Mongolia is a shitty little island tier country, filled with yellow piss colored field monkeys (who are so backwards they can't even comprehend the advanced weaponry Russia has access to in the modern age). A combination of air raids and militia patrols would demolish the infrastructure of Mongolia, to the point where such a country would cease to exist in a single generation.
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i suppose you missed the last 400 years where Russia conquered Siberia and used the people as slaves and cannon fodders. in addition commies fucked up Mongolia as well, the main language in Mongolia is Russian since commies basically destroyed any culture the mongols had.
They tried. The Finns handed their asses to them.
that's like saying why french don't enact revenge against scandinavian countries for the barbaric invasions.
They almost completely exterminated nomads in circled area and in Siberia, what more do you want?
>Comparing some random raids from Scandinavia, to a complete ethnic/cultural annihilation of a now extinct people
Only a small fragment of the Mongoloid population in Eurasia.
>What more do you want
Some thing along the lines of a Jewish holocaust(if such a event even happened).
Why are death tolls in China always so retardedly large
Have you ever wondered why Mongolia with its 106 IQ population in its landlocked state between Russia and China is so completely destroyed and poverty ridden while both their neighbors get more wealthy and powerful?
Ever wondered why Mongolia is not accepted into the SCO.
Because both Russia and China have an axe to grind with them.
They make sure the country is isolated, but do nothing else against them beyond that.
its unchristian not to forgive for something that happened 100s of years ago
also, the UN
Why don't he blacks enact revenge for what whites did to them?
They already kind of did, they took over most of Mongolia and the last time it was relevant was when that crazy white Russian was larping as Doctor Doom in the 20's.
You are retarded if you think thats how nations act.
mongolia is a cool place to visit and their people are a unique and wonderful race
people advocating this crap are tooks of the jew
the mongols kicked all their jews out long ago
the jews then used bolshevism to put the mongols under their boot
the only revenge to seek is against our mutual enemy
Mongolia was the unofficial 26th republic of the USSR, uses the Cyrillic alphabet and was only left as a nominally independent state to have some buffer with China.
If you're of European ancestry, then you have to view the Mongol legacy objectively. On one hand, yes, they inflicted a lot of devastation on Eastern Europe.
On the other, they absolutely, positively, ass-raped the Muslims. I mean, Baghdad was a smoldering ruin when they got down with it. Then one of Genghis's ancestors, Tamerlane, ass-raped them again, especially the Ottoman Empire.
The Mongols (and their ancestors the Temurids) slaughtered millions of Muslim warriors that probably would've reinforced the wars against Europe.
Instead, those warriors got their nuts cut off and ass raped by (undeniably) some of the most skilled and savage warriors that have ever walked the earth.
>[Throat singing intensifies]
Because the ruski fear mongol like jew fear samurai.
>tfw he never led a Russo-Mongolian Army to purge the West and restore Monarchies across his path, while he bathed in the blood of commies and jews.
This. Russia has pretty much pacified the Mongolians have basically been a harmless vassal. Mongolians have no ill feelings towards the Russians and just want to live in peace now herding animals under the shadow of Russia. Same with the other central Asian countires that have a tight relation with Russia. They are mutually very friendly. Ukranian hohols on the other hand are a whole different story.
This Mongols and Russians are allied against their true (((enemies)))
Also the Mongolians helped bring the eastern slavs who were constantly fighting each other and united them. Russia was formed as a small state and the rest is history. Without the mongols the Poles or Swedes would have come and occupied Russia even more than they already did. Mongols were great warriors.
>Have a very sophisticated, centralized and burocratic state
>Before railroad or telegraph
>Problem arises and disturb the system, trade and logistics
>Events kills 10ks directly and millions indirectly
>Be irrelevant nomads
>pic related appears
>raised his tribes to be alpha chad. Understand the world is cruel, history are shaped by the victors, the conquerors. the weak fear the strong, it is either to enslave or be slaved to endless humiliation.
>make Mongolian horse archer
>the chink fears the mongols, build wall
>go south east, breach the greatest wall, Mongols overtake Empire of China (Yuan dynasty)
>go middle east, stampede Middle eastern civilization, stampede jews, christian, muslim without hesitation because same shit different skins for them.
>go west, ransack poles, rus, khazars. Wrote history of European civilization of powerful eastern nomads that inspire awe and fear of Europeans. Triggers the embryo of Slavs to be united than fighting each other.
>Enslaved and raped every different race woman during conquest. Leaving undeniable ancestry of mongol supremacy, Turkish Bull, Hungaryans, Finngolians, Central Asian as the living proofs and all of them are proud of their Mongol blood
>Despite their cruelity, Formely invaded nations, Russians, Turkish, Hungarians, respect him. able to live comfy
Mongolian men are uber chads, Pic related and video below is the proof.
And you're lucky you're race is on a shitty little island otherwise the Mongolians would have destroyed the j*p*nese race