a woman wanted to be warm she had to know how to make a fire or sleep with the guy who did. Now the government is there to take resources and security from all the men and give her a portion of them.

Thats pitiful bwahaha

here's a short redpill
women need to be validated by a dick
that's why even if they can give themselves orgasms with the finest tools made by men, they still need a real human dick to fill them up to feel like they have fulfilled a part of their work in tjavascript:quote('181281828');his world

Women are more interested in people than in thing. Interest is where the difference between sex is the greatest. That's why so few women are in comp sci for exemple.

Thus I believe WGTOW can't work because it will be even smaller than MGTOW.

Women crave status. Being wanted by many men means they hold a high status.

yes women crave status, they crave attention, they crave being around creatures with neotenic features, but what fulfills them is having a dick stretch their vagina over and over again

spoiled eh, call me when you're spoiled and expired jeanie

Women ultimately need somebody to take care of them. Men are perfectly capable of caring for themselves.

>Being wanted by many men means they hold a high status.
>spoiled for choice
>can't choose one
>greedily tries to take them all
>fails miserably
>dies alone
They deserve nothing.

>they crave being around creatures with neotenic features
u wot m8? You mean children or under developed males? Either way, I disagree. Unless that child is their own.

But what if only low status men want to date me?

why do mutts always have a sex obsession

They want kids.

Mk ultra.

Then you need to work on yourself so a high quality man notices you. Hopefully you haven't already ruined your reputation or appearance.

WTF is wrong with her fingers?

She has to work more with them because she has no man.

What is the male equivalent of a single woman buying herself an engagement ring?

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But then you guys would just get mad when I do improve myself and high quality men notice me.

It's a catch 22.

Probably an anime pillow waifu.

hover handing a photoshopped anime girl

Look at those old wrinkly hands

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be nice, shes only 24

Who gives a damn what the other men think your goal was to catch the high quality man not all the fucking men. God damn dingbat are you trying to prove his point?

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That's pretty sad. Imagine being so insecure about your friends making it in life that you start faking it like that.

The fuck is wrong with her hands? I've been doing construction over 13 years and my hands are nowhere near that jacked.

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I’ve been underground mining for 10 and I’ve had two carpal tunnel surgeries and suffer from white hand my hands barely work anymore what am I doing wrong :(

More importantly, look at how utterly sad and stupid it looks from the female perspective. Yet there's defeated men here who think following down the same sexually frustrated path is any better - You're no different than this sad woman.

You at least making good money?

Around 110k USD/ annually. I only work 6 months a year, I’m a conventional raise miner so it’s hard and dangerous work, hoping to get a management spot soon.

French genetics ...

same reason there are no female hermits

I fucking hate French Canadians lad most arrogant useless bunch of dog fuckers I’ve ever met

whores need men to support them

This is why

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Wgtow is literally the state today and it btfo weak men so much we have incels and other nucreatures coming together. Its honestly brilliant so much inferiority cope from clueless goobers, some Will get it tho

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they no longer need men for their gibsmedats, they only need the government

but the government only provides small helpings of gibs, no matter how much of a thot you are

so they suffer, rightfully so, because they'll never be able to get anywhere by their own merits - anywhere a woman has reached today has been through the actions of men, directly or indirectly, and the cunts will never accept it

just like children

it's almost as if men are different from women

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shopping yourself into pictures with girls, or shopping girls into pictures with you, then posting about it on facebook

Anyone have any feet pics of this bitch? If her hands look this terrible, I can't imagine what her feet are like.

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be nice, she finally settled down with a (gay) guy

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Women feed off of male attention. When they dont get it, they turn into a fat bulldykes with 80s hockey player mullets. No turbodyke ever got positive male attention, probably due to being retarded and refusing to admit how fat and/or ugly they are.

They NEED attention. Without men paying attention to them, they act oddly and lash out for attention.

Christ. That's fucking sad


These things are demons.

women cannot create empires or push technological advances

dont forget about the bog hag

hydration hydration hydration. Also the stem cells found in fruit restore your skin's elasticity.

because women cant do anything without mens help retard. sage

nope but good women maintain and preserve them

God that's sad. I can smell the box wine and car fur from here.

Men will follow them anyway

A life sized sex doll, perhaps?

yeah, that feels correct

Judging by op pic, she isn't smart enough to drink a glass of water.

they only wgtow for like a few years until some chad gives them the dick
same with most mgtows, they get their dicks wet and they end up married within a few years

only 3% of the population is homosex

>what is these days femenism

An engagement ring is a status symbol showing she locked down a man's commitment. The male equivalent would probably be buying an escort to pretend she's your fiancee/wife.

Nobody cares. Try r*ddit, fag.



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>Why hasnt WGTOW ever worked out?
Radical feminism
Rad fem lesbians are surprisingly red-pilled about gender. They hate liberal feminists and trans people.

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Women are literally not capable of genuine emotional independence. Neither are many guys, but some are.

>this coming from Assland

ends the same way 100% of the time in suicide.

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They remove themselves from the gene pool and then the beta white knights end up having more the kids so the next generations are even worse and it repeats over and over again.
Only solution is get rid of feminism to destroy female State power and the dissolution of the family.

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we all die so same result

good thing im not a woman cause i only have ten fingers

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women have abandoned their kind, nurturing, femininity in favor of a predatory, economic, ruthless jewish masculinity wrapped in the guise of the female form.

Women on the outside, jewish men on the inside. There is no hope in the arms of American women who have been raised by the jewish institutions of public schooling, television and social media (which is jewish at every branch of the tree)

good luck faggots

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Dialing numbers for services must have really taken a toll.

>that SBR
>that RPG
>that Martini-Henry
>that vz61
I'm, I'm cumming

Thanks m8. I've sold the Enfield no4 (regret already), the GP100, and the M16A2 upper.

Might build another M16 upper for shits and gigs. I've picked up a tec-9 and a MK18 clone since then, as well as another Vepr-12

Women need the attention men provide. Men don't need validation, only emasculated sissies.

Men are the same way or you'd all just have pocket pussies

half the women in their 20s are doing WGTOW. But then they hit 30 and regret it.

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the (((state)))

>dust covers open

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I just hit 30. Being an unmarried 30yo woman sucks. My boyfriend is autistic and I think his parents see me as a way to get rid of him.

Because they want men

>50 year old hands.

>make 6 figure salary
>no debt
>has a nice house
>female co-worker
>literally tens of thousands in debt
>thirsty for a man to pay it off for her
>no house but willing to pay $2400 in rent for a 2 bedroom when she lives by herself when I pay $2000 for my mortgage on a house that is already gaining equity just being in fucking LA
>money is spent literally on stupid shit like a $100 iPhone case with diamonds on it
>or a $1200 purse with diamonds on it
>disappears for hours on end
>talk about the stupidest shit like going to vegas every weekend
>buys a Lexus
>already scratched up the passenger side door before the plates even came
I would feel sorry for the dumbass that gets stuck with this.

Show us your fucking tits, you obviously hate him.

Your a catch 22 tits or gtfo

>wanting high quality men but don't want to offend low quality men
either lazy or retarded

>just moved to LA two years ago
>realize if i stay i will never be able to afford a house

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So much this. And this is the main reason why the west is aflame.

I used to think they could only GTOW superficially before running aground. But now with betas and automation it could last.

Personally have few fucks left to give. Just sucks to watch even as a spectator.

Ever seen how a single and childless woman in her late 20's acts? That's why.

>For the children
What did he mean by this?

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